Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information

Vivisection Laboratory Website Defaced by the ALF and Taken Offline

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Sep 242015


From Contra Info

On the 7th September, 2015, a vivisection laboratory website was sabotaged through defacement. The website server was entered and some of their directories were modified. The result was a more realistic image about what the laboratory does and a message we hope will not be forgotten.

We don’t care about the excuses and lies they use to justify their experiments. What really matters is that people see and know what really happens inside the laboratories, and to cause as much economic damage as possible.

After a few weeks, the website has disappeared. That probably means it has been closed (hopefully permanently). We are proud that the goal of this action has been reached, and we’ll go on until we close all laboratories.



Note from Contra Info: The website referenced is the Chudasama Laboratory of Brain and Behaviour, a part of the McGill University campus in Montreal, Canada, that previously looked like this.

Sep 102015

From Its Going Down

The infrastructures of State and capital continue to spread their tentacles, seeking to accelerate the extraction and transportation of resources to the market. The vast territory that is the Canadian North, often sparsely populated due in large part to the displacement, isolation, and genocide of indigenous peoples, is an immense source of profit; oil, gas, forestry, hydro-dams, uranium mines, etc. Various monstrous infrastructural expansion projects are currently trying to connect the Alberta Tar Sands through pipelines along the St. Lawrence river to the Atlantic. These projects entail expanding and constructing new infrastructure such as ports, rail lines, and highways all along this route on colonized territories.

Over the past three weeks, we temporarily interrupted circulation on the CN rail lines twice in the neighborhood of Pointe-St. Charles. We placed a copper wire connecting both sides of the tracks, thus sending a signal indicating a blockage on the tracks and disrupting circulation until the tracks were checked and cleared. This train line in particular is being worked on in order to facilitate the transport of oil eastward to the port of Belledune in New Brunswick.

To block train lines, one can :
1. Obtain at least 8 feet of uninsulated 3AWG copper ground wire (the kind that is used for wiring main service panels in a house).
2. Wrap the wire around each rail of the track, connecting both sides, and ensure good contact.
3. Cover the wire between the tracks so that it is more difficult to detect.
4. Smile at the possibility of causing thousands of tonnes of train traffic to be disrupted.

This simple act is easily reproducible, and demonstrates the vulnerability of their infrastructure despite their surveillance technologies and legal apparatus intent on dulling our teeth. The recent strengthening of the Canadian State’s capacity for repression through Bill C-51, now law, includes legislation requiring a mandatory minimum sentencing of five years for those convicted of tampering with capitalist infrastructure. For us, this legislation further emphasizes how integral the functioning of ‘critical’ infrastructure is to projects of ecological devastation (and the society that needs them), and how powerfully the simple act of sabotage can contribute to struggles against them.

We conceive of our struggle as against civilization and the totalizing domestication it entails; we seek nothing less than the destruction of all forms of domination. As a step in this direction, we hope to contribute to the formation of a specific struggle against these projects of industrial expansion. We want to organize to combat these projects in ways that are decentralized and autonomous, including with consistent and widespread railroad blockades. Autonomous self-organizing escapes a mass movement logic (to impose an agenda through ‘mobilizing’ others while waiting for the ‘right’ conditions to act) and the political recuperation imposed by reformist environmental activism. Convergences can play a crucial role in initiatives flourishing, but it is equally crucial that the struggle against these projects does not start and end there. Let’s up the tension against this world, let’s proliferate the attacks.

Feb 142015

From the Mass Media

Vandals splattered black goop over the front doors of the Quebec environment minister’s riding office in Villeray—St-Michel—Parc-Extension, police said Friday.

Montreal police were called to the scene at 3750 Crémazie Blvd. E. at 6:30 a.m. Friday morning, said spokesperson Sgt. Laurent Gingras. They found the glass doors of the five-storey building covered in a black substance, which Gingras described as “a kind of paint.”

“It’s something that comes off easily, in any case,” he said.

Investigators have no suspect in the case.

In Montreal on Friday for a news conference, Environment Minister David Heurtel, who is also the MNA for Viau, said he learned of the act of vandalism that morning.

“For the moment, I have no information about who’s responsible for this deplorable act,” he said.

Heurtel has come under fire for allowing the Calgary-based oil giant TransCanada to carry out preliminary drilling and seismic tests in the St. Lawrence River off the coast of Cacouna, the site of a beluga habitat. TransCanada planned to build an oil terminal and tanker farm there as part of its proposed $12-billion Energy East pipeline, which would carry up to 1.1 million barrels of crude a day from Alberta to Quebec and New Brunswick.

After a federal committee reclassified the beluga as endangered, TransCanada said it would “stand down” from its work in Cacouna. According to recent news reports, TransCanada has abandoned its plan for Cacouna. But TransCanada spokesperson Tim Duboyce said the company won’t decide until March 31 at the latest.

Together, the Quebec and Ontario governments imposed seven conditions on the project and said it would have to undergo an environmental assessment in each province.

Heurtel’s press attaché, Guillaume Bérubé, said on Friday the assessment of the 700-kilometre Quebec portion of the project hasn’t started yet because TransCanada hasn’t replied to the environment minister’s last letter, sent three months ago, with the government’s conditions.

Apr 212014

From SabotageMedia

On the morning of April 8th, 8 train lines running through Montreal were blocked by disrupting the rail signals.

This action was done in response to ongoing efforts of colonization and repression by the state against indigenous communities across Turtle Island. Colonization and its enforcers are responsible for the missing and murdered indigenous women who have lost their lives as a result of this racist, imperialist society. This action was done in solidarity with recent and ongoing efforts of different communities to honor the lives of these women and to disable the capacity of their assassins.

Rebels, indigenous folk and workers alike have targeted the train lines as an apt means for disrupting the flow of capital and these systems of domination. Historically and presently the railways have acted as a necessary toll for imperialism and colonization.

CN has chosen to build its infrastructure across indigenous territory as another act of stealing land from autonomous communities.

As anarchists we are invested in contributing to an active disruption of domination and state power.

Strength and love to those facing ongoing repression for their actions, and to the families and loved ones of those lost in this war.

Some anarchists

Apr 102013

From Anarchistnews

During the month of March, a poster was placed at the entrance to the phase A section of the highway 167 development project that will lead to the “Renard Project” and the Stornoway diamond mine. The poster read “Attention, mine anti-personnelle sur les prochains 10 km (Danger, explosive mines in the next 10 km)”.

During the same night, the SOQUEM office in the city of Chibougamau was vandalized. The facade of the building was completely covered in paint (by an extinguisher), including all the cameras. A window was smashed with a hammer and graffiti written saying “Fuck le Plan Nord”.

SOQUEM is one of the more active partners in the “Renard Project”. SOQUEM and its partners currently finance more than $10 million of exploration in Quebec.

Fuck the Plan Nord and all mining companies!

Let’s continue the attacks!

– some anarchists

Jul 012012

June, 2012

A major railorad was sabotaged during the evening of Wednesday June 13th, in a farming area near Farnham, Quebec, in response to the call by the CLASSE for a day of nation-wide actions against the Montreal Conference of the International Economic Forum of the Americas.

The train signals system was turned on by sabotaging the electric box that controls the signals near an intersection, which eventually prompted the train traffic to be suspended for a moment. This location was carefully picked up, not only for the easy task it was, but above that for the crucial nature of the merchandise it transports, including a lot of filthy oil coming from the tar sands in the West, before this sole railway divides into different destinations such as Sherbrooke city, Bromont’s techno-park (which hosts some of the biggest names in the high-tech industry, including the infamous IBM) and further down on to New England.

This was just a beginning. There are many more fluxes that are crucial to the functionning of this system of oppression and its Holy Merchandise, and we are committed to do it again, and strike targets that will always hurt them more. Given our indefinite number (that ain’t an « invisible committee » for nothing), it is strongly recommended that each and every striker or supporter gets her/his hands dirty, alone or into groups, because we do not believe that these feel-good demosntrations will be enough to make Power change his mind. And the proof is in plain view… months of strikes, and even with our many fine hits and great achievements, especially in the face of the judicial/police despotism, the government still won’t give a damn about our most basic demands, and the cops are now clamping down on mainstream dissenters like they’d do with dangerous criminals. We are under a dictatorship, because liberty is now being considered a high crime.

To let this train ride -this very train that allows them to profit from the devastating exploitation- is to collaborate in silence. We say: « ENOUGH WITH THIS SHIT! » This can’t go on like this. The techno-industrial society, because it intoxicates the living and destroys conditions of life, must be FORCED to a stop, or else it’ll soon be forcing us into mass graves! Fukushima was only the first sign of this ongoing catastrophy.

So we will make sure that the capitalists are paying for their abuse. Maybe the bill wasn’t very heavy, but we all can add our two cents!

Sabotage isn’t some vanguardist tactic or some childish vandalism, neither it is a provocation on the part of « smashers from outside of the movement » just as the filthy cops dare to spit in our ears (but who’s still stupid enough to even listen to them?). It has long been a completely rational and legit course of action, that empowered ALL of the strikes that changed history. In the face of a machine that’ll never discuss anything and always enforces its conditions through dictates, sabotage is one of the means to communicate revolt by putting it in relation with a wider uprising, and by imposing our own conditions to the crooks in power; that they walk along with these, or die along with their system!

This small gesture of resistance to the one-way train of industrial capitalism that has now become completely out of control was committed in solidarity with all the arrestees before and during this Grand Prix weekend (where the police has put their lives on the line for Bernie Ecclestone, notorious wealthy fascist) especially with Mathieu Girard, brutally arrested and detained during the funeral of his sister (our condoleances, comrade) and Andrea Pilote, arrested on the highway in strangely the same manner they shot the legendary Jacques Mesrine. Even if we do not know them, our hearts burn with blazing solidarity for these two comrades who fell victims of police violence. We also feel as much solidarity towards the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI) folks in Europe and South America, and for the native people around the planet who still are struggling for their land.

– Invisible Committee for the End of Their History