Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information

News & Analysis

Let’s be honest, this was a fucking summer camp: a postmortem of the failures of UofT’s so-called People’s Circle for Palestine

Let’s be honest, this was a fucking summer camp: a postmortem of the failures of UofT’s so-called People’s Circle for Pa…

Anonymous submission to North Shore Counter-Info As the zionist entity’s siege on Gaza enters its ninth month, the now-dead People’s Circle for Palestine at UofT joins the ashes …
Reportback from Vancouver Anti-fascists RE: Diagolon Rage Tour 2024

Reportback from Vancouver Anti-fascists RE: Diagolon Rage Tour 2024

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info On Friday July 19th. Anti-fascists around so called Vancouver mobilized to conduct surveillance of the extreme fascist group “Diagolon” on their third official …
Berlin, Germany: Attack on Bauer drills and extractivist infrastructures! Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en anti-colonial struggle!

Berlin, Germany: Attack on Bauer drills and extractivist infrastructures! Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en anti-colonial…

From, translated by Act For Freedom Now! May 6, 2024 Around the world, countless indigenous communities are fighting extractivist projects and infrastructures, such as mining projects, hydraulic …
Toronto Police Approaching People to be Confidential Informants

Toronto Police Approaching People to be Confidential Informants

Anonymous submission to North Shore Counter-Info In case you missed it, Toronto Police have recently been attempting an old tactic against Palestinian solidarity organizers: soliciting arrestees to become …
More Notes on June 6, 2024

More Notes on June 6, 2024

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info A summary of events At around 4 PM, student protesters entered the James administration building of McGill University and disrupted the Board of …
Union Action at the Head Office of Renaud-Bray

Union Action at the Head Office of Renaud-Bray

Soumission anonyme à MTL Contre-info La famille Renaud sont des trous de cul notoires de père en fils. Il sont les ennemis de la classe ouvrière et le …
Report-back on the June 6th Riot

Report-back on the June 6th Riot

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info June 6, 2024 will live long in our memories. What happened that day was more than impressive. A riot emerged spontaneously on the …
Immigrant Detained and Abused at CISSS de Laval

Immigrant Detained and Abused at CISSS de Laval

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info Our friend Juba Mahiou, an immigrant to Canada, has been locked up for over six months at Centre Intégré de Santé et de …
Close the Office in Tel-Aviv

Close the Office in Tel-Aviv

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info The CAQ, complicit in a genocide! The ongoing massacre in Palestine is a crime against humanity. 40,000 people have been brutally murdered and …
Queers, Are You Ready for the Backlash? Preparing for a Poilievre Government

Queers, Are You Ready for the Backlash? Preparing for a Poilievre Government

Anonymous submission to North Shore Counter-Info A zine version of this text is available. I’ve always liked connecting with other queer people and talking politics, comparing notes on …
Solidarity Means Attack - Fuck France, Free Kanaky

Solidarity Means Attack – Fuck France, Free Kanaky

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info This week, an anti-colonial uprising broke out in Kanaky, an archipelago in the South Pacific. Kanaky was named “New Caledonia” by British colonizer …
Northvolt: the poison-tree will fall

Northvolt: the poison-tree will fall

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info Let the axe
Strike at the root, the poison-tree will fall On Sunday, May 5th, five incendiary devices were placed at the Northvolt construction …

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