Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information


Alberta: Reportback on Pipeline Sabotage Behind Enemy Lines

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Mar 062020

Anonymous submission to North Shore Counter-Info

before the sun rose in the early early morning of 02/20/2020 we took direct action against pipeline infrastructure in Acheson AB
outraged by the Reactionary Colonial Mounted Pigs invasion of sovereign Wet’suwet’en territory and in solidarity with the Secwepemc we decommissioned a section of pipe that the klanadian state (financers of this project) had left sitting in the open air with little defense
solidarity means attack

“smile for the camera, boys” shouted the security guard after us
even though the camera could not capture it we were smiling beneath our masks
“joy is arming itself”

we hope to discourage a lot of the fear that currently surrounds resistance
it has now been weeks after a direct attack on a large corporation with no sign of police repression
there are many others living in this colony ready and willing to act
neither the pigs nor reactionary gangs can stop sabotage
do not wait for permission
strike hard while your enemy is unprepared
find your friends and act with joy!
Kenney said we are in a state of anarchy, prove him right!
there are online field guides teaching sabotage

Act spontaneously, but do your homework
we broke our drill bit while eating through the steel pipe these companies publish comprehensive engineering reports which can be found on their own websites
study these and use proper materials
it is worth noting the existence of perimeter-monitoring technology
there was a thick black cable lining the top of the fenced perimeter around the material storage site
it is also possible for these sensor cables to be under topsoil
this perimeter sensor may have tipped off the guard or maybe he found us by the noise we made or by chance but the response was immediate and impotent

This action was done in support of all land defenders
Mohawks who consistently assert their autonomy
Zapatistas and other indigenists in southern Mexico
democratic forces of Rojava
pirates of Somalia
countless tribes of the Amazon
Mapuche in Chile
Standing Rock Sioux Nation
Quechua, Guarani, Aymara of Bolivia
Anishinaabe of Minnesota
feminists in Mexico
redneck coal miners in the Appalachian mountains
rebels of Haiti
farmers of la Z(A)D
to the many nations that inhabit the beaver hills meeting grounds

Many have put effort into reconciling with klanada
consistent colonialism has given only disrespect in return, reconciliation is now dead
to #shutdowncanada colonial land claims must be disputed everywhere alongside the current struggles in so-called BC
the entirety of klanada is illegitimate and there should be insurrection everywhere

Another world is possible!

– your friends in amiskwaciywaskahikan

Allies Against the Colonial State

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Mar 042020

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Chambord, route 155, CN bridge
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

    Tardigrades Cell

Hamilton Update: News About Arrests and Tips for Staying Safe at the Blockades to Come

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Mar 032020

Anonymous submission to North Shore Counter-Info

Several arrests in Hamilton have been made in relation to the recent blockade action that saw rail lines shut down in response to the OPP raid in Tyendinaga early this week. Police took people from their homes and workplaces, for a total of 4 arrests at this time. These people are currently all still in police custody and will be appearing in court for bail in the next couple days. While unfortunate and enraging, none of this is surprising. Over the course of the last month, wave after wave of blockades and other actions have swept across the country causing incalculable economic damage and throwing Canada and its treatment of indigenous communities into the global spotlight. It was only a matter of time until the state responded with force and began to target those involved. This week appears to have been a tipping point in this regard, with police increasingly making arrests in different cities.

With resistance comes backlash, repression is a standard tactic used by the state when it is threatened. The history of social movements and liberation struggles is scattered with countless examples of this. Arrests and police harassment are used not only to target specific individuals, but more critically, to instill fear in people more broadly and in doing so, quell action. It is important that we do not let this happen. The best response to state repression is working to make it as unsuccessful a strategy as possible. This is not the time to let intimidation hinder action, rather this is a time to push ourselves and those around us to be brave and continue to act. Some people may choose to continue taking the same actions they have been doing, and others may choose to shift and try different things in response to changing contexts. In any case, the key is continuing to struggle and not allowing the flame of rebellion to be extinguished.

Related to the topic of action, we wanted to say a few things about risk. While risk is an ever-present reality, it is nowhere near a universal thing and different people face very different levels of risk. Tens of thousands of people have participated in actions across the country, and in proportion only a small handful of people have been arrested. There is strength in numbers, and the scope of this struggle has created a context in which it would be difficult (and likely very unpopular from a public opinion standpoint) for there to be large-scale arrests. In the case of Hamilton, only very particular people have been arrested. The people who have been arrested are by and large ‘the usual suspects’ to police in the city. These are people who are highly visible in their antagonistic politics and activities, are already known to (and regularly surveilled and harassed by) Hamilton Police, are currently facing other criminal charges and have conditions and/or just recently concluded other court matters. All of this is to say, if you are someone who participated in the blockade and are worried, the arrests of these people is not an indication at this time that police will be conducting sweeping arrests across the city. That said, this is a good moment to reflect on practices and think about how to reduce risks.

When taking part in these type of activities, we highly encourage folks to consider masking up. Covering your face and concealing your identity to the greatest extent possible does a lot to both decrease your own personal risk and help in keeping others around you safer. The more people who are masked, the harder it is to identify people in crowds. This is not only a matter of state repression. In addition to police taking photos and videos of the action, there were a variety of far-right individuals (and this is not uncommon) who also showed up and attempted to get photos of people involved. Being doxed online is as big of threat as being arrested, and it sucks in its own right. So cover up, you’ll thank yourself later!

Lastly, if others are targeted and do get arrested – know that we have your back. Do not talk to the police under any circumstances, ask to call a lawyer, and wait. You will not face repression alone and will be supported throughout the process. For better or worse we’ve got a fair bit of experience with this stuff, and are good at dealing with. We are a resilient bunch and will help you through any difficult times. Repression isn’t fun, but it is totally survivable and something that in the long run can actually make you stronger, rather than weaker.

See you at the next blockade ;)

Helpful Resources

On masking up and concealing your identity:

On security culture:

On lots of things:

The Tower (your friendly neighbourhood anarchist social centre) regularly hosts free public events and workshops that cover topics such dealing with arrest, navigating the legal system, and other relevant topics. If you are contacted by the police, and/or want tips on how to prepare for all things repression related you can contact The Tower at and folks involved in that project can provide support.

Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en from France

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Feb 292020

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Last Saturday the 22nd of February, during a great autonomous and popular boxing gala in France, the boxers and spectators showed their solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en who face the assault of the so called BC state, Canada and the RCMP.

We send a message of peace and a message of love to all those who fight to preserve their way of life againt oppression and thus against the Coastal Gaslink pipeline.

May you be strong and victorious in your struggle. We follow it carefully from our side of the ocean.

#WetsuwetenStrong #RCMPoffPlanetEarth #ACAB #shutdowncanada


We advocate for a multiplication of solidarity actions across the world to show our support and increase presure on the so-called Canada and the colonists.

Statement of Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en and Their Resistance Against Colonial Aggression

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Feb 282020

From Montréal Antifasciste

Tiohtià:ke (Montreal), February 27, 2020 – Montréal Antifasciste declares our complete and unconditional solidarity and support with the people of the Wet’suwet’en nation in their ongoing resistance to Canadian colonialism, as well as with all those who have taken action in support of the Wet’suwet’en following the invasion by the RCMP. While there have been blockades across the illegal country of “Canada”, we would like to specifically mention those established by members of the Mohawk Nation in Kahnawake and Tyendinaga, the latter of which having been attacked by the colonial police on February 24th, the former currently under threat of another colonial injunction.

We are an antifascist group, and as such we often end up focusing on people who the mainstream of society consider marginal losers, at best. Yet we do so knowing, as the poet Aimé Césaire explained, that fascism bears a direct relationship to colonialism. Writing about Europe and the rise of Hitler, Césaire noted that the crimes of Nazism were simply the crimes the European powers had inflicted on colonized peoples, come home to roost. This is true here in Canada, where the far right builds on a history of colonial violence against oppressed nations around the world, but first and foremost against the nations of people who are Indigenous to these lands.

We note the role of far right activists currently trying to organize vigilante groups to attack blockades, as they did in Edmonton last week. We see their rhetoric in social media, where they make open threats of violence. We are reminded of 1990, when former police officers and right-wing media stars established vigilante citizens’ groups which worked alongside the tiny Quebec Ku Klux Klan to terrorize Indigenous people, and most especially Mohawk people, at the time of the uprising. It is in light of the enormous potential for such entitled, “politely Canadian,” racism and violence that we understand our antifascism and our anticolonialism.

For those of us who are settlers, we are also painfully aware that we cannot fool ourselves. The “left” in this country, like in all settler-colonies, is historically compromised and complicit in colonialism. This is a legacy that we need to fight against within our own ranks. When dreams for a socialist independent Quebec are based on planned hydroelectic dams on Indigenous land, when some “Canadian progressive” tradition that was compatible with genocide is invoked, when a provincial NDP government sends in the cops, we need to be clear in our rejection. Remembering 1990 once again, we recall how some on the “left” rallied against the Mohawk nation, or condemned both the Warrior Society and the Canadian State as somehow “equally criminal”. Again, we reject this legacy.

For those of us who are settlers living on stolen unceded land, we will endeavour to understand and to live up to our responsibilities, and call on our various comrades and communities to do the same, in standing in solidarity with anticolonial resistance, and learning how to do our part to sabotage the ongoing genocide taking place on these lands.

Full Solidarity with Indigenous Resistance!
Against Fascism, Against Colonialism!


Solidarity Blockade Underway in Hamilton

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Feb 252020

Anonymous submission to North Shore Counter-Info

As of 5pm today (February 24th) we have set-up a rail blockade in Hamilton, ON., in response to the OPP raid on Tyendinaga this morning. Our intention is to stay here indefinitely and we are calling on others to join us (See map below). Come for a couple hours or stay for the night, and bring your friends! If you plan on coming out, dress warmly, bring blankets and sleeping bags, and snacks are always welcome. If you can’t make it out, please help spread the word and share this with your networks.

The site is a bit tricky to get to, but not impossible. It can be accessed from either the West or East side of the tracks, and there is parking scattered around relatively close on both sides.


Montreal – A CN Rail Signaling Box Goes Up in Smoke

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Feb 252020

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

In the night from Sunday to Monday, an electrical signaling box located along the CN rail line in Pointe-St-Charles was burned. We hope that traffic will be interrupted again and for as long as possible. We targeted the rails not only because they are the colonial infrastructure par excellence, but also because the majority of natural resources are moved by train. We give a warm salute to all those fighting extractivism and domination: the mines that destroy the land (even the lithium mines needed for the production of electric car batteries), the extraction and transportation of oil and natural gas, the devastation of forests, from one side of the country to the other. We want freedom, dignity, self-determination and a healthy life – for everyone and without concession.

A Banner in Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en People

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Feb 242020

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Saturday morning, an anonymous group unfurled a banner on the CN bridge crossing the L’Assomption River in Joliette, unceded First Nations territory. This action demonstrates solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en people and their hereditary chiefs who oppose the passage of the Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project on their traditional territory in British Columbia.

The anonymous group is calling for all forms of solidarity actions in order to maintain and strengthen the balance of power established across Canada and calls on the Trudeau government to address the underlying issue! The ”inconveniences” that Canada is currently experiencing because of the blockades are trivial compared to the injustices experienced by indigenous peoples.

CN Rail Lines Blocked on South Shore of “Montreal” – Public Call for Reinforcement!

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Feb 202020

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

A CN rail crossing in Saint-Lambert, Quebec is currently being blocked. The track connects Montreal to Eastern Canada as well as to the United States. We are acting in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en who are fighting against Coastal Gas Link’s proposed energy corridor through their territory and whose land was invaded by the RCMP in January.

Since the beginning of the RCMP’s invasion, many different types of solidarity blockades have multiplied across the country. We are inspired by the courageous acts of Indigenous resistance we have witnessed, including the ongoing rail blockades in Kahnawake and Tyendinaga. We have set up this new encampment blocking CN tracks as we believe these land and water defenders should not have to fight alone.

We invite all those who are able to join us at the site of this encampment. The blockade is set up a block south of rue rue Saint-Georges and ave St Charles. You can get there by taking the 2 or 54 bus south from Longueuil metro (bring change for an extra fare). We encourage everyone to bring very warm clothes, water, food, and any winter camping gear you have access to.

We will continue to block the railroad tracks until the RCMP leaves Wet’suwet’en territory. We encourage others to take action in order to force the government to accept the demands of the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs.

For more up to date information, follow us on twitter @MTLanticolonial or write us an email at

#ShutDownCanada #AllEyesOnWetsuweten #WetsuwetenStrong #Wetsuweten #ShutCanadaDown

Blockade at St-Pascal, Kamouraska

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Feb 182020

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Today, Sunday the 16th of February, at 11am, around 20 people gathered at the train station in St-Pascal du Kamouraska. We marched through the town in support of the Wet’suwet’en struggle for the effective recognition of their traditional governance and the defense against the ransacking of their ancestral territories, in relation to the construction of a new energy corridor in British Columbia.

Then a blockade was erected for an indeterminate amount of time on the CN tracks, blocking all rail traffic to the Maritimes.

The Wet’suwet’en demand an end to work by TransCanada on the Coastal GasLink pipeline and the withdrawal of the RCMP from their territory. This country was created by genocide and the invasion of First Nations. The events of the past days demonstrate that according to Canada, might makes right. Our presence here, today, is part of a continuity of solidarity actions and economic blockades that aim to establish a balance of power against TransCanada and governments!