Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information

Wet’suwet’en Solidarity March in Kingston, ON

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Oct 192021

Anonymous submission to North Shore Counter-Info

In response to the call for a week of solidarity actions to defend Wedzin Kwa, about 75 people gathered in Kingston, Ontario on Thursday October 13 for a Wet’suwet’en solidarity rally and march with banners, music and chants. We met up in Skeleton Park and listened to a few different speeches – one person spoke about how indigenous land defenders are leading the way in the fight against climate change and ecological destruction. Another shared an excerpt from a zine critiquing state-led reconciliation efforts. One person gave a powerful speech about the necessity of clean water for indigenous communities and for everyone, and reminded us all that showing up and participating in this struggle was meaningful and important. We marched down Princess St and handed out hundreds of flyers to a largely supportive crowd.

The Wet’suwet’en fight to defend their unceded territory from colonial invasion and resource extraction has inspired us for a long time. We were also very inspired by the successive waves of Shut Down Canada solidarity actions that took place all across so-called Canada right up until spring of 2020, including here in the Kingston area. We are angry that Coastal GasLink and the RCMP continue their attempt to push through this destructive pipeline project – but we will say that it felt good to come together in solidarity once again, break through some of the lingering pandemic isolation, and recognize the commitment, energy and strength that exist in our community.

We hope this small contribution to the Week of Action sends hope and encouragement to the folks at Coyote Camp, members of the Gidimt’en clan and their allies, currently holding it down and blocking construction. We are watching, we are ready to act and we’ve got your back.

Video: October 9 Train Blockade in Solidarity with Gidimt’en

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Oct 142021

From SubMedia

On October 9th 2021, as part of the Week of Action in solidarity with the Gidimt’en, some folks in Montreal shutdown trains and took the streets for a demo. This action forshadows that if Canada and the RCMP continue their aggression, they will likely be met once again with coordinated, nation-wide actions to #ShutDownCanada.


Bristol (UK): Update on the Situation of Anarchist Comrade Toby Shone

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Oct 122021

From Dark Nights

Toby’s trial began on 6th October at Bristol Crown Court. The charges for administration of, funding of terrorism through the website and dissemination of and collection of material useful to terrorists have now been dropped due to lack of evidence.

The other charges of possession of Class A and B drugs with intent to supply, producing a class B drug and a further count of class AA drug possession are still being pursued. At this present time we understand this could carry a jail term of 3-6 years imprisonment.

The Operation Adream that has been unleashed by the British state is an attempt to destroy 325 & its publications, an attack on counter-information that is connected to the repression that has been ramped up on this island since the pandemic and resulting lockdowns, a repression that has always existed, an attack on any form of active revolt here.

We do not believe in guilt and innocence, neither in passivity, only in solidarity that contributes to the continuation of the conflict against the existent.

Strength & Solidarity to anarchist comrade Toby Shone!

Nothing is over, the conflict continues!

Dark Nights Collective

Rail Lines Blockaded in Solidarity with Gidimt’en Week of Action

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Oct 102021

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

More than 50 people blockaded five parallel rail lines outside a CN rail yard in Point Saint Charles, Montreal for more than an hour and a half this Saturday, October 9th. We were there to support the Wet’suwet’en fight to defend their territory against the Coastal GasLink pipeline. There were two banners, one saying “#AllOutForWedzinKwa 1312” and the other “All Out For Wet’suwet’en #ShutDownCanada”. Multiple trains were stopped and some rerouted, and some still seemed be sitting idle on the tracks for at least an hour after the blockade ended. Maybe because of a backlog, or an inspection of the tracks.

We decided to leave as a demo, walking down the tracks for a while then and switching to the streets of the surrounding neighbourhood, chanting slogans against colonization and the police, and in solidarity with Wet’suwet’en land defenders. Some groups of young people were clearly excited to see us, took flyers, and followed behind us for a while before we dispersed. We significantly outnumbered the police who showed up, and they kept their distance. There were no arrests.

We were responding to the calls for solidarity actions over the past two weeks from the Gidimt’en clan, with this action falling on the first day of their recently called Week of Action that will continue until October 15th: We encourage others to take up the call and start organizing actions in your area! As in previous years, we expect this to be the first in a series of actions in solidarity with Wet’suwet’en land defenders as they brace for another RCMP invasion of their territory.

On September 25th, land defenders destroyed road access to Coastal GasLink’s drill site at the Wedzin Kwa river. A series of blockades were put in place, and the drill site was occupied. When hereditary chiefs arrived on the site, they were threated with arrest, and denied access to their territory. Since then, land defenders have held strong despite having been tazered, subjected to pain compliance techniques, and arrested by the RCMP and CGL security officers. Several more blockades have been erected, and the Wet’suwet’en are still occupying the drill site that threatens their land.

“Our way of life is at risk. Wedzin Kwa is the river that feeds all of Wet’suwet’en territory and gives life to our nation.” – Sleydo’, Gidimt’en checkpoint spokesperson

Coastal GasLink is pushing through a 670 km fracked gas pipeline, that crosses through Gidimt’en territory. Under ‘Anuc niwh’it’en (Wet’suwet’en law), all five clans of the Wet’suwet’en have unanimously opposed all pipeline proposals. For over 15 years, the Wet’suwet’en and their allies have been actively fighting off incursions on their territory, and have made call-outs for people to come onto the Yintah to support, or act in solidarity in their own cities and towns. In 2020, solidarity actions took the form of numerous rail and highway blockades, which paralyzed the Canadian economy.

While the world is descending into climate chaos caused by the wealthy but impacting the poor, and Canada digs up the mass graves of indigenous children murdered by the genocidal residential school system, it’s imperative that we take action to dismantle the colonial state and society that facilitate these atrocities.

Solidarity with land defenders on Cas Yikh territory.
Fuck the RCMP. FUCK CGL. Fuck Canada.
Shutdown Canada 2021.

“We need all the frontlines to be throwing down right now.” – Sleydo’, Gidimt’en checkpoint spokesperson


#AllOutForWedzinKwa: Call for a Week of Action October 9th-15th

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Oct 082021

From Gidimt’en Checkpoint

Cas Yikh of the Gidimt’en Clan are counting on supporters to go ALL OUT in a mobilization for the biggest battle yet to protect our sacred headwaters, Wedzin Kwa. We have remained steadfast in our fight for self-determination, and we are still unceded, undefeated, sovereign and victorious.

In January 2019, when Gidimt’en Checkpoint was raided by the RCMP, enforcing an injunction for Coastal GasLink fracked gas pipeline, your communities rose up in solidarity! 

You organized rallies and marches. You published Solidarity Statements. You wrote your representatives. You put on fundraisers and donated to the Legal Fund. You pledged to stand by the Wet’suwet’en. The pressure worked to keep Wet’suwet’en land defenders and supporters safe as they navigated the colonial court system. All charges were dropped.

In January 2020, you answered the call to #SHUTDOWNCANADA! The world watched as the RCMP violently confronted unarmed Wet’suwet’en land defenders, on behalf of CGL, in an intense 6-day struggle for control over the territory, following industry’s eviction by Hereditary Chiefs. 

This invasion ignited a storm of solidarity! The Wet’suwet’en were embraced in beautiful and powerful actions coast to coast and overseas. During February and March, thousands of people rose up in hundreds of demonstrations in solidarity with Indigenous sovereignty and environmental protection against the fracked gas industry.

During a wave of international uprisings, Canada came under fire for its refusal to engage in meaningful Free, Prior and Informed Consent with Indigenous Nations across Turtle Island. Canada’s denial of responsibility and failure to implement the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples resulted in the fight for #LANDBACK. 

We are humbled by the power of our allies, friends and supporters. We have love, respect, and gratitude for those that stood their ground beside us on the yintah to defend Wedzin Kwa. We vow to reciprocate the solidarity from everyone that followed, all our allies/relatives and supporters that put their feet in the street defending Indigenous sovereignty. 

Now, we need you to rise up again.

October 9th-15th 2021, go #AllOutForWedzinKwa

⭐ Come to the land:

⭐ Find or host a solidarity rally near you:

⭐ Pressure the government : call the BC Oil and Gas Commission, the Ministry of Forests and the Environmental Assessment office:

BC Oil and Gas Commission (2950 Jutland Rd, Floor 6, Victoria BC):

  • Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer BC Oil & Gas Commsion: Paul Jeakins; (250 419 4411),

Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations & Rural Development Contacts:

  • Katrine Conroy; (250-387-6240),

Enviromental Assement Office:

  • Project Lead: Meaghan Hoyle; (778 974-3361),
  • Executive Project Director: Fern Stockman; (778 698-9313),
  • Compliance & Enforcement Lead: Compliance & Enforcement Branch (250-387-0131),

⭐ Donate:

⭐ PayPal

⭐ Share our posts: Use the hashtag #AllOutForWedzinKwa to spread the word! 

⭐ Check out our TAKE ACTION page for resources and previous actions

The time is NOW to recognize Indigenous sovereignty around the world. 

It is up to the Gidimt’en, Wet’suwet’en, and our supporters to determine the fate of future generations. #ALLOUTFORWEDZINKWA

More info:

1 year recap with Dr Karla Tait :

Solidarity action archive:

1 year recap video:

Yannick Vézina: A Leader of Neo-Fascist Organization Atalante Working at Desgagnés

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Oct 062021

From Montréal Antifasciste

[Special collaboration between Montréal Antifasciste et Québec Antifasciste]

Since 2018, Montréal Antifasciste has been documenting the activities of the neo-fascist group Atalante, a group that for the most part operates in Québec City. Since its Facebook page has been closed in August of 2021, it has lost much of its visibility and now seems to be in decline, regrouped around its core militants. Nonetheless, its members and sympathizers remain present and active in our communities, and the possibility that they could recruit new people pushes us to call for vigilance and to continue to keep the pressure on them. That is why we still think it is necessary to continue to expose Atalante members, particularly those who we know have been involved in acts of violence.

This article will focus on Yannick “Sailor” Vézina, one of the founding members of Atalante Québec who is still active to this day and whose involvement has not previously been examined in any depth.

Yannick Vézina took part in Atalante’s latest  action n Québec City, during the weekend of 25-26 September, 2021. Photo extracted form Atalante Québec’s Telegram channel.


 Yannick Vézina and the Québec Stomper Crew

Yannick Vézina has been part of the scene around the Québec Stomper Crew (the street gang that gave rise to Atalante Québec) for quite a while. Antoine Mailhot-Bruneau, a schoolmate from the Institut Maritime de Rimouski in the early 2010s introduced him to the Stompers entourage. Montréal Antifasciste has already exposed Antoine as the ideological leader of Atalante and the author of Saisir la Foudre [Ride the Lightening], the group’s manifesto. We know that after he met Mailhot-Bruneau, Vézina rapidly radicalized and joined in numerous escapades to win a place in the crew. Specifically, we know that he became a member in good standing following an attack on an anti-fascist militant.

Yannick Vézina (right) with Antoine Mailhot-Bruneau, leader of Atalante Québec.


Québec Stomper Crew and entourage.


Some of the Québec Stompers.


Yannick Vézina during a show by Légitime Violence. By his side, we recognize Steve Lavallée, a member of the entourage of the  Québec Stomper Crew who was charged in the late 90’s following a series of assaults with weapon in Montréal..


Yannick Vézina, fully patched.


Légitime Violence and the entourage of US-based band Offensive Weapon.

Vézina seems to have a pronounced penchant for violence, in any case. A few years ago, he saw a young man tearing down Atalante posters in broad daylight and chased him down, baseball bat in hand. He also openly uses hashtags like #quebecfascistcrew on his personal Instagram account. All of which gives you a good idea of what this guy is about…

Vézina and Atalante

As well as being a part of the Québec Stomper Crew, Yannick Vézina is also a key active member of Atalante. Among other things, he joined the “pilgrimage” to Italy and has been present at Atalante actions from the get-go, including having participated in the invasion of the Vice Québec office in 2018 to intimidate it’s employees.

It’s easy to recognize the wristwatch and the tattoo on the forearm.

He can also be seen in numerous photos of the sandwich distribution exercises and the banner collages. Furthermore, the revelations of the mole Quentin Pallavicini suggest that Vézina is Atalante’s treasurer.

Yannick Vézina (front row, right) with Atalante Québec’s core members.


Atalante Québec’s members, in January 2019, on the rooftop of CasaPound’s HQ, in Rome.


With other members of Atalante Québec, in Rome, January 2019. We recognize Sébastien Magnificat, CasaPound’s international affairs minister.


Québec Stomper Crew and Légitime Violence, with some buddies from the US, gather around Steven Bissuel, ex-leader of Bastion Social and Groupement Union Défense – Lyon (GUD). Yannick Vézina is in the middle, to the left of Bissuel.


Yannick Vézina speaks to Atalante Québec’s militants, on May 1st, 2016.


Left, Yannick Vézina proudly holds Atalante Québec’s flag, during a torch-lit march organized soon after the organization’s creation, in 2016.


Yannick Vézina has been part of countless actions since the creation of Atalante, including this flyering blitz in Québec, in 2019.


Yannick « Sailor » Vézina

Yannick Vézina chose the nickname “Sailor” and seems very attached to his marine profession. Oddly enough, the Atalante logo seems to draw upon an illustration from an Institut Maritime du Québec study manual that to some degree resembles the fascist “flash and circle” symbol adopted a decade earlier by the Blocco Studentesco, the student wing of CasaPound, the Italian neo-fascist organization that was the inspiration behind the formation of Atalante.

Atalante Québec’s logo…


…was clearly plagiarized from this training manual used at the Institut Maritime du Québec.

The “flash and circle” motif, used by several fascist organizations, is the logo of the Blocco Studentesco, the youth wing of Italian neo-fascist organization CasaPound.

Yannick Vézina is currently employed by the shipping company Desgagnés and sails regularly on the Zélada, a ship that resupplies communities in Northern Québec and Northern Canada.


Yannick Vézina is employed aboard the Zélada, which is part of Groupe Desgagné’s float.

It will be interesting to see how this company reacts to the fact that it is employing a charter member of a neo-fascist organization, a member who has been involved in a number of violent attacks motivated by a detestable ideology, particularly as we have good reason to believe that he carries Atalante stickers to put up during his stopovers in Rimouski.

We encourage you to contact the company and ask them about this:

telephone: (418) 692-1000


For some time now, it appears that things have been going pretty well in Vézina’s personal life. He recently bought a house in Charlesbourg/Lac-Beauport, a Québec city suburb, with his partner, whom he recently proposed to. It seems like a good time to remind him that violent acts and the hateful ideas he adheres to have their consequences.

We must highlight the extra note of romanticism that the bowl of kibbles confers to the scene.


Given that the Atalante neo-fascists have lost both their Facebook page and their website, it might seem reasonable to consider them no longer a serious threat. We think that would be a mistake, and that we should redouble the pressure on these militant fascists so that they finally wrap their head around the fact that their detestable ideas are not welcome in Québec.

Whether on land or on sea, we will continue to track these neo-fascists everywhere they go for as long as necessary.

If you have information you’d like to share with us about Yannick Vézina or Atalante and its sympathizers, don’t hesitate to write to us at or

Banner Drop in Solidarity with Gidimt’en

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Oct 032021

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

In the early morning of September 30th, the first ever National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we dropped a banner in solidarity with the Gidimt’en Camp. Our banner read “Shut Down Canada ’21 #CGLOffTheYintah”.

Wet’suwet’en and their supporters have been defending the Yintah from Coastal GasLink and RCMP incursion for many years. They continue to defend their land as Canada gestures emptily towards reconciliation. On September 25th, The Gidimt’en Access Point erected new blockades to stop CGL from drilling under the Wedzin Kwa, the river running through their territory. Since then, at least two arrests have occurred.

They’ve called for supporters to come help defend the camp, but also for everyone to organize in solidarity from where they are. We hope to see more actions, in our city and beyond, as those on the frontline continue to face cops and CGL workers.

As the sun set, our banner was still in place on the bridge. We hope it will be in it for the long haul, just like our solidarity!

RBC Targeted in Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en Land Defenders

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Oct 022021

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Canada is a lie. Reconciliation is dead. After night fell on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, RBC was targeted in the center of Montreal’s financial district. The Royal Bank of Canada is an investor in the Coastal GasLink pipeline. While they stage orange shirt photo ops to proclaim their commitment to reconciliation, CGL is attempting to drill under Wedzin Kwa, the sacred headwaters of the Wet’suwet’en people, with the help of the RCMP threatening, arresting, and torturing land defenders.

By morning they covered up the message we left them: “RBC funds colonialism. CGL off the Yintah”. Ashamed, RBC?

Reconciling with Canada’s genocidal history means confronting the institutions and infrastructures that reproduce colonial violence in the present. CGL, its investors, and the RCMP are playing with fire by prolonging their occupation of Wet’suwet’en territory.


Wet’suwet’en Territory: Gidimt’en Barricade CGL Access Road and Make Urgent Call for Support; RCMP Arrest One

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Sep 262021

From Gidimt’en Checkpoint

On September 22nd, 2021, after days of conflict between Gidimt’en/Cas Yikh Chiefs and members, Coastal GasLink and the RCMP, contractors completely cleared an archaeological site which has been destroyed with heavy machinery for the construction of a methane gas pipeline.

On the morning of September 26th, the access road to Coastal GasLink’s drill site was destroyed. A series of blockades were put into place and the site was occupied. When the chiefs arrived onsite, they were threatened with arrest and denied access to their territory. One person was arrested during the occupation. Wet’suwet’en chiefs are trying to protect the sacred head waters of Wedzin Kwa. We cannot let them drill under this river.

This call out is for all warriors upholding indigenous rights and sovereignty. For everyone who has dreams of being sovereign peoples. We call on everyone to stand up and make your voices heard. We need boots on the ground! Come to the yintah even if just for the day locally. Snecalyegh to all those sacrificing for Wedzin Kwa and our future generations.

For all Indigenous people that have ever dreamed of liberation we need you now to stand and say: “The genocide will no longer happen on Indigenous lands!” We are controlling access to the drill pad site. This project does not have the Free, Prior and Informed Consent of our Dinï ze’ and Tsakë ze.’ We have said many times within our balhats that no pipelines shall ever cross our territory. Now Wedzin kwa is under imminent threat. Come to the yintah now.
On IG @yintah_access
Twitter @Gidimten