Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information

Attacking more than windows: attacks in Hochelaga

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Nov 292016


Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

About a year ago, the good citizens of the neighborhood were indignant about an attack against Electric Kids, whose front window was sprayed with purple paint which we can still see traces of today.

Tonight, we decided to attack other businesses on rue Sainte-Catherine – three furniture design boutiques, a real estate office, and a yuppie hair salon. If this is the strategy we use, it’s not just to make those who support and participate in the gentrification of Hochelaga talk about it. We want to do more than just raise our voices, to be more than indignant when faced with this movement that slowly chases us from the neighborhood. Rather than being satisfied with just smashing their windows, we decided to spray the interior of the design businesses with paint to ruin their merchandise. It’s a matter of directly effecting these owners, and not just the facades that protect them.

These shattered windows and commodities destroyed by paint are an act of war. We will not let these boutiques set up in peace – this peaceful facade which is nothing other than the invisiblization of the ongoing war against poor and marginalized people. We won’t let them make our rents go up, and participate in the social cleansing that necessarily goes hand in hand with their yuppie clientele.

We won’t let the city act with impunity, who participates in making this neighborhood hostile towards those who don’t conform. The same goes for chic condo design entrepreneurs who reinforce isolation and relational poverty.

These boutiques are the nice face of a violent process that we want to sabotage, along with luxury cars, condos under construction, police cars patrolling the neighborhood, and all other efforts put in place to make our neighborhood sterile and controlled in the interests of property owners and the rich.

Fuck gentrification.


11 x 17″ | PDF

Antifa shut down racist metal concert

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Nov 282016


On Saturday November 26 a coalition of anti-fascists, blocked the entrance of the Plaza Theatre, a venue that was hosting the white power metal band Graveland.

Montreal cops attacked the crew with pepperspray and rubber bullets, But the Anitfa blockaded the street and held their ground until the concert was canceled.

Women lockdown TransNord Pipeline

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Nov 282016


Oka, Quebec, Mohawk Territory, November 18, 2016 – Women concerned about the threat to potable water are currently blocking access to a valve on a pipeline that has been condemned by two dissenting members of the National Energy Board (NEB). The women demand an immediate closure of the Trans-Northern Pipeline Inc. (TPNI), which crosses through Oka National Park and threatens the water supply of millions of people.

“The urgency of this issue has forced us to take serious action. We are using peaceful civil disobedience to draw attention to a vital resource that everyone needs: water!” asserted Jeanne Beauchamp, spokesperson of the group. “We demand that our government and the company shut down this pipeline. The Trans-Northern pipeline crosses multiple crucial waterways, including the Ottawa River, and threatens the security of over three million people in greater Montreal.”

Last September, two commissioners submitted a dissident report criticizing the security of the pipeline due to repeated incidents of excessive pressure and failure to conform to the National Energy Board’s conditions over the past six years. “Despite concerns from NEB members, nothing has changed,” added Ms. Beauchamp.

In their report advocating the suspension of the operating permit, dissenting commissioners Ballem and Richmond highlighted that, “The TPNI has had six years to conform to numerous security conditions required by the NEB, but has failed to satisfy them.” Additionally, the NEB has not been in a position to enforce these conditions since 2010. According to the commissioners, “The current operations of the TPNI do not respect the requirements outlined in NEB regulations regarding land-based pipelines or bylaw CSA Z662-15.”

Marie-Josée Béliveau, another spokesperson adds, “Seeing as excessive pressure makes this pipeline vulnerable to explosions and spills, and taking into account all of the imaginable consequences on ecosystems and urban centres crossed by this pipeline, we demand that the National Energy Board (NEB) immediately suspend the operating permits of the TPNI pipeline. Our government and the Montreal Metropolitan Community (MMC) must also take urgent action for the security of the people!”

The women of this action drew their inspiration from the water protectors in Standing Rock, North Dakota. People are currently gathered there to denounce a pipeline project that could affect Sioux territory. “We stand in solidarity with the First Nations of Standing Rock. We condemn the impact of pipelines on our natural resources and natural wealth, such as the beauty we find here in Oka National Park – the most-visited park of Quebec. Water, biodiversity and our climate are much more important than the passage of a crumbling and dangerous pipeline!” concludes Jeanne Beauchamp.

Blockade of railroad tracks in Pointe-Saint-Charles

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Nov 172016

Video from, reportback from La Pointe Libertaire

As a gesture of solidarity with the First Nations of Standing Rock, a group of 15 non-native militants blocked the railroad tracks in Pointe-Saint-Charles around 4 PM on November 15. The action lasted for around twenty minutes, during the busiest time of train circulation in Montreal. Police threatened to intervene from the moment when a train of commodities was forced to stop.

The demonstrators unrolled three banners, as well as one on the viaduct of rue Wellingston, while a solidarity gathering of 60 people in the parc de la Congrégation supported the action on the rails.


This solidarity action intends to support the indigenous struggle of North Dakota which is currently blocking the construction of a pipeline that threatens local communities. A militant of Kahnawake was there to support this action in solidarity with Standing Rock.


For militants and citizens, who are increasingly refusing the passage of pipelines to protect the water and their territories from potential oil spills and contamination, direct action and solidarity throughout Turtle Island between natives and non-natives have become the only way to block the expansion of the oil industry, whether it be through pipelines or train tracks, where bombs on wheels circulate at the heart of our communities.

In short, “death” oil must stay in the ground, and we must orient ourselves towards sustainable energy. Militants from everywhere across America know that the struggle will be long and the battle will be hard, because the oil industry supported by the banks and the governments is particularly powerful.

In this battle, the militants assert that we must win, if only to protect the present and future community everywhere in North America. “And we will win”. This was the sentiment shared by many at the gathering and in the demonstration that followed in the neighborhood of Pointe-Saint-Charles.


Slave Trader James McGill’s Grave Defaced

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Nov 112016


Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

In the early hours of November 11th, red paint was dumped onto James McGill’s burial monument on McGill University’s downtown campus. In front of his memorial, near a plaque dedicated to Canadian soldiers killed in WWII, “Fin à McGill” was stenciled.

James McGill, the founder of McGill University, is widely known to have owned enslaved Black and Indigenous people, and his lucrative earnings in this economy allowed him to finance the establishment of the university.

November 11th marks Remembrance Day. On this day McGill University is usually host to a swarm of military and security personnel celebrating Canadian nationalism and supposed benevolence. This year, we repurpose this day to remember those murdered by Canadian colonial settlement and imperial wars.

Just days after the election of an unflinching white supremacist as US president, we celebrate all those fighting white power, colonialism and imperialism on and beyond McGill campus.

With the hope that the graves and monuments of all white supremacists and colonial heroes will be defaced.


Solidarity action with the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes

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Oct 112016

In Montreal, while representatives from 191 governments met in talks under the umbrella of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a UN agency to discuss “security environments” in international aviation, we took action to expose their hypocrisy and affirm our solidarity with the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes (NDDL).

On the eve of the end of the week of international mobilization against the airport NDDL and it’s world, we held banners for half and hour in support of the ZAD at the ICAO Headquarters, to disrupt, if only for moments, their barren universe. The ZAD in NDDL is not only a foot in the mouth of the French government, AGO Vinci, and all the shareholders of this airport project, but also an example of autonomy, self-defense and a breach of their attempt to commodify everything around them.

Threats are intensifying against the ZAD and we need to take note of the situation, despite the ocean between us; to affirm our active solidarity and full support to this gratifying example of resistance whose ethincs and objectives go beyond the grove itself! Expulsion or not, we’ll be there to support the ZAD as much as we can, because it represents for us one of the greatest signs of hope and inspiration of our time, not only for our political struggles and the living earth, but also on all aspects of the existing (food autonomy, social relationships, love, everyday life and others)!



Unbolting against the new Hydro-Quebec High-Tension Line

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Sep 252016


From It’s Going Down

This summer, during nocturnal escapades, around thirty pylons had bolts removed. They were unbolted to different degrees, on some there are bars missing, others shake with the wind, threatening to collapse. The construction of hydroelectric dams has devastated territories, polluted rivers and ravaged life that exists there. It isn’t a clean energy. High-tension lines are part of a large network of energy transportation infrastructures, along with pipelines, ports, highways, airports, etc. Their construction serves only one goal: industrial development. Let’s sabotage the world that needs such constructions, in all its forms. We used ratchets and 15/16 and 1 1/8 sized parts.

Friends of the night


Hamilton: Enbridge Building Vandalized in Solidarity with Standing Rock

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Sep 252016


From It’s Going Down

A Love Letter to Sacred Stone Camp
[from Hamilton, ON]

For weeks, your numbers and our hearts have swelled in unison.
The world is watching as you spark the revolution.
We all wish that we could join you but realize we have ways to help from here.
We have work to do right here.
And so we offer up a small act of resistance. Of defiance.
A rejection of their narrative.

Enbridge is funding the Dakota Access pipeline, as well as Line 9 here.
As of one week ago, a merger made them the largest energy delivery company on Turtle Island.

But the era of oil snakes is over.
Gone are the days where companies can profit off death and destruction unopposed.

Enbridge has blood on their hands.
We have made this clear by using our hands to cover their Hamilton office in red prints.
A message was left on the windows to have it known we stand in solidarity.
There are those that will conflate this with an act of violence.
Yet stay silent as corporations use the mouths of hounds as weapons against women and children.
These are people who value property above people.
Things over beings.

Some of us have blood responsibilities to protect the land and water.
The rest have the responsibility to support those protectors.
We fight for the water and land. For life.
And for a world where we don’t have to.

We are with you. We are watching.
We stand with Standing Rock.