Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information

Sabotage in Lanaudière

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Feb 102017

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Rumors are circulating in the region of Lanaudière that a hydraulic excavator and a tractor were heavily sabotaged on the construction site of the new high-tension line at Ste-Émelie-de-l’Énergie. It seems that the sub-contractor of Hydro-Quebec will not be able to take his retirement as expected this year due to the costly damages to his machines. The site in this area is at the stage of preparing for the imminent deforestation of the corridor.

Also, at the beginning of the winter, a snow cannon at the ski resort Val Val St-Côme was sabotaged. It was cut into pieces and made useless.

It seems that the destroyers of the environment have no respite.

US Consulate Shut Down, Call for Continued Direct Action to End Canadian Complicity in Racist Violence

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Feb 032017

No wall, no hate! Fuck racism (and white supremacy!) Open the borders

On Monday in Tiohtia:ke (aka Montreal in occupied Kanien’kehá:ka territory), hundreds of people outraged and sorrowed by the horrifying intensification of Islamophobic violence on both sides of the border shut down the US consulate.

Standing front of the consulate doors with banners and signs, first in silent sorrow and anger, protesters then began spontaneously chanting together- not only against Trump’s Muslim ban, but also against the racism that runs rampant across the Quebec political spectrum, against Canada’s exclusionary immigration policies, and against white supremacy. The ad-hoc group demanded the immediate opening of the US-Canadian border, an end to the safe the safe third country agreement and designated country of origin list, and an ongoing, comprehensive regularization program for undocumented people already in Canada (for more information on these demands see

The consulate doors were locked from the inside, and for the duration of the demonstration no one was able to enter or leave, effectively shutting down business as usual.

This action was not difficult to organize, and did not require a huge crowd to be successful. We believe it offers hope that, from our different starting points, in our different ways and capacities, many of us may be able to find ways of working with other community members to defend ourselves against and disrupt the institutions furthering racist and Islamophobic violence. We hope that such actions can be undertaken in a spirit of pushing the borders out of our city and transforming our communities into spaces of mutual aid and support- our vision of a Solidarity City. Not only is it possible, the current situation is forcing it on us.

While Canadian politicians contort themselves to avoid denouncing Trump, while the media, caught in the racist stereotypes it helps perpetuate, fumbles with the difference between a shooter and a witness, and while the same public figures who yesterday insisted that Muslims do not belong in our communities, today express disbelief at the tragedy, we should not expect and cannot wait for these same accomplices to protect out communities. This is a threat we must face head on. Many among us have no choice but to face it – having already been harmed by its violence. Those who do have a choice, have all the more responsibility to stand in solidarity and fight back, according to our different capacities and means, and in our different contexts.

After the success of today’s action, we encourage everyone to join together, be creative, try new things, and above all to take concrete action to disrupt racist violence!

Demonstration of solidarity in front of the prisons in Laval for the New Year and return on the situation in Leclerc’s prison

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Jan 242017


From Toute détention est politique

For the fifth consecutive year, a noise demo was held in front of the detention centers in Laval to wish prisoners a happy new year and show them our solidarity.

The group of about 60 people accompanied by musical instruments and fireworks gathered in front of Leclerc penitentiary, the Immigration Center, the transitional residences B16 and the Federal Training Center (FTC). The rally was also an opportunity to remember Arash Aslani, a former detainee at the Immigration Detention Center who died this year. He began a hunger strike in 2005, which led to his release after almost a month. He since continued to be involved in struggles for migrants (To know more, click here). The migrants’ detention conditions in Canada are particularly alarming, often being held for indefinite periods without charges or trials. It should also be mentioned that at least two migrants died during their detention in these centers this year.

About Leclerc’s transfer – One year later

The women’s transfer from Tanguay’s Prison to Leclerc last February brought many problems and violence against prisoners, already in a position of vulnerability imposed by a sexist, racist and capacitist prison system. The transfer carried out in a completely disorganized way created tensions related to the mixity in the prison among others in the case of strip search. The absurd time limit for the provision of basic services, the inaccess to personal effects and failure to respect the health conditions of women prisoners are serious violations that the State allows itself to perpetrate with impunity.

It should also be mentioned that the correctional officers in the prison are mostly men and that the only effort made in this direction is a simple 4 hours training on the women’s reality in prison. The League of Rights and Freedoms and the Fédération des Femmes du Québec (FFQ) asked for an observation mission to the prison in May, which was rejected by the government and the FFQ subsidies were cut due to Austerity measures. In result, half of the team was laid off, letting them unable to continue the pressures.

Currently, the Minister of Public Safety says that the opening of three new prisons in Amos, Sept-Îles and Sorel-Tracy will help transfering the 84 male prisoners of Leclerc by June 2017. He also suggested in October that he was considering the construction of a new prison adapted for women in western Quebec. This general approach of the government doesn’t seek to tackle the core of the problem and is part of a general idea of strengthening the prison system. Creating more prison isn’t a solution, it’s necessary to reduce the number of people in prison. The least would be to revise sentences for minor offenses and to explore other solutions, especially in indigenous communities who are the most affected. The actual situation creates the fragmentation of their communities, remoteness and subjects them to colonial institutions which are not recognized in their traditions (alternative justice, spiritual justice, etc.).


Fuck Trump, Fuck Toute

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Jan 202017

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

In Montréal, a night demo turned into a clash with police. 200 protesters first gathered at Square Phillips, one block from the US consulate. When they started marching, they did not make it to the consulate building, but rather marched against traffic on the main street, Rue Sainte-Catherine, mostly beautifying the city by putting up graffiti against patriarchy and calling for the city to burn.

There was a black bloc presence as well, carrying a banner reading “Fuck Trump” that was soon altered to read “Fuck Toute” (Fuck Everything).

As they reached the downtown west police station the demonstrators clashed with cops, who were pelted with plenty of rocks. Cops threw rocks back at the crowd which finally dispersed them all around the city. But they did not leave before the police station’s window got properly smashed.”
– Crimethinc J20 Live Updates

We’d like to add a few words to the above report-back, fully inspired by the days events – from the ongoing clashes in Washington to our experience in Montreal hours ago.

Props on how across milieus, many people came together in the streets, wore masks, and had each other’s backs. How every time people went on the sidewalk to put up graff or smash windows, there were double the amount of comrades pushing (and in the case of corporate media, punching) cameras down and keeping us safe. How when the bike police tried to get close on the sidewalk, stones were lobbed at them until they backed off. And how, reminiscent of last May Day, when the demonstration passed the downtown west police station, people didn’t miss the opportunity to offensively attack the station and the police guarding it, without ‘provocation’.

Because we don’t have to wait for them to snatch or pepper spray us to know that our favorite way to interact with police is in the language of projectiles. When police can’t come close to our demos without risking bodily harm, it makes the whole demo safer and opens up otherwise unrealizable possibilities.

Whether faced with blatant Trump-style domination, or the normalized genocidal project of Canada, let’s continue to combine our creative and destructive capacities to act against democracy, the capitalist economy, and its police!

Southern Ontario NYE Noise Demos

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Jan 162017

From It’s Going Down

For the eighth consecutive year, anarchists in Southern Ontario gathered to ring in the new year with a series of noise demos outside prisons in the area. We do this to demonstrate our opposition to the prison system and the world that maintains it, and to remind those on the inside that they are not forgotten.

We started our night off at the Niagara Detention Centre – an institution known for extreme overcrowding, inmate suicide, and hunger striking migrants. In the pouring rain, a crowd of 35 people gathered and marched along the perimeter of the prison. A full marching band in balaclavas played, while others set off fireworks and chanted. A handful of screws tried rushing us off the property but were met with insults and disregard as we finished our loop and left without incident.

From there we headed to Hamilton’s downtown Barton Jail, where our numbers doubled. Infamous for particularly egregious conditions, the prison was recently in the news for losing its heat for weeks in the middle of a cold spell. Stories circulated of temperatures dropping so low that water was freezing in the cells and inmates were forced to wear socks on their arms in attempts to stay warm.

An annual stop for our noise demo tradition, this year we wanted to make more of an effort to communicate with those on the inside. We produced a short video and using a handheld projector played it on loop on the side of a building visible from inside the jail. Prisoners were seen cupping their eyes, looking out their windows to read the messages on the wall.

Balaclavas, fireworks, and paint bombs were distributed before we started, and year after year people have come to expect this and join in on the fun. The prison and prisoner transport vans were covered in paint, people chanted and held banner that said “Turn up the Heat” and after a ton of fire works were lit, we left on our own terms.

Against prisons and its world,
The Anarchists

Setting a fire under a Cancer moon

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Jan 152017

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

On the icy morning of Friday the 13th, we awoke at dawn to venture into the winds and cold, where we were met by the beautiful full moon in Cancer setting towards the horizon, as a hazy sun rose in the east.

Together, we blocked the morning’s rush hour traffic headed downtown along Notre-Dame Est in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, with discarded Christmas trees and a pile of flaming tires. Above the street, a banner was hung from the railway bridge between the port and the wasteland. Jumping through the snow, dragging heavy things, watching out for one another, nurturing new skills, developing a multiplicity of tactics together, and building caring and meaningful relationships of struggle. Once the blockades were set and the fires lit, we quickly and carefully dispersed to get to warmth and safety.

This new year opens with the beginning of two “celebrations”: the 150th anniversary of the Confederation of so-called Canada, and the 375th anniversary of the colonial occupation, destruction, and genocide of Kanien’Keha:ka territory through the creation of the city of Montreal.

We wanted to express our disgust and rage for these celebrations by beginning the year with this action. We were also inspired by the war cry The Year for Indigenous Liberation. Another inspiring call was launched this week, 150, 375: Rebels come alive!, inviting the disruption of the colonial anniversaries of Canada and Montreal.

Fuck the 375th.
Fuck the 150th.

We believe in expressing our rage against all forms of control and domination, along with the cities, states and societies that uphold and require them.

We are inspired by anti-colonial and anti-capitalist struggles happening near and far, and the centuries of struggle of Indigenous nations and communities fighting for land, water, and life.

Check out some stories of these fights at:
Warrior Publications

We want to manifest our revolt in all possible ways against the nationalist bullshit, the racist as fuck capitalist driven mechanisms of surveillance and repression, and the social cleansing and misogynistic entertainment spectacle that are the result of the anniversary of this city. And everything. Fuck everything.

Prison, solidarity and isolation on New Years

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Jan 132017

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

On the night of December 31, a small group of people went to the Joliette federal prison for women, with a banner, casseroles (pots and pans) and fireworks, in order to continue the tradition of celebrating New Years with those locked up behind the walls of the State.

When we arrived, two women inmates were in the yard of the prison, and asked us to leave. One of them left running to potentially alert someone to our presence, while the other explained that if we don’t leave, their visits the next day will be canceled. Unlike last year, the women stayed inside the housing units while looking out the windows. We shot off some fireworks while leaving, not knowing how to react. We believe that the authorities punished the inmates last year for our presence and their enthusiasm by perhaps blocking their visits and putting them in lock-down. We don’t find this surprising on their part, given that they maintain their authority by imposing fear, and in this way, repressing desire for freedom.

Until the last brick, let’s destroy every prison!

Fuck all pipelines: three banks sabotaged in solidarity with #NODAPL

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Dec 192016

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

On the night of December 13, 2016, three branch locations of banks invested in pipelines were sabotaged in different Montreal neighborhoods by coordinated groups. We glued locks and ATM card slots at branches of Toronto Dominion and the Royal Bank of Canada. We painted #NODAPL and ‘Solidarity with all land defenders’ on the walls outside.

TD and RBC are among the largest Canadian investors in the Dakota Access Pipeline. RBC is also a major investor in Enbridge’s Line 3, which was just approved by the federal government of Canada, and an investor in Kinder Morgan, whose Trans Mountain pipeline was also just approved by the federal government here. There has been resistance to Enbridge and Kinder Morgan for years. We are continuing it here and we expect it will keep happening. Fuck all the pipelines.

These actions were undertaken by anarchists in solidarity with the ongoing fight in Standing Rock to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline from being built, by whatever means necessary. We know the Army Corps of Engineers has refused to grant an easement to the Dakota Access Pipeline, but we also know that Energy Transfer Partners has vowed to build the pipeline despite this news. The struggle continues. We support land and water defenders all over the world who are fighting infrastructure projects that continue the genocidal march of colonialism and capitalism.

We know that it is necessary for us to come together to fight this system. Sometimes we are most effective out in the open in the fields and streets, and other times we can strike hardest in the quiet of the night. We look forward to joining you wherever the coming struggles take us.


Water is life, oil is death!

Fuck the pipelines, fuck the banks!

Leave the oil in the ground!

More cameras, more targets!

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Dec 012016


Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Over the last few months, friends have been playing Camover in the neighbourhood of Hochelaga. We’ve destroyed around twenty security cameras. For your pleasure (and certainly for our own as well!), here’s a photo in which we see a friend sporting a necklace of optical trophies.

In response to the recent smashings of gentrifiers in the neighbourhood, and in the context of twenty-two businesses being vandalized in the last year, the city and the police have publicly announced a renewed collaboration. They’re desperately trying to reassert control, faced with people who “aren’t afraid of the police”, and their initiative to install more cameras shows it. Of course, the police know that it’s impossible to be everywhere all of the time. There will always be loopholes that allow those who are creative and well-prepared to attack. That’s where cameras come in: to make us feel powerless and watched. But our masks will continue to give us power against any camera. No face, no case. And so, to keep up morale, we’ve decided to see this increase in the presence of cameras in the neighbourhood as an occasion for more CamOver and increased sabotage of the mechanisms of control that the authorities put in place.

We decided to play, and will continue this game of revolt, which is simultaneously thrilling and frightening, where we learn to overcome fears, deal with stress, and expand our capacities, because this is ultimately about more than the gentrification of a particular neighborhood. What’s happening in Hochelaga speaks to a history of struggle against domination as old as civilization itself: a multiplicity of wild and uncontrollable worlds that resist and evade the world of order and ‘progress’.

Who is this ‘we’? We’re some friends who decided to autonomously destroy some cameras. Despite what the politicians and mass media want people to think, by trying to uncover who’s behind this ‘vandal group’, there is no mafia-like network to take apart. Anarchists don’t act from a chain of command, we act from the feelings in our bones. No police operation against any fictitious ‘network’ can stop people from deciding to self-organize, don a mask, and attack.


11 x 17″ | PDF

Candies for children, rocks for the rich

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Nov 292016

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

On Monday October 31, about 75 people assembled in Hochelag’ with costumes and candy for a Halloween demonstration against gentrification. In a carnivalesque mood, the small crowd took the streets and put up graffiti on the walls of the neighbourhood. In the wake of the demo’s path, one could read: “fuck homa”, “genre = cauchemar” (gender = nightmare), “tout le monde déteste la police” (everyone hates the police), “junkies contre la gentrification” (junkies against gentrification), etc. This gave a bit of colour and life to Hochelag’, a neighbourhood which is undergoing sterilization so that, slowly but surely, all that can thrive are condos, yuppie grocery stores and high-end clothing stores.

This demo intended to overturn the dynamics of daily life, in plain view of people who live in the neighbourhood, against the cops who protect the new businesses, putting up tags that won’t be cleaned by the next day. In the time of this demo, we could live in this neighbourhood differently, in a more uncontrollable way.

The demo strolled through the streets towards Ste-Catherine, while shouting chants like “ des bonbons pour les enfants, des cailloux pour les bourgeois” (candies for children, rocks for the rich). Given it was Halloween night, the streets were lively and the demo had several positive reactions from people on the street. Cops arrived after about twenty minutes. It was around then that a crew of teens who were chilling in a park came to join the demo. They went up to the person offering them candy, looted the entire bag, and made their getaway through the alleyways. But the excitement was too much to pass up, and they didn’t wait long to reappear and continue to follow the demo.

While the first police car positioned itself in front of the demo, a person ran ahead to cover the back of the car in graffiti scribbles, which caused the police to take more distance. After turning on Davidson, people started to smash the windows of luxury cars with hammer blows. This irritated the cops, who were more aggressive from then on. That’s when the first rock was thrown, followed by joyous shouts from the crew of teens. The demo busted through Davidson park, took Cuvillier and evaded the cops who were sticking close behind.

As soon as the demo got to Ontario, a group of people ran back to attack the police car with a dozen rocks. However, this caused the police to react by charging this small group with the car, rather than retreating from the attack, as one might expect. The cops could have easily ran over someone at that moment. We think that putting barricades between cop cars and projectile throwers could make these types of situations safer for us in the future. This could involve dumpsters on wheels that can move with the demo, or cars bumped into the street. Another thing to consider is that rocks can break through the side-windows of a car, but not the front windshield: so, if we’re aiming at the later, the cops inside are less likely to feel threatened and retreat. On top of that, people quickly exhausted their projectile reserves. The charging cop car sounded the dispersal: people fled through alleyways and adjacent streets.

We thought this demo was interesting for several reasons.

First off, we believe that it’s interesting to take advantage of Halloween to have a demo, because it’s possible to be masked in the street without looking suspicious. On this night of the year, everyone in the streets looks more or less sketchy, which facilitates the dispersal of the demo.

We were also into the emphasis that this demo placed on counter-information in the neighbourhood, with graffiti and posters, on streets like Ste-Catherine which are normally too patrolled by cops for people to dare put up graff. It’s powerful to be able to mark the walls of the neighbourhood without having to hide in the shadows of alleyways.

It was also interesting that this was a neighbourhood demo, compared to downtown demos with hostile routes walked a thousand times over, and where police repression is stronger and often makes us hesitate to act. Having a demo in a neighbourhood where we live and our friends live resonates with our resistance in this space.