Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information


St-Henri vandalism

St-Henri vandalism

From our enemies - Global News, 01/25/2015 In a brazen attempt to vandalize several businesses at around midnight on ... Read More
Sabotage against university research labs

Sabotage against university research labs

From Contra-info Note of Contra Info: We publish this communiqué as we received, hoping that the insects did not suffer ... Read More
Attack on employment centre in Hochelaga, May Day

Attack on employment centre in Hochelaga, May Day

Our enemies – journal de montreal, 01/05/2015 The local employment centre of Hochelaga-Maisonneuve was vandalized, over the night of ... Read More
Solidarity with hunger strikers in Greece

Solidarity with hunger strikers in Greece

On April 8th, a banner reading “Solidarité avec les prisonniers en grève de la faim en Grèce. Que vive l’anarchie ... Read More
AIA retaliates in solidarity with Demilitarize McGill

AIA retaliates in solidarity with Demilitarize McGill

From Contra-info In the evening hours of March 24 2015, we slashed the tires of a McGill security division SUV ... Read More
AIA disrupts presentation featuring McGill weapons researcher

AIA disrupts presentation featuring McGill weapons researcher

From Contra-info On Wednesday night, February 25th, we pulled the fire alarm in the Macdonald Engineering building of McGill university, ... Read More
Vandals splash 'black substance' on environment minister's office

Vandals splash ‘black substance’ on environment minister’s office

From the Mass Media Vandals splattered black goop over the front doors of the Quebec environment minister’s riding office ... Read More
Sabotage McGill; Sabotage the War Machine!

Sabotage McGill; Sabotage the War Machine!

From Anarchist News On the morning of February the 4th, I decided to descend from my high-perch of hate, ... Read More
Montreal: Attack on drone research facility

Montreal: Attack on drone research facility

From Anarchist News On the night of November 29, we snuck into the engineering department of McGill University and ... Read More
Montreal: vandalism against gentrification

Montreal: vandalism against gentrification

From Anarchist News For several years, the St. Henri neighbourhood has been undergoing many changes: a walk along any part ... Read More