Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information

Attacking more than windows: attacks in Hochelaga

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Nov 292016


Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

About a year ago, the good citizens of the neighborhood were indignant about an attack against Electric Kids, whose front window was sprayed with purple paint which we can still see traces of today.

Tonight, we decided to attack other businesses on rue Sainte-Catherine – three furniture design boutiques, a real estate office, and a yuppie hair salon. If this is the strategy we use, it’s not just to make those who support and participate in the gentrification of Hochelaga talk about it. We want to do more than just raise our voices, to be more than indignant when faced with this movement that slowly chases us from the neighborhood. Rather than being satisfied with just smashing their windows, we decided to spray the interior of the design businesses with paint to ruin their merchandise. It’s a matter of directly effecting these owners, and not just the facades that protect them.

These shattered windows and commodities destroyed by paint are an act of war. We will not let these boutiques set up in peace – this peaceful facade which is nothing other than the invisiblization of the ongoing war against poor and marginalized people. We won’t let them make our rents go up, and participate in the social cleansing that necessarily goes hand in hand with their yuppie clientele.

We won’t let the city act with impunity, who participates in making this neighborhood hostile towards those who don’t conform. The same goes for chic condo design entrepreneurs who reinforce isolation and relational poverty.

These boutiques are the nice face of a violent process that we want to sabotage, along with luxury cars, condos under construction, police cars patrolling the neighborhood, and all other efforts put in place to make our neighborhood sterile and controlled in the interests of property owners and the rich.

Fuck gentrification.


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When night falls, the bats come out to dance

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Aug 212016

fuckexploitationAnonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Last Tuesday, August 16, a widespread power failure plunged Hochelaga into darkness. No more light in the streets, no more functioning cameras… When we realized what was happening, we quickly exchanged knowing looks and smiled under the glow of candles. We gathered our rain jackets and several tools, then left to play in the night. The torrential rain had disrupted the stifling machine of the city and its system of surveillance. The storm offered us a respite, a moment of chaos to not be missed. Completely drenched, with joyous hearts, we strolled in the streets, improvising our targets with excitement. We took several precautions: planning an exit route for each location, and having lookouts. Darkness was our accomplice. We hurried to play until electricity returned, then headed to our homes without any problems.

We smashed the windows of three gentrifying stores : the restaurant Burrito Revolution and an e-cigarette store on Ontario, as well as the yuppie cafe Le dîner on Ste-Catherine.

We slashed the tires of two luxury cars.

We covered several spots in graffiti. On the Arhoma bakery, which has already been targeted by a similar action in the past, we wrote : On vous lâchera pas / Hochelag ≠ Plateau (We’re not gonna let you get away / Hochelag ≠ Plateau). On the Jean Coutu : Toi aussi tu fais partie du problème / Fuck ton empire (You’re also part of the problem / Fuck your empire). On the Dollorama : Fuck l’exploitation / Solidarité sans frontière (Fuck exploitation / Solidarity without borders). On the real-estate office Royal Lepage : On veut pas de vos condos (We don’t want your condos). We also redecorated all the cars in the car dealership on Ste-Catherine, where they plan to build 120 condos, using classics such as Pas bienvenus (Not welcome) or Mange ton bourg (Eat it, yuppie), but also funky inspirations like Spaghetti.

The next time that such an opportunity presents itself, we hope to run into you in the street!

Graffiti in St-Henri, St-Remi tunnel

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Aug 082016

Theft, direct action, solidarity

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Jul 042016

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Today is July 1st, the day when the founding of the state of Canada is celebrated. We have chosen this day to announce that over the past months we have stolen and freely redistributed a number of quality objects and food obtained from bourgeois stores to marginalized individuals and families from oppressed communities in Montreal, occupied Kanien’kehá:ka territory. This text is to explain why we have done this, to express solidarity with related actions, and to encourage others to continue taking similar initiatives.

We publish this text on Canada Day because we are against all states, and in particular, against the violence of settler colonial states like Canada that are founded on genocide of indigenous nations, and on racist exclusion and exploitation of non-white people. We believe the well being of the majority of the world depends on fighting against industrial and imperial states like Canada that are the main promoters and beneficiaries of global capitalism. This is why we are breaking the laws of this state, stealing from capitalist businesses, and redistributing goods to communities who are being actively oppressed by this system. Theft is a direct action that so many of us carry out in our daily lives, to get what we need and want from a system that refuses to share. This time we have done it collectively and intentionally, as part of a broader struggle against oppression, and for freedom and self-determination for everyone.

We have been inspired by recent struggles that are both politically and geographically near to us, and we would like to express our solidarity with the brave actions we see all around. First, from Indigenous nations and communities continuing their centuries long struggles of for survival and defence of water, land and life. Algonquins against condo development along the Ottawa river, Innus against the hydroelectric damming of Muskrat Falls, Ojibway for the cleanup of mercury contamination at Grassy Narrows, and Mohawks of Kanehsatà:ke continuing to prevent any niobium mining in their community. There have been numerous occupations in recent months of government offices by those fighting state killing and complicity in the deaths and violence against oppressed communities. The Black Lives Matter occupation in front of the Toronto police headquarters, the indigenous occupations of numerous INAC (Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada) offices in solidarity with Attawapiskat, and the Solidarity Across Borders occupation of CBSA offices here in Montreal against the violence of immigrant deportation and detention.

We are equally inspired by the daily resistance of those struggling for dignity and survival in less visible ways without a ‘legal identity’, such as those who are undocumented, criminalized, homeless.

Finally, we applaud the impressive direct action by anti-gentrification looters in the Montreal neighbourhood of Saint-Henri who collectively expropriated thousands of dollars of food from a gentrifying grocery store. They are close to us not just in terms of their politics and geography, but also their choice of tactics. The forced displacement and marginalization of neighbourhood residents by gentrification is the direct result of the capitalism of urban real estate markets. Looting and attacks on gentrifying businesses is an important way of fighting back, alongside the numerous campaigns, actions, and organizing that have been challenging gentrification across Montreal for many years.

The Saint-Henri action was successful at drawing a large amount of media attention and public discussion to the issue of gentrification. Throughout this discussion, there have been arguments made to which we would like to respond. Some argue that gentrification is caused by big real estate developments, therefore small businesses should not be targeted. This stubbornly ignores the reality that although the condos are the driving force behind gentrification, the process is also facilitated and reinforced by the expensive new stores catering to the condo dwellers, the police that protect them, and the city government that gives their stamp of approval in exchange for a cut of the profits.

Others agree with opposing gentrification, but do not support illegal tactics like the looting of a gentrifying business. In response, we argue that the connected systems that we are struggling against, including gentrification, Canada, and global capitalism, inflict terrible violence and misery around the world every day, and have been doing so for hundreds of years. To survive means to stop and destroy these systems. It is a massive undertaking, one that is carried out daily by so many, and it is one of the most important things we can do on this planet. You say we have gone too far with our illegal actions? We say that we have not gone nearly far enough. Breaking a few laws is the least we can do. We hope for everyone’s sake that together we are able to do so much more, using whatever means are required.

In love and solidarity with all those in struggle!

Balade in Saint-Henri loots expensive grocery store

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Jun 082016

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

A balade for de-gentrification took to the streets of Saint-Henri on the evening of May 28, 2016. About 30 people, all in black bloc, strolled down rue Notre-Dame and looted the yuppie boutique grocery store “Le 3734”. As most of the crowd held down the street outside the store, a few people went inside and filled duffel bags with fresh and dry sausages, cheese, maple syrup, and other items. Meanwhile, the storefront was redecorated with graffiti reading ‘Fuck Empire’ and wheatpasted posters that communicated some of the intentions behind the action. After throwing smoke bombs ahead of and behind the crowd on Notre-Dame, people dispersed via the train tracks before police could arrive, and no arrests have been made. In the days that followed, we re-distributed the food to people in the neighborhood who wouldn’t regularly have had access to it. The poster left behind read as follows:

With the arrival of the condos in Saint-Henri, a multitude of expensive businesses, hipster restaurants, and bourgeois grocery stores followed. Nevertheless, despite this affluence of food, the neighborhood remains practically a food desert for people with little money. Such a paradox it is to live in a world that produces so much food, but that isn’t accessible for those who are hungry!

May 28th, we tried to recalibrate things a bit, to the extent of our means. We put on masks to protect our identity, we entered one of these extravagant businesses, we took everything we could and we left to redistribute the goods joyously in the neighborhood. Inspired by the recent actions against the police in different neighborhoods and knowing that they were going to show up to protect the property owners, we brought what we needed to protect ourselves.

Everyone deserves to eat well and there is enough food for everyone! It is with great pleasure that we organized this pillaging, which is a slap in the face to the forces that impoverish and starve us. We invite everyone to do the same!

Long live de-gentrication!

Tonight is the great banquet, we celebrate complicity and abundance!


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 Comments Off on CAMOVER MONTRÉAL  Tagged with:
May 282016

camfeaturedAnonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

In CamOver, you play a group of humans confronted with an invasion of cameras in a gentrified neighborhood. The struggle against the cameras is important, but your own survival is essential! To win you must form teams with friends in your neighborhoods and destroy as many cameras as possible. The game takes place throughout the summer. At the end, the neighborhood with the most points wins the game.

Let the vandalism begin!
Let’s make our summer nights magical and vibrant!

Terms of Engagement

1. Preparation
Speak with your friends and gather a small affinity group. Walk around your area and identify the potential targets. During the scouting, take care to note the following aspects for each target: where to mask up without being seen, where to position the lookouts, and where the exit route will be.

Gather the following items:
mask, gloves & unidentifiable clothing
extinguisher / hammer / rope / spraypaint / rocks

2. Sabotage
The night has arrived. Choose the right tool and be on your way. Position the lookouts, mask up at the predetermined spots and check that no one sees you. Carry out the act of sabotage and then take the exit route as quickly as possible.

3. Let people know
Count up your points: one for each camera. Write a short text recounting the actions and send it to mtlcounter-info•org. You can also attach an image or video to the text. If you manage to leave with any of the destroyed cameras, get creative: pose with them, dance with them, turn them into puppets or an art installation.

Why play?
• To develop skills that can be used in many situations: using certain tools, planning actions, becoming unidentifiable, escaping from the police, communicating during these types of moments.
• Developing and nourishing complicity and affinity between friends through action.
• Transform our relationships to our neighborhoods: develop an intimate knowledge of the streets, the buildings, the alleys, etc.
• Make the neighborhood safer: for people whose daily activities are criminalized (drug dealers, sex workers, etc.), for graffiti writers, and for those who wish to struggle against systems of domination.

For camera mapping in Montreal:
To post communiques of your actions:

Using rope
• Attach a small object, such as a piece of wood, to a rope.
• Throw the rope over the camera arm.
• Grab the two ends of the rope and pull!

How to fill an extinguisher with paint
• The right extinguishers are silver and have a nut and a valve. They can be found in apartment buildings and restaurants.
• Empty the extinguisher by squeezing the trigger, and remove the top by unscrewing the nut. Pour in a mix of latex paint and water, with a 1:1 ratio.
• Replace the top and pressurize the extinguisher with a bike pump or a pressurizer, to 100 PSI.
• Use gloves while touching the extinguisher to avoid leaving fingerprints on it. It’s a good idea to wear a raincoat to keep the spray off your clothes.

11 x 17″ | PDF

36″ width for architecture printer | PDF




For the proliferation of the balade: some thoughts on the anti-police demo in Hochelag’

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May 102016


From Anarchistnews

After having participated in what was called as a demo against the police in Hochelaga on Thursday April 14th, we had the urge to share some reflections outside of our living rooms (towards yours perhaps?).

First off, we were fucking excited to see a flyer circulate that was calling for a neighborhood demo in Hochelag’. We want to be able to participate in moments of struggle in the neighborhood and not only downtown and/or in demos called on Facebook.

We can clearly point out that the demo felt more like an action than a demo, because only around thirty people answered the call. Could it still have been a demo even if it was called in this way? Probably not. It seems difficult to subtly circulate flyers, less than a week in advance, and have a hundred people show up. But we don’t feel like people should have called it an action either, in which case we would have the impression that the invitation can’t be public (for safety reasons) and that there would be a clear objective, that people must follow. So we fall into the trinity cul-de-sac typical of Montreal; demo/action/demo-action. We don’t feel like what happened was a demo, and we don’t want it to be called an action either. We propose employing another term for this kind of offensive march: a ‘balade’ (roughly translates to stroll). It maintains the spirit of a march, which can be wandering, and we would add a connotation of combativity – no matter the form that this offensiveness could take. And the invitation could be made publicly, and people would know that there is space in the balade for them to take their own initiatives. The balade is open like the demo, offensive like an action.


This moment was called as a demo and the offensiveness wasn’t specified, so the situation lacked transparency for people who came and participated – this is dangerous for everyone. The vagueness of the call-out meant that some of the people who showed up weren’t adequately prepared for this kind of moment. It would have been worth mentioning in the flyer that people should come ready to participate in a black bloc, or to wear clothing to disguise their identity. This would have then allowed people to expect to participate in a combative demonstration. Although we understand that people don’t want to necessarily reveal the details of what they have in mind when they send out an invitation, we nonetheless believe that people should have a minimum of information to decide if they want to participate, and if that’s the case, to prepare themselves mentally and physically. It’s a matter of security and confidence, and these are essential in the long-term for our capacity to hold this type of offensive position.

Also, the starting point of the demonstration was highly problematic. Around thirty masked-up people in a park is going to freak out the neighbours, and this is how we found ourselves with two cop cars on our backs even before anything had really began. In the future, we need to find places that are more subtle to assemble or else the same scenario will repeat itself. Consequentially, because the cops showed up from the get-go, the people who had more information to share weren’t able to – or only in a highly rushed and even shouted manner as we attempted to get onto Darling street to go up to Ontario. Having a better starting point would have probably resolved, to a certain extent, the lack of transparency of the flyer.

Props to the gang, after all, because we knew to stick together from the moment when the cops showed up. We have the strong impression that if everyone dispersed from the beginning there would have been arrests. The fact that we decided to continue together, to trust each other, and to follow the instructions to the exit point clearly saved a good number of us from being arrested.

Props to everyone who charged at the cops to de-arrest that person who got snatched by police.

Props to everyone for the ferocity and the violent tenacity that allowed us to hold the cop cars at a distance while the condo real estate company Royal Lepage was attacked and while people found the way to escape a potential police trap.

Props for having attacked the fucking cops who permit this colonial, patriarchal, and capitalist world to exist against us.

Props for a balade in Hochelag. In hoping that we find all kinds of strategies to continue the offensive.

See you in the next black bloc!


Attacks in Hochelag’

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Feb 272016


Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Last night, we destroyed the windows of Antidote, Mâle Bouffe, Electric Children (which was also sprayed with paint), and attacked the businesses of the Place Valois. This morning, flyers were thrown in the metro stations Préfontaine, Joliette and Pie-IX and at the Place Valois explaining the attacks of the night before.


During the night of February 25, 2016, some businesses in Hochelaga were attacked. We smashed the windows and threw paint everywhere.

Because we’re pissed. Sick of these businesses where what they are selling is not only over-priced food and clothing, but a life based on work which isolates us, bores us, and enslaves us. Fuck this world of consumers and thieving landlords! Fuck the police who protect them!

The point isn’t to develop an “expertise” in destruction. All that this action required was some hammers, crowbars, rocks, and paint. And before that, a bit of an idea of where to arrive from, where to exit, masks and maybe some clothes that can be gotten rid of.

We’ll find each other in the night!

New Year’s Eve attack on a yuppie car in Montreal

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Jan 102016

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

“Because Black December is not a staged repetition of previous insurrectional events, but rather a circle of struggle that connects the past with the present, in search of a future where our everyday life will be inundated with acts of attack and rebellion against Power.

Because, although our bodies are incarcerated between walls and bars, our souls are found in every part of the planet where flags of resistance are raised for a world of freedom.

Because our hearts stubbornly continue to beat to the rhythm of wild freedom…”

– Nikos Romanos

Last December 31st in the evening, an angry person (me) went over a rather vast distance to a terribly-gentrified neighborhood by the Lachine Canal in Montreal to put an expensive BMW on fire (on Duvernay between Charlevoix and Levis St). I’ll call it an attempt, as I wasn’t around to see what actually happened… yet if no stupid citizen took the risk to intervene to keep the fire from destroying a car, it should have worked. But there is no guarantee.

Molotoving this damn machine would have been surely more certain. Though at this busy time of the evening, in one of the busiest evenings of the year, I couldn’t afford the risk so I went for a more discreet approach involving chemicals. Hence, I just slipped under one of the rear tires a cup of coffee half-filled with dry chlorine and added some brake fluid to it, then flew the scene without a fuss. I tested this recipe many times already so there’s no reason why it shouldn’t have worked, especially on tires. Here’s for the explanation.

On the other hand, there are also good reasons why this arson may have been silenced by the police and the mainstream media -or just neighbors who wouldn’t bother calling the cops over a suspicious coffee cup- especially given how this neighborhood is filled with some of the city’s “innocent” upper middle-class, including fancy members of the Inner Party. Obviously they would seek to avoid a scandal with the potential of causing discomfort among this disneyland of the petty bourgeoisie and challenge their disgusting yet delusional sense of social (and racial) supremacy, with all the intestine fluctuations of credit-bubble flatulences this might involve. So, maybe maybe.

The only way to make sure that it gets there, for all those sickened by this near-overtly fascistic social formatting -a.k.a “gentrification”- to not have it further steered away from “public view”, would be to keep reproducing such tactics more and more, in busier spots when possible, so that a real inevitable situation is brought upon these small capitalist rats. We need a sustained insurgency taking as many forms and aspects as there are beautiful colors in the rainbow of your clique, your clan, your cult, your couple and your crew.

Especially to gtfo of these accomodating enclaves might help. If a wanker like me could manage to move my ass out of my own, away from the usual apathy of my buddies just to smash a bit of society… so this possibly means YOU CAN DO IT.

So you may as well -though not limited to- drop syringes and dog poos on the sidewalks of trendy areas… pepper-spray more bougie bar & grills… punch some White male yuppie’s smug face and poke your fingers in their shallow eyes… dress and make up as a petty bourgeois hipster yourself to fuck everything up from the inside… or just do a really funny surprise attack out of nowhere to trash their places… with their own trash of course. It’s up to you. So many possiblities to grab!

I did that in the context of Black December in solidarity with Michael Kimble and all the other prisoners who’ve been taking part in the recent uprisings in Alabama, along with Emma Sheppard in Britain, the invincible Nikos Romanos, Sean Swain, Nicole Kish, MARIUS Mason and the Hammond brothers.

But it was primarily as an act of revenge for a female deer that, roughly a year ago somewhere in the Eastern Townships, was found dead in a ditch on the side of the road, while she was still pregnant. (picture of her attached) It will take hundreds of burned cars to sooth my anger about this poor defenseless creature. So I’ll keep doing this no matter what.

Fire for hire!

– an Individual from the Plateau Crew

P.S.: praises to the few in Quebec who managed to make New Year’s Eve noise demos in front of at least three prisons outside of Montreal. Let’s keep spreadin’ this shit broad and wide!


Attack on yuppie clothing boutique in St-Henri

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Dec 292015


Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

In the early morning of Tuesday, December 22, we used chunks of porcelain to break a window of the yuppie clothing boutique at the corner of Notre-Dame and Delinelle in the Montreal neighborhood of St-Henri. We then used a re-purposed fire extinguisher to spray the interior of the store with vomit-colored paint, wrecking the merchandise inside.

Businesses like this one make the neighborhood more appealing to rich people, driving up rents and the cost of living, forcing people out of their homes, and drawing heightened social control to the places we live.

This action was in response to the call for a Black December. We chose this target because of all the obvious ways in which gentrifiers fuck with poor and rebellious people, and also in refusal of local politicians’ Leftist discourse of mixité. We won’t live peacefully alongside the individuals and businesses that are putting cops and security cameras on every corner and intensifying the power of bosses and landlords over our lives.

We invite others to step up attacks against the concrete forms that capital and social control take in their surroundings.