Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information


Reportback from Vancouver Anti-fascists RE: Diagolon Rage Tour 2024

Reportback from Vancouver Anti-fascists RE: Diagolon Rage Tour 2024

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info On Friday July 19th. Anti-fascists around so called Vancouver mobilized to conduct surveillance of the ... Read More
We Accuse Enquête and Radio-Canada

We Accuse Enquête and Radio-Canada

From P!nk Bloc With its report Trans Express, Enquête gives above all else a platform to the discourses of transphobic ... Read More
Radio-Canada has blood on its hands: a look back at the windows destroyed on the night of March 12-13th

Radio-Canada has blood on its hands: a look back at the windows destroyed on the night of March 12-13th

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info On the night of March 12-13th, the windows of the Radio-Canada building were destroyed by ... Read More
Baby's First Synagogue Protest: A Review

Baby’s First Synagogue Protest: A Review

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info Yeah, it’s a fucked up title, I know! But it’s a fucked up world, isn’t ... Read More
A Look Back at the “Defend Trans Youth” Counter-protest

A Look Back at the “Defend Trans Youth” Counter-protest

From P!nk Bloc On October 21st, more than a thousand people acted on a call to counter-protest for the defence ... Read More
Shining a Light on Shawn Beauvais MacDonald, the Neo-Nazi from NDG

Shining a Light on Shawn Beauvais MacDonald, the Neo-Nazi from NDG

From Montréal Antifasciste Since 2017, Montréal Antifasciste has regularly mentioned a local neo-Nazi named Shawn Beauvais MacDonald in its publications ... Read More
Report-back from the October 21st Counter-demonstration in Defense of Trans Youth

Report-back from the October 21st Counter-demonstration in Defense of Trans Youth

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info Saturday, October 21 in Montreal saw a face-off between a shrinking coalition of religious conservative ... Read More
Ottawa: June 9th Community Defence Reportback

Ottawa: June 9th Community Defence Reportback

From North Shore Counter-Info On a Friday morning in June, something like 200 fascists descended upon Broadview and Carling in ... Read More
From Embers: Drag Defence in Quebec

From Embers: Drag Defence in Quebec

From From Embers Talking with Louve Rose from P!nk Bloc Montreal about Quebec’s transphobic far right, drag defence, and building ... Read More