Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information

Gallery of Support from Coast to Coast for Detainees’ Hunger Strike

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Apr 022020

From Solidarity Across Borders

The eight day long hunger strike by the migrant detainees at the Laval Immigration Holding Center gathered coast to coast support. Below is a gallery of images received over last days of the strike. The letters of support are available here.

No one is Illegal – Toronto

Rent Day – Call for Tenant Organizing

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Apr 012020


It’s Rent Day and thousands all over Quebec can’t pay.

Montreal, April 1, 2020 — Today is Rent Day, and thousands of people all over Quebec cannot pay rent, or have to make the inhumane choice between paying rent, or having money for food, medicine and other basic needs. Tenants are scared, fearful, and anxious. While all of society is trying to manage a public health crisis, one main indicator of physical and mental health – housing – is the source of anxiety and depression.


The main argument opposed to tenants by the landlords’ associations is that the payment of the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) — a $2,000 per month financial assistance for workers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, by the federal government — will help pay their rent. However, this benefit will not arrive in the pockets of recipients until mid-April. It is also important to point out that many people will be excluded and will thus remain in financial precariousness. Some of the excluded include:

  •     Workers who left their jobs before the crisis began.
  •     Workers who have maintained incomes, even minimal ones, in the last two weeks will not be immediately entitled to it.
  •     People living on savings who did not have $5,000 in cash inflows last year.
  •     Many students, especially international students who have been cut off from funding from their home country or those returning from a study abroad.
  •     Non-status and undocumented workers.
  •     Sex workers.
  •     People who depended on undeclared income.
  •     People who have not declared their income for tax purposes in the last two years.
  •     Vulnerable people who, for health, precarity or other reasons, will not be able to complete the application.

These workers will also have absolutely no recourse if they are denied the CERB. This is why some of us will be on a forced rent strike and others will support us by going on strike and/or displaying a white sheet on the front of their homes. To provide relief to the most disadvantaged, we believe that the government must act responsibly by :

  • immediately cancelling rent payments in Quebec;
  • declaring a moratorium on all evictions related to the inability to pay rent during the COVID-19 pandemic; people who do not pay their rent during the crisis should not be evicted afterwards either;
  • opening as many vacant units as possible — such as empty Airbnb units, vacant condos, hotels — to house people who are homeless or currently living in unsafe, unsanitary or abusive housing conditions.


In a press release sent on the eve of April 1 (, Andrée Laforest, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, insulted Quebec’s low-income tenants. She urges tenants to  contact their banks (!). This means two things: i) Laforest is completely ignorant of the reality lived by poor and working class tenants, who cannot qualify for bank loans; Laforest’s suggestion is laughable; ii) Laforest is suggesting that tenants go into debt to deal with the current crisis, debts that cannot be paid, and will only increase mental and physical anguish in the middle of a public health crisis.


The testimonials of tenants from all over Quebec express fear and worry, while demanding the cancellation of rents immediately. Those testimonials can be accessed here:

In a building in the Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie district, precarious tenants of 10 apartments have decided to go on a rent strike in order to signify to their landlord their collective inability to pay rent:

“We are working together to ensure everyone stays safe. However, the current circumstances have put not only our physical, but also our financial health at risk,” explains Dexter Xurukulasuriya, one of the tenants. In a letter sent to their landlord, they ask for an understanding that “the inability for some to afford the rent is due to a public health crisis outside of anyone’s control, and that for the good of public safety”, they must be able to stay in their homes, “without fear of being able to pay for living expenses.”

“Of course, we realize that [our landlord] is also affected by this crisis, and are reassured to know that [landlords] have access to tools and relief measures such as mortgage deferral.” adds Xurukulasuriya.


Hundreds of tenants all over Montreal, and all over Quebec and Canada, are organizing collectively. When confronting injustice, fear and isolation, our best weapons are solidarity, care and support.

The Draps blancs pour une grève générale have put together a WHY & HOW about rent refusal and rent strikes for tenants and supporters; access that info here:

We have also put together important LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS, so you are aware of your rights, the risks, and how to best organize concerning your rent:

We encourage tenants who are ORGANIZING autonomously to share their updates with us at

A Montreal-wide Autonomous TENANTS UNION is also taking shape; learn more here:

We have also put together a PHOTO GALLERY of white sheets place in front of homes, a symbol of rent refusal, rent cancellation, and a rent strike, and solidarity between tenants:

Autonomous tenants in Montreal have launched a Quebec-specific PETITION, with three clear demands, including rent cancellation. The petition is reaching 10,000 signatures. Sign and share the petition:

The Draps blancs pour une grève des loyers reminds the MEDIA of our previous press releases, with information still very much relevant today:

– March 31, 2020:

– March 30, 2020:

– March 26, 2020:


The Draps blancs pour une grève générale is a Montreal-based effort, but there are rent strike efforts all over North America and all over the world.

– Here is the pan-Canadian CANCEL RENT site:

– USA RENT STRIKE efforts are coordinated here:

– For more North American and GLOBAL efforts consult:

Announcement Regarding the 2020 Montreal Anarchist Bookfair

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Mar 312020

From the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair

Hello friends,

We are writing to update you on the 2020 Montreal Anarchist Bookfair. As everyone is more than aware, the global pandemic has resulted in the postponement or cancellation of large gatherings, and many upcoming anarchist bookfairs worldwide (from Europe to Aotearoa and beyond) have been forced to call off their events. Our collective has yet to make a decision. It is clear to us, however, that if we organize a gathering on the weekend of May 16 and 17, it will look significantly different from what the bookfair has been for the past twenty years.

The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, the largest on Turtle Island, has long been a moment for us to come together as anarchists to celebrate and share the multitude of ways in which we are inspired by this beautiful idea along with the practices that stem from it. Our hope, then, is to somehow still be able to mark this crucial occasion, and in a way that offers us the social and emotional connections that are threatened right now. We’d also like to see the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, even if in a modest way, assert that anarchism and its ever-more relevant forms of freedom are still here. We see this as a moment for us to envision how to come together to educate, organize, and agitate for the world we want to see, instead of going back to “normal” after COVID-19.

That’s going to take a lot of creativity! So we’re inviting you to share imaginative ideas with us. How can we take or make, and then share, space to be together? Are there novel ways to dialogue about ideas, play, grieve, make art and music, offer care, show solidarity, dance, and so on, that remind ourselves we’re still here, we’re still strong—ways that might allow some of us to gather at a “safe” distance in person in Montreal and/or others to engage in highly participatory long-distance ways, including physically in their own locales at the same time?

Please email us your creative suggestions by or before April 10. Our deadline for making a final decision is April 15. We’re grateful for your help!

Below you’ll find two announcements related to keeping us connected.

In the meantime, take good care of yourselves, and take good care of each other.

loving, grieving, fighting, caring,
the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair Collective

email: [info AT salonanarchiste DOT ca]

**** ****

Our first announcement is that the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair now has a public chatroom. We want to stay connected to people, now and into the future. We want to be able to encounter new people with other ideas and different perspectives. We absolutely don’t want to rely completely upon Facebook or Reddit for those purposes.

Chatrooms (and other “online platforms”) can be a disaster, and that’s especially true in their early days. While we intend to moderate (so as to cut down on fucked-up or annoying discourse), we hope any prospective users will be sympathetic to how challenging that undertaking can be. Fortunately, all users will be able to ignore other users if they wish, turn off notifications, and otherwise have tools that allow them to step back rather than get sucked in, yet without having to disconnect entirely.

If you are interested in being a moderator, or otherwise helping us to maintain and improve upon the chatroom, feel free to write us an email with the word “moderation” or “modération” in the subject line. We will need moderators who can speak English, French, and potentially other languages. Reach out to us, too, if you know anything about Matrix specifically, or if you think you can learn. Our system is far from polished right now, and we’d love people who can help us make it better over time with respect to information security for social movements, having something that’s easy for everyone to use, and striking a good balance between these two important but sometimes mutually exclusive objectives.

If you’d like to use a computer to connect to the chatroom, the easiest way to (though not necessarily the best) is to follow this link:

If you’d like to use a smartphone, the easiest way to connect is probably to download the Telegram app, set up a profile, then use Telegram to open the following link:

If you feel comfortable with a larger challenge, whether or not you use a computer or a smartphone, we recommend using a Matrix application from and connecting to the following Matrix address: (we recommend the RiotX app for Android phones)

If you have any questions on this topic (including any of the things above and/or about other ways to connect) or if you have specific accessibility needs, feel free to write us an email at [info AT salonanarchiste DOT ca]; we will do our best to answer in a way that’s helpful. If your question is about how to connect via Tor, please use either “tor english” or “tor français” in the subject line. Otherwise, please use “chatroom” or “clavardage” in the subject line.

It is important to note that what is said in this chatroom is public, even if users are anonymous. Anyone can join, including people who mean anarchists harm or are otherwise fucked up. (This is also true of the in-real-life Montreal Anarchist Bookfair. We obviously think that big public spaces are crucial despite the real issue of harm that all such spaces grapple with, and try our best at the bookfair—and will do so in this chat room—to deal with concerns as they came up.) The important thing is always to create something that is difficult to surveil effectively. Despite the conspiracy theories, there are still ways to do this sort of thing on the internet, at least well enough for our purposes.

We’re learning this stuff as we go, though. No matter where you’re at with tech stuff, perhaps you should learn along with us, share around your favourite anarchist texts that are coming out right now, and help the socially isolated feel a little more connected.

**** ****

Secondly, some weeks ago, we set up a public email listserv directed at volunteers. We haven’t sent out any emails yet, and right now there is little to be done. At some point, however, the bookfair will need volunteers, for all the things we simply can’t do on our own—even if the physical bookfair as it’s been done isn’t possible for many months from now. Such volunteering has, in the past, included postering around town, serving food, doing childcare, and translating between languages, among many other things.

We thank everyone who has signed up already, and we want to ask that others sign up too. To do so, please go to and register; alternatively, email us at with the word “volunteer” or “bénévole” in the subject line.

It’s just a newsletter, so getting on the listserv isn’t signing yourself up for any work. We simply want a direct and simple means for telling people what we need help with, if they’re interested in knowing what’s up.


Communiqué from Prisoners in the Laval Immigration Holding Centre: Hunger Strike Until We Are Free

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Mar 242020

From Solidarity Across Borders

Laval, 24 March 2020

Following the petition we wrote [on 19 March, sent to government officials and asking to be released in the context of the pandemic*], which had little impact on our situation of detention, we have decided to move to the second phase of our plan. This is to go on an indefinite hunger strike, starting today. This will be done in the most peaceful way and we are not breaking any detention centre rules. Thank you for your support and all help is welcome.

*Petition to free the detainees, sent to Ministers of Immigration and Public Safety on 19 March 2020:

We are currently detained at the Laval Immigration Holding Centre. Given the urgent situation of the propagation of the coronavirus, we believe that we are at high risk of contamination. Here in the detention centre we are in a confined space, every day we see the arrival of people, of immigrants, from everywhere, who have had no medical appointment nor any test to determine whether they are potential carriers of the virus. There is also the presence of security staff who are in contact with the external world every day and also have not had any testing. For these reasons we are writing this petition, to ask to be released.

#HungerStrikeLaval #FreeThemAll

3/25/2020 – New call for solidarity

Montreal Rent Strike – Beginning April 1, 2020

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Mar 202020

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

11″ x 17″ Poster

8.5″ x 11″ b&w Poster / Bilingual Flyer

See also:

Poor, unemployed, laid-off, precarious, undocumented, contract and other workers — all of us who live month-to-month — will not be able to pay rent this April 1st. Many of us were struggling to pay rent before this crisis hit, and are likely already behind. In a perspective of direct action and social solidarity, ALL tenants can refuse to pay rent on April 1st.

Even if you are able to pay your rent, please consider joining the strike to support those who aren’t. If we all go on rent strike together, we’ll make it impossible for the authorities to target everyone who does not pay.

Together, we can:

  • Stop paying rent;
  • Block evictions and renovictions;
  • Open up vacant housing — including Airbnb, empty condos, and hotels — to house homeless people or those who lack safe housing.

The urgency of the moment demands decisive and collective action. Let’s protect and care for ourselves and our communities. Now more than ever, we must refuse debt and refuse to be exploited. We will not shoulder this burden for the capitalists. Tenants must not be made to pay the price for a collective health crisis.

  • The Régie du logement has suspended eviction hearings. For the immediate future, your landlord cannot take you to the Régie to evict you for not paying rent.*
  • If you nevertheless experience harrassment or intimidation from your landlord, talk with your neighbors about a collective response.

* If the Régie restarts regular operations and you are called to an eviction hearing, you can, as a last resort, avoid an eviction order by paying all outstanding rent on the spot in cash plus fees, as long as you haven’t paid late frequently. But if we’re enough to go on rent strike, we can support each other and make it impossible for evictions to proceed as normal. Further legal information will follow. [See Legal Considerations]


11″ x 17″ Poster

8.5″ x 11″ b&w Poster / Bilingual Flyer

See also:

Post-demo Communique – March 15th, 2020

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Mar 182020

From the Collective Opposed to Police Brutality (COBP)

Approximately 150 people marched today in downtown Montreal as part of the 24th Day Against Police Brutality. In these troubled times, it’s easy to retire within oneself and forget about the rest of the world. We may be in quarantine, but the cops are not, anywhere in the world.

Not wanting to reduce the severity of the current health crisis, it must not be used as an excuse to forget and stifle the dissent that is taking place around the world. Whether in Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, France, Hong Kong, or even here in the unceded territories of the Wet’suwet’en, Mohawk or Mi’kmaq.

And this current situation is part of a broader ecological crisis. Obviously, crisis also means repression. Because the States are able to cut all social services but will never cut the police, on the contrary: it is becoming more militarized.

This can be seen everywhere in the world where resistance is multiplying. The more the people refuse the status quo, the more the state pours out fortunes to maintain it. And this resistance will multiply here too. Resistance can only grow when the most vulnerable continue to lose their jobs and the landlords’ associations continue to evict them. Resistance can only grow when indigenous and non-indigenous people continue to block the multinationals and the big shareholders continue to spread their hate propaganda. Resistance can only grow here, in South America, Asia, Africa and Europe.

The state can finance this wall of cops between us and the richest, but it will find us in its path. And we will be there: for Pierre Coriolan, for Bony Jean-Pierre, for Fredy Villanueva, for Sandra Bland, for Tamir Rice … and for all the vulnerable people who are always the racist system’s first victims.

This cannot go on for much longer. The lie that sustains this colonial system has never been so close to breaking. And its death bring us collective liberation, a space to build a new environment, where we can all live in peace, respect and dignity.

Together, there is nothing we cannot achieve.

Together, united, we will build this new world.

International solidarity.

Finally, we have been informed that 3 people arrested have been released with safety highway code’s tickets.
We are making a call out for witnesses; If you have been arrested, brutalized or if you witnessed an arrest or a case of police brutality, please contact the COBP

We also remind you to be careful with what you publish (photos and videos) on social media.


Ontario: Three Railway Sabotage Actions in Solidarity with Land Defenders

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Mar 082020

Anonymous submission to North Shore Counter-Info

It seems worth sharing that we have managed to shut down, (if only for a few to several hours), different rail lines in Southern Ontario using the ol’ copper wire technique. We did this three separate times targeting a junction in Milton, on lines that connect Kitchener-Waterloo to Toronto and Burlington. Using paper maps to follow where lines go, we had fun finding places to act with most impact. We learned more about how this was done following some of the other informative and inspiring posts here on North Shore.

These have been quick, successful, and gleeful ways to contribute to the efforts behind Shut Down Canada. Clandestine sabotages are meaningful tactics to popularize and normalize for many reasons:

-repression easily takes an upper hand in public protest

-it takes very little time out of one’s life to sabotage a line with copper wire, (once at a site, maybe 15 minutes or a bit more if the connection is not ideal at first)

-you can do this alone or with just one trusted person. This fact alone makes risk really very low

-social media posts and populating a google map of actions are not the end goal of settler solidarity The goal is to align with land defenders in actions that are strategic and that send fear into the hearts of the immensely powerful industries they are up against

-it is good for our hearts to strike back in these ways

towards the many beautiful possibilities!

Spring of Action launched with Disruption of Lemay Offices

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Mar 082020

From Solidarity Across Borders

On Friday, community members entered the offices of Lemay, architects of the new prison for migrants in Laval. Chanting slogans, distributing flyers, and carrying silhouettes of friends and neighbours who had been detained and deported, they disrupted business as usual.

The new prison, located at 400 Montée Saint-François in Laval, will replace the current one. Like all prisons in Canada, it will be filled with poor, brown, Black, and Indigenous people colonized by European powers. This prison is an essential part of Canada’s border strategy, keeping poor people from the global south out and wealth in the hands of a few.

Tisseur, a construction firm located in Val-David, has worked through the winter with the result that the new migrant prison is beginning to take shape despite widespread, concerted community opposition (to see photo from last month, click here).

This is a call to stop any further construction of this prison. Take action! Work with others, thoughtfully, strategically, in love and determination. This prison must not be built!

Contact (for coordination, flyers, media points, petition, information, toolkit, backgrounders, etc.): solidaritesansfrontieres [at] gmail [dot] com

For more about immigration detention in Canada and the new migrant prison, click here.

For more about the companies involved in constructing the new Laval migrant prison, click here.

To sign our statement against the prison, click here.

Solidarity Action with Wet’suwet’en Land Defenders Blocked Access to Port of Montreal

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Mar 082020

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

A group of around 100 protesters blocked the Viau entrance of the Port of Montreal Saturday afternoon for about 30 minutes. The group arrived at the port at around 2:15pm today and erected a barricade and several banners in front of the port entrance, blocking incoming and outgoing traffic. The group then held a demo through the streets of Hochelaga-Maisonneuve.

This action took place in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en who are fighting against the continued occupation of their unceded territories by Coastal GasLink (“CGL”) and the RCMP. This action comes on the heels of multiple rail blockades which have taken place in so-called Montreal in recent weeks.

We are here to show our solidarity with Indigenous people all over “Canada” who have been blocking ports, government offices, roads, and railways to create economic disruption and force an end to the occupation of Wet’suwet’en land.

On March 2nd, the Gidimt’en checkpoint published a video calling for continued solidarity actions, asking allies everywhere to keep the pressure on and clarifying that no agreement had been reached regarding the CGL pipeline.

We are here in support of the Wet’suwet’en and inspired by the firekeepers who kept a rail blockade going for more than three weeks in Kahnawake. While this blockade was dismantled voluntarily on March 5th, the firekeepers have moved their fire and acknowledged that they are ready to take more action as is necessary, given that CGL and the RCMP are still in the territory.

This is a crucial time for all of us to act. We are here to send a clear message out west that people all over Canada have their eyes on Wet’suwet’en, and that we know that the tentative agreement reached between the government and the hereditary chiefs last week doesn’t include the removal of CGL from their territory, which is a principle demand of theirs. Places like Tyendinaga, Kahnawake, and Listuguj have been holding it down for so long. We understand this is also a time to gather energies and prepare for the struggles to come. To settlers living in Tiotià:ke and elsewhere, this is a moment where our solidarity is needed more than ever.

Alberta: Reportback on Pipeline Sabotage Behind Enemy Lines

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Mar 062020

Anonymous submission to North Shore Counter-Info

before the sun rose in the early early morning of 02/20/2020 we took direct action against pipeline infrastructure in Acheson AB
outraged by the Reactionary Colonial Mounted Pigs invasion of sovereign Wet’suwet’en territory and in solidarity with the Secwepemc we decommissioned a section of pipe that the klanadian state (financers of this project) had left sitting in the open air with little defense
solidarity means attack

“smile for the camera, boys” shouted the security guard after us
even though the camera could not capture it we were smiling beneath our masks
“joy is arming itself”

we hope to discourage a lot of the fear that currently surrounds resistance
it has now been weeks after a direct attack on a large corporation with no sign of police repression
there are many others living in this colony ready and willing to act
neither the pigs nor reactionary gangs can stop sabotage
do not wait for permission
strike hard while your enemy is unprepared
find your friends and act with joy!
Kenney said we are in a state of anarchy, prove him right!
there are online field guides teaching sabotage

Act spontaneously, but do your homework
we broke our drill bit while eating through the steel pipe these companies publish comprehensive engineering reports which can be found on their own websites
study these and use proper materials
it is worth noting the existence of perimeter-monitoring technology
there was a thick black cable lining the top of the fenced perimeter around the material storage site
it is also possible for these sensor cables to be under topsoil
this perimeter sensor may have tipped off the guard or maybe he found us by the noise we made or by chance but the response was immediate and impotent

This action was done in support of all land defenders
Mohawks who consistently assert their autonomy
Zapatistas and other indigenists in southern Mexico
democratic forces of Rojava
pirates of Somalia
countless tribes of the Amazon
Mapuche in Chile
Standing Rock Sioux Nation
Quechua, Guarani, Aymara of Bolivia
Anishinaabe of Minnesota
feminists in Mexico
redneck coal miners in the Appalachian mountains
rebels of Haiti
farmers of la Z(A)D
to the many nations that inhabit the beaver hills meeting grounds

Many have put effort into reconciling with klanada
consistent colonialism has given only disrespect in return, reconciliation is now dead
to #shutdowncanada colonial land claims must be disputed everywhere alongside the current struggles in so-called BC
the entirety of klanada is illegitimate and there should be insurrection everywhere

Another world is possible!

– your friends in amiskwaciywaskahikan