Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information


Disruption of a Meeting of En Marche Montréal in Solidarity with the ZAD

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Apr 132018

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info. 

Band of buffoons, did you really think we would allow your little clique to hold its event, while you’re trying to destroy everything we have built?

Driven by the force of the intergalactic call for solidarity with the ZAD, we decided to intervene during a 5 à 7 of En Marche (yes, they come bother us all the way in Montreal) to remind the Macronists that the nauseating odor of the shit they spread will always come back to their nostrils.

Whereas all across France the Macron government pathetically tries to crush strikes and evict our friends on the ZAD and in the universities, it was the En Marche shitbags’ turn to be evicted.

While our festive arrival and playful chants seemed to cheer them up momentarily, their coldness took us by surprise when they received stink bombs, firecrackers and insults. We would have thought they would be more favorable to the use of violence seeing how their monarch is deploying his attack dogs against the movement.

Our lives are beautiful, and they are worth defending.

The resistance is on the march: because it’s our project!

[Crimethinc recently published an excellent historical overview of the struggle on the ZAD, including a critical look at events of the past few months that should be the subject of discussions within our struggles.]

Friday – Gathering in Solidarity with the ZAD

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Apr 122018

From the Comités de défense et de décolonisation des territoires (CDDT) [Facebook event]

[Crimethinc recently published an excellent historical overview of the struggle on the ZAD, including a critical look at events of the past few months that should be the subject of discussions within our struggles.]

In response to the call made by the zadists to mobilize where we are against the ongoing expulsions.

See you on Friday, April 13th at 7 pm, Mont-Royal metro station.

The ZAD is everywhere. The territories that we inhabit, love and live from are threatened by the movement of colonial modernity, by its logics of control and commodification that make life impossible. The creation of autonomous zones in response to the attempt by the state and companies to impose development projects is an answer that threatens the unity of sovereignty and shows how it is mythical. They also make it possible to rethink our ways of relating ourselves to the territories and to the different forms of life that inhabit them. The practice of blocking extractive projects, and the assertion of autonomy, in this context of indigenous resurgence, is bound to multiply. The calls will have to be heard.

What is ZAD?

For developers a ZAD is a Deferred Development Zone (Zone d’Aménagement différé); for us an Area to Defend (Zone à Défendre): a piece of countryside a few kilometers from Nantes (Bretagne) which should, for decision-makers, leave room for an international airport.

Their project is to build a “Grand Ouest” economic platform of international scale going from Nantes to Saint-Nazaire, which would form only one big metropolis. The realization of this platform requires mastering both the sky, the sea, and the earth through the replacement of the current airport of Nantes with a new one in Notre-Dame-des-Landes, but also the enlargement of the port of Saint-Nazaire, the construction of new roads and highways …

Our desires, coming to live on the planned site of the airport, are multiple: to live on a territory in fight, which makes it possible to be close to people who oppose it for 40 years and to be able to act in time of works ; take advantage of abandoned spaces to learn to live together, to cultivate the land, to be more autonomous with respect to the capitalist system.


Free Lucy

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Apr 112018

From subMedia

At 6am on March 20th, CBSA entered the home of Lucy Francineth Granados, a member of the Non Status Women’s Collective and ATTAP (Temporary Workers Association), and violently arrested her, injuring her arm. Since her arrest she has been detained at the Laval Immigration Detention Centre pending deportation.

After being threatened by the maras (criminal gangs), Lucy traveled alone through Mexico on the infamous La Bestia train to the US and later to Canada, her husband having been killed some years previously in an accident. Her refugee application was refused but she remained in Canada undocumented. She has lived in Montreal for 9 years and is active in community organizations such as the Non Status Women’s Collective and the Temporary Agency Workers Union (ATTAP). Lucy is the sole financial support for her three children. They live in Guatemala with their grandmother and depend entirely on the remittances sent by their mother for all their basic needs (food, shelter, school fees, etc.). If Lucy were deported, her children would immediately lose their sole source of financial support. Last summer she filed a humanitarian application for permanent residence in an attempt to regularize her status. In January, a CBSA officer informed her lawyer that Lucy’s file would not be studied unless she turned herself in to face deportation. However, Canadian immigration law says that the Minister must study all humanitarian applications inside Canada; the CBSA officer illegally misrepresented the situation. Neither Immigration nor CBSA have responded to her lawyer’s demand that the situation be clarified. According to Immigration Canada information, her file is being evaluated, and a response could normally be expected any time if she is allowed to remain in Canada. Unless Minister of Public Safety Ralph Goodale intervenes to suspend the deportation, Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen expedites processing of her file, or the City of Montreal takes its responsibility seriously, Lucy could be deported before her file is determined.

— Organized by Solidarity Across Borders and the Immigrant Workers Centre

How to get involved?

Actions to support Lucy: http://www.solidarityacrossborders.


Timeline: http://www.solidarityacrossborders.


Let Lucy Stay Campaign page:

Solidarity Across Borders

& Immigrant Workers Centre Tél. 514 342 2111

Another Day, Another Broken Door

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Apr 102018

From Northshore Counter-Info

Statement from The Tower, Hamilton’s anarchist social centre

Early Friday morning, Hamilton police raided a home associated with some of those involved with organizing The Hamilton Anarchist Bookfair. The door was kicked in, a flash grenade was thrown into the house, and a full swat team entered. With their assault rifles drawn, the swat team proceeded to pull everyone out of bed some of whom were naked, and with one exception, put everyone in handcuffs. Three people were detained and one person arrested. Cedar, a member of The Tower Collective and our cherished friend, was arrested, taken away, and currently remains in custody.

Those who weren’t arrested were forced to wait outside for close to five hours, while cops “searched” the home. Similar to the fascists who attacked The Tower last month, the police thoroughly trashed the space and even messed with the bookshelves. All three floors of the house were ripped apart and many things were damaged, including a collection of framed feminist postcards that were broken into several pieces and thrown into the bathroom toilet. Police are misogynist pigs, plain and simple, without exception. A long list of items were seized, including all electronics (phones, computers, cameras, external hard-drives etc.), books, posters, zines, and a pretty random assortment of documents (academic journal articles, translated texts from a book project, hand written notes, event programs, pamphlets etc.).

In terms of the arrest, Cedar is facing conspiracy charges in relation to the so-called “Locke St. Riot”. We have no desire to engage with the politics of innocence. The concept of innocence and its flipside criminality obscure more than illuminate – no one is innocent and the most “criminal” amongst us run the economy and government. Beyond that, these notions perpetuate the logic of a colonial legal system rooted in white supremacy. That said, it is worth noting that conspiracy charges are notoriously dubious and flimsy, and have a legacy of being used as a tool of political persecution. They are an act of desperation intended to cast a wide net and scare people. Such charges are *not* a matter of engaging in a particular activity, but rather a matter of possibly encouraging a particular activity.

The Tower is an openly anarchist project that from its inception has promoted ideals of mutual aid and solidarity, equality, and community autonomy, as well as direct action, class war, and fighting back. Our politics have always included *both* gardens and riots. We want to see people building beautiful alternatives of liberation, just as much as we want to see people attacking structures of domination. Nothing about this is going to change, and despite recent challenges, our project will continue to push these ideas. We still have no tears for Locke St. and we remain unapologetically supportive of the activities that took place last month. It’s actions like these that can impel conversations that no one wants to have (in this case, intensifying gentrification throughout the city), and we see this as positive.

As things continue to unfold, it is important for people to remember that it is never okay to cooperate with the police – do not talk to them and do not share any information (however big or small) with them. This isn’t a question of agreeing or disagreeing with particular tactics, but of refusing to take actions that help facilitate state violence and repression. Aside from discussions about Locke St., local media has been dominated by stories of police corruption, misconduct, brutality, and most recently murder. Less than a week ago, the Hamilton police shot and killed Quinn MacDougall, an unarmed nineteen-year-old who had called 911 in distress looking for help. Cops are not and will never be our allies. We gain safety and strength by sticking together and staying silent.

CANCELLED: Anarcho-syndicalism and Intersectionality Forum

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Apr 072018

From the Anarcho-syndicalist Collective for Education and Diffusion (ASCED)

Following a low number of confirmation on Facebook events, the event of April 28th is cancelled. We’ll organize events in the future.

Saturday April 28th
12h30 to 16h30
Anarchist Library DIRA, 2035, Saint-Laurent bld. Montreal.

Is it possible to focus on the struggles of the working class on an anarchist anti-oppressive basis today?

How can we integrate the emancipation of oppressed groups in the struggles of the popular movements and more particularly in the anarcho-syndicalist struggles / groups?

Can we develop a revolutionary anarcho-syndicalist perspective in specific struggles?



Opening of the doors

What is anarcho-syndicalism? (English)
Traduction chuchotée sur place

Presentation will be a video-conference. More information to come. Followed by a discussion and a pause.

Introduction à l’intersectionnalité (French)
by Irina Badita et Nicolas Johan Leport Letexier
(Whispered translation available)

This workshop will be in the first place the occasion to define and put into context the concept of intersectionality from an historical perspective and following a global context. We’ll think collectively about different forms of oppressions and privileges among society and also about ways and future orientations for an inclusive and intersectional activism. On the other hand, we’ll ask ourselves how to fught multiple oppressions, or at least to alleviate the weight on shoulders of those that are notwithstanding victims of racism, sexism and all forms of discrimination.

Followed by a discussion and a pause.

Discussion  » Anarcho-syndicalism and Intersectionality »
Commentaries and reflexions, debates on the reading notebook texts.

Click here to consult the short texts.


Closing of the DIRA

Facebook Event

Stories of Struggle: Riots and Eagles – My World Opened

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Apr 032018

The story below is the first of the Stories of Struggle series from MTL Counter-info. This series will give voice to experiences of anarchist struggle in the territory dominated by the Canadian State. We believe that the practice of story-telling is important, as it gives life to our collective memory and allows us an opportunity to learn from past experiences.
While Riots and Eagles is a tale of riotous joy, celebration, and magic, we hope to also create space for accounts of small everyday victories and failures, as well as the depths of isolation and despair that mark anarchist struggles. We want to transmit stories that will be shared around a campfire. The moments that inspired us, that made us feel more alive than ever, that challenged us to our core. There are innumerable moments that shape our history. Let us carry them forward through our fractured generations.

No Gods! No Masters!

Whether this most fundamental of classical anarchist slogans is simply a hollow iteration of Western enlightenment philosophies and scientific progress, or is instead a cry directed towards the destruction of all that binds us, in life and death, to the world of exploitation and domination, is really a matter of interpretation.

I was raised with the former firmly rooted in my consciousness. All that might have been wondrous and with endless meaning was imprisoned in a linear progressive ideology in which “mankind” was to triumph. My Marxist father, with his historical determinist faith, did not give me the tools to smash both god and master at once. Instead of the Christian God, rooted in authoritarian tradition, that my anarchist ancestors declared war against, it was the state, science (controlled experimentation), and an alienating submissiveness to expertise that was to shackle my imagination and agency.

I began to break with all this many years ago. And it is with full recognition that I sound far too similar to all the other white-boys who have found themselves in some exotic religion or culture, when I say that my break came as a result of struggling in close proximity to Indigenous people.

One of the first and most profound experiences I can remember that cracked my mind ajar came at a march for missing and murdered Indigenous women. This is an annual event with a great deal of pain, grief and warmth involved. This time, thousands of people had crowded around an intersection with drummers and singers in the centre. The crowds vary in size from year to year, the drummers, singers, burning sage and abalone shells are consistent, and it is common to see eagles circling above. The moment is always powerful. On this particular occasion, while I began with the usual feeling of intimate connection through pain and grief to those around me, I noticed the eagles circling above. This time there were more than I could count, circling upwards and downwards, far above the intersection. So far, that some seemed to be disappearing and reappearing.

At this moment, I felt profoundly foolish in the most liberating way. Would I fall back on the scientific rationalist religion in which I had been raised? The same world-view which drives the horrors that people were gathered here against? How could I explain away the presence of these eagles and the way my eyes observed them? Why would I deny the profound spiritual meaning of what was in front of me? Is there somehow, something more anti-authoritarian and rebellious in reducing all meaning to a one dimensional reason, or in reducing all the world to dead things in a mathematical equation?

This experience was a long time coming, and in a moment I felt something had changed in me.

Some time later, I was with some friends in a downtown financial district of a major capitalist metropolis. We were there because a global financial and government meeting was going to take place in the next few days. The police state was gathering and preparing, and so were we. We wanted to acquaint ourselves with the surroundings and streets, and one of my friends, at the request of one of their Indigenous comrades, had asked that we spread around some tobacco for the spirits while we went on our way. We took care to do so as we moved through the concrete commodity cathedral. For me this felt right. Although I’m not Indigenous myself and I didn’t have the cultural context for the specific meaning of this offering, it stuck with me as the following days passed.

A few days later, I found myself standing in an intersection with the largest black bloc I had ever been a part of. The mood was understandably foreboding and intense, the police mobilization that stretched for miles around seemed insurmountable, and in spite of all this there was a hint of celebration in the air.

Suddenly, we were charging in one direction, a cop car was swarmed and smashed with a pig still inside. A bit further down the street, with that boost of confidence behind us, a rock garden was discovered. A corporate news van took a couple rocks, a line of riot cops were backed up against a building by a few more and the rest were saved for later.

Aside from what the bloc discovered along its way, it seemed we were woefully ill prepared to confront the cops head-on. We used the best weapon we had: mobility. Even considering the usual advantage this would have given us, it really felt like we were stronger than ourselves, like there was an invisible force that gave us greater powers of evasion and intimidation. I thought back to the tobacco. I thought of the spirits.

We continued along a jubilant path of destruction, eventually finding ourselves stopped in another intersection surrounded by giant financial temples and surrounding a burning, recently abandoned cop car. I remember feeling nervous as it seemed like we were hanging around far too long and it seemed like cops were moving to block off all our exists in the distance.

We started moving again, running in the direction that a slight breeze was blowing the thick black smoke from the fire behind us, turning the overcast midday nearly into night. I screamed to build my courage towards the line of riot cops who were blocking our path ahead, “You’re gonna fuckin’ die today, pigs!” As we got within twenty or thirty metres of them they appeared to back away in fright, and we took a sharp left turn up another busy commercial street.

As our merry way of revenge continued, more stores and banks than I could have possibly counted were smashed, small groups of cops were sent running in the distance, and one of the main police stations was attacked. It was impossible to believe we had been able to carry on the way that we had without significant intervention. Again, I couldn’t help but think back to the tobacco, and think of the spirits.

We eventually vanished like spirits ourselves after about ninety minutes of mayhem in all, to the point that it had almost gotten boring. This was profoundly inexplicable to many and yet many different explanations followed.

The various enthusiasts for state control, from right-wingers to liberals, to social democrats and some communists, preferred the explanation that the black bloc themselves were a secret covert government operation and/or that the cops had intentionally let them go around and do what they wanted in order to justify the brutal repression and mass arrests of everyone from pacifists to random people who came to enjoy the chaos.

Some more vocal anarchists and other radicals preferred the cops’ explanation that there was a lack of communication, and confusion stemming from a centralized command that couldn’t adequately respond to such a dynamic situation.

Privately I had my own explanation.

All explanations help to prop up the explainers’ worldview. I no longer feel a great need for a rigid scientific explanation of all events. We can all agree these situations defy common sense as we know it. Meaning is powerful and my life is far richer now that I am more open in my interpretations of the world.

It has been years since the events described above, and they were profound events in my life. They provide two examples of how spirituality can enrich one’s experiences. Significantly, they also show that spiritual power is neither to be reserved for peaceful moments of grief, nor is it strictly to be weaponized in a warrior culture. However, both these examples are mass events in which my intimate relations with those around me are still limited. I may or may not have shared these experiences with anyone that I know very well. What I think is missing in these examples is the importance of smaller events: interactions with a raven, butterfly, or extreme weather, giving thanks to the ecosystems around me, privately or in small groups. I believe both mass cathartic events and everyday quiet events are vital to an enriched spiritual life.

Since those moments, my spiritual path has looked a lot more personal and based around small, quieter events and rituals. The way I offer what I can to these interactions is informed by much of what I’ve seen from Indigenous comrades, and from bits and pieces I have picked up from European pre-Christian practices.

Of course I cannot say that I am now completed or on some kind of true path. Let’s be real, I come from a culture of near complete alienation. The fact that I, like so many of the gross hipsters and new-age hippies we see around, need to be “awakened” to other ways of thinking about ourselves and surroundings, is because of this. This being said, I believe a struggle on these lands is necessarily going to have to confront Western perspectives of separation from and dominance over “nature” (the fact that I can even write the word “nature” as a separation from my own life is a result of western thinking).

And of course I would never dare to claim a specific Indigenous spirituality. This would be as absurd as claiming an Indigenous identity for myself. These spiritual practices and world-views come from living cultures and communities that are fighting to re-establish themselves. They come from a concrete social context that I have not been socialized into, and am simply not a part of.

Strangely I feel even more clumsy when I reach for European pagan traditions. The way I see them practiced and the teachings I attempt to understand from them, clearly are from a social context that has not existed for over a thousand years. I am also suspicious that much of the available information that we use to educate ourselves on these cultures is heavily tainted by the Western, Christian, and patriarchal thinking of the missionaries who wrote down the oral teachings of these cultures before they vanished.

Neither have I ever been satisfied with or receptive to the Western astrology that attracts so many of my (often urban) alienated fellow travelers who are open to spirituality.

And so, ironically, I continue to walk this lonely and alienating path. I yearn for the intergenerational group context and ritual that would make for a more complete and fulfilling spiritual world. I look towards our indigenous comrades who use a framework that focuses on seven generations. I think of one of my favorite quotes in At Daggers Drawn, that so many of my comrades seem to be influenced by:

“Life cannot simply be something to cling to. This thought skims through everyone at least once. We have a possibility that makes us freer than the gods: we can quit. This is an idea to be savoured to the end. Nothing and no one is obliging us to live. Not even death. For that reason our life is a tabula rasa, a slate on which nothing has been written, so contains all the words possible. With such freedom, we cannot live as slaves. Slavery is for those who are condemned to live, those constrained to eternity, not for us. For us there is the unknown—the unknown of spheres to be ventured into, unexplored thoughts, guarantees that explode, strangers to whom to offer a gift of life. The unknown of a world where one might finally be able to give away one’s excess self love. Risk too. The risk of brutality and fear. The risk of finally staring mal de vivre in the face. All this is encountered by anyone who decides to put an end to the job of existing.”

…and I wonder if these are all so mutually exclusive. If my life is a blank slate, then I must be free to break with the alienation I am expected to reproduce. To destroy that which I hate, and create a world absolutely other. And it is here that I direct my thoughts.

If you have a story to share, get in touch by email. We’re available to provide editorial feedback.

Call to Demonstrate on May Day: You are not alone!

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Apr 032018

From the SITT-IWW

Gathering with food and speeches at 2:30 pm at Parc Metro. Departure of the neighborhood demonstration at 4:00 pm.

Followed by the CLAC anti-capitalist protest downtown.

As workers, unemployed, students and tenants, our best defense against those who exploit and abuse us is solidarity. That is why the Industrial Workers of the World (SITT-IWW Montreal) invites you to gather and fight together in Parc-Extension on May 1st.

Our struggles are multiplying on several fronts at the same time. Just like the attacks on us. Strikes and lockouts are muted by the power of the courts, the public sector privatizes and burns its employees, our wages stagnate while our rents increase, racist speeches become commonplace to the delight of the ruling class. Holding the G7 paralyzes a complete region for wealth and power to move the planet. And all that, while the bosses and politicians share the profits.

But no matter what, we fight! Community groups take to the streets to denounce social inequalities. Tenants from working-class neighborhoods are mobilizing against gentrification. Women denounce and take public space with #MeToo. Anti-racist solidarity networks are multiplying to counter the rise of the extreme right. Nurses say, “Enough is enough!” and refuse to wear themselves out in silence. The most precarious workers are organizing and solidarity is on the rise.

We are not as isolated as bosses and politicians would like us to believe. We are not just pawns that will vote and watch as the bosses decide our fate. We fight to make ourselves heard. And that’s why we must go beyond corporatism, stand together and make the bridge between our struggles, that’s our strength!

It is with this spirit of solidarity that the SITT-IWW Montréal invites you to demonstrate on Tuesday, May 1st, in the Parc-Extension neighborhood, on the occasion of the International Workers’ Day, to chant all together: WE ARE NOT ALONE!

We invite all unions, groups and organizations to endorse our call and write to us.

Tower Defence: Holding Space Against the Far-right

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Apr 032018

Anonymous submission to Northshore Counter-Info

On Sunday, March 25th, various far-right groups from South-Western Ontario organized what they called a “Patriot Walk” up Locke St. in Hamilton. This was ostensibly a show of support for small businesses on the street who had their facades shattered during a mini-riot a couple of weeks earlier. The far-right hoped to capitalize on bourgeois outrage in Hamilton to put forward their ultra-nationalist form of anti-leftism, but their internal disfunction and overall shittiness, along with antifascists in the area being on point, led them to failure at every step of the way. First, their internal discussions in preparation for the march were leaked on Anti-Racist Canada the week before their event was scheduled to take place. This included a bunch of typical crap about how tough they are, but also developed into a discussion of paying a visit to The Tower, Hamilton’s anarchist social space, that had already been attacked several times in the weeks following the riot on and around Locke. Their plan for Locke seemed to be to walk up the street en masse buying things at shops while not flying their more obviously fascist symbols, just sticking with the Canadian flag. For The Tower though, they seemed more intent on initiating a confrontation.

The ARC text spread widely throughout Hamilton and led to a significant mobilization in response. Hamilton Against Fascism (the local arm of the RCP  started to channel mass anger against the Trump election and the far-right) called a counter rally for the same location as the Patriot Walk but an hour earlier so they could claim the park. The Hamilton District Labour Council and their group Shut Down Hate also called a rally that in solidarity with HAF’s counter-demo that advertised the possibility of staying on the sidewalk away from any possible confrontation.Although anarchists in Hamilton have attended HAF rallies, we mostly haven’t chosen to organize around them. Although we have different reasons, we aren’t very excited about antifascism as distinct from other anarchist practice and especially not with the demo/counter-demo ritual. On this occasion though, with the direct threat against The Tower, many anarchists in the city decided to organize to defend the space.

What follows is based on several people’s experiences of the day, from doing intel in the park through defending The Tower during two attacks by fascist groups.

It seems like the ARC text substantially disrupted the far-right’s plans; some of the organizers seemingly didn’t even show up. As well, local organizers with the Soldiers of Odin privately called up some people and arranged to meet an hour earlier two kilometers away. About a dozen of them gathered with flags at the south end of Locke, visited a few places and posed for a photo op. They were claiming victory on the internet before their scheduled march even started. Even certain prominent far-right activists like Ronnie Cameron didn’t know about the change of plans and were left hanging.

A couple groups of pals were at Victoria park for the demo and counter-demo; some arrived early and stayed separate from the march to identify attendees while others participated in the counter-protest. The crew that stayed separate wanted to gauge the numbers and energy of the far-right in order to assess the threat on The Tower, as well as to follow different groups in order to get good photos and record license plates. At first, they described the park as being pretty disorganized, with no clear camps, but when HAF showed up with their signs and banners, people there for the counter-demo quickly flocked to them while others literally rolled up their Canadian flags and left (while being photographed and followed). It seemed there were a few dozen “patriots” there for the rally, but they never succeeded in gathering.

When it became clear that the far-right wasn’t going to rally at the park and had gathered at the other end of Locke, HAF tried to march up Locke St and a crew went with them. The march was prevented from moving any further south than King though by a massive police deployment. One person described it as the largest police deployment they’d ever seen in Hamilton. This was a surprise because in spite of the typically fairly rowdy demos in town, police had been fairly hands off since the scuffles on May Day 2014 when the police repeatedly charged with their horses. The Hamilton police were reinforced by cops from Waterloo region and Toronto, with about a hundred of them out.

“I started paying close attention to the cops because they were more interesting than the demo, which felt vaguely uncomfortable from the moment I’d joined it – something and yet nothing to do with the large police presence. As the demo moved, we were flanked on the right/south side by bike cops and on both sides by ERT/riot police carrying plasti-cuffs. Police cars, prisoner transport vehicles and more riot police in carter vans followed behind, most times at a distance. As we’d approach an intersection or other opportunity to move south, the flanking bike cops would move into position in front of an already existing and positioned police line comprised of ERT/riot police who would exit from Carter 10-passenger rental vans, and mounted police. By the time we were halfway to the next opportunity it would already be blocked off. […] We had zero chance of out-pacing them in this regard – which left out-maneuvering or brute force if we were serious about getting to Locke street, both unlikely to succeed based on the various participants comforts, experience and goals resulting in a very tentative, unusual energy.”

The crew that stayed back split up, sending some people up to Locke, but the folks who stayed behind also described the tentative energy of the crowd. At one point, some HAF people tried to push through a police line and they saw about ten or fifteen people immediately leave the march. About a hundred and fifty people attended the counter-demonstration(s), and although that’s great to see, that so few of them had any street experience and that a significant portion of them weren’t prepared to go against the police should give us some pause. The counter-demo model has succeeded in mobilizing crowds of people at different times and definitely represents a step forward in terms of building an analysis of the far-right, but when it comes to going beyond symbolic protest, very few are prepared to do more than hold signs. It’s also just a funny situation where so many people came out to oppose a group that was seeking to support businesses vandalized by anarchists. It’s been a complicated month.

To my knowledge, this is the first time riot police have been deployed in Hamilton in the last twenty years and it’s worth considering why they chose to bring out such a response. Likely it’s that stories of police being driven back by rioters, unable to defend the rich on and around Locke, have put them on the defensive and they needed to at all costs prevent another disturbance in that neighbourhood (home to several local politicians and city planners). As well, the police were also tasked with managing the Around the Bay race that day, which led to them calling for reinforcement from Toronto, where deploying riot police preventatively is standard practice.

Soldiers of Odin at Donut Monster

The most notable image of the day though didn’t occur near the park, but was rather a group of literal fascists, the Soldiers of Odin, known for the anti-immigrant neighbourhood patrols and their fixation on Norse mythology, happily buying donuts from Donut Monster. Donut Monster was the most successful out of Locke St businesses damaged in posing as tragic victims in order to attract clients, and every politician in the city raced to take a selfie in front of their boarded-up windows. Their owners, good liberals all around, advocating “Refugees Welcome”, opening their doors to a fascist gang stands out as a demonstration of the contradictions embodied in the whole silly “support for small business” campaign.

Meanwhile, across town…

There were people at The Tower all day, starting from about 11am. Although the far-right march was scheduled for noon, we were concerned that the ARC post would cause them to change their plans. As well, we’d seen stories from the US where fascist crews, organized for confrontation, became more dangerous after the rally they’d come to attend was canceled or shut down. We had at least thirty people in the space all day, anchored by locals.

Through all the “post-Locke” shit storm, The Tower’s line has been that nothing changes – anarchists in Hamilton have always stood for unpopular ideas that included direct attacks on the property of the rich and we never expected to be loved by them or their defenders. There was a full day scheduled for Sunday and The Tower didn’t intend to change a piece of it: open hours from 12-5, Feminist Action Hamilton had a meeting from 5-7, and the screening of the new episode of Submedia’s Trouble was from 7-9. So rather than close the (now reinforced) doors, we prepared to confront the far-right in front of the space.

Various groups from out of town dropped by throughout the day to offer support, and though the mood overall was a bit tense, we had lots of food and defending a space for 10 hours is a great way to get to know the people there with you. As people arrived, we talked over the plan as it stood – if the people out front saw the far-right coming, those inside would come out and set up a reinforced banner in front of the stairs. A few people were on point to be on the front line in de-escalation mode, insisting that the far-right isn’t welcome here and that they should leave, while others would stay behind them to back them up should it go in a more physical direction.

The police started obviously positioning themselves throughout the neighbourhood around noon and the Proud Boys showed up around 1pm. About 7 of them approached from the west and we confronted them as planned. About 10 minutes after their arrival, a group of about a dozen disorganized Soldiers of Odin arrived from the east. It’s possible this was their attempt at a flanking maneuver, a response to a facebook post made by HAF after a previous demo about the importance of strategy. This post seems to have really bothered some of the military-obsessed far-right clowns and I guess this was their chance to show they could have strategy too. But unfortunately, when one side of the pincer shows up way later than the other, the effect is somewhat blunted. As it was, the Soldiers of Odin’s main contribution was to be outraged that we were blocking the sidewalk, because what if someone with a scooter needed to get through.

The police deployed in enormous numbers at this point and as the whining about the sidewalk only increased, the police escorted those very proud boys and those heroic soldiers of European society through the foot-wide section of sidewalk we weren’t using, through the intersection and up the street. They were weirdly hands-off with us, barely even trying to speak with us (which is just as well as we wouldn’t have had anything to say), not even to comment about how we were all masked, which is technically illegal during anything considered a protest.
It seems that at this point all the fash went back to Charlene O’Farrell’s house over on Tisdale St South, took a group picture in front of a swastika, then got very drunk.

Hours later, Feminist Action Hamilton was meeting in the backroom at The Tower planning some workshops when they heard the banging on the window, dropped their discussion, masked up, and prepared to confront a crew of drunk Proud Boys, most of whom are from Brantford, Ontario. These guys at first claimed to be there “just to talk” but that quickly degenerated into gross misogynist invective from Tim Kelly, ranting about how tough he is from Joey Broken-Nose, and some true stupidness from Nazi-sympathizer-turned-Proud Boy Filip Zetilov about the white race and how we were betraying its legacy of conquest. Most of the far-right groups in Canada aren’t fascists – this article does not use those terms interchangeably. The Proud Boys, at least here, have generally just presented as far-right liberals, in that they want to push for anti-immigrant, anti-women politics within a more authoritarian electoral framework that limits the defensive rights of historically oppressed people (their “freedom-from) in favour of the freedom-to of those groups that have historically benefitted from injustice. However, their rhetoric on Sunday was clearly a more open fascism – calling for leftists to be killed, women to be raped and returned to the kitchen, championing race and conquest as a basis for social order, glorifying the apartheid government of South Africa… We tried to use the same strategy of solidly and calmly refusing to let them pass, but they insisted on escalating things and we ended up in a fight. I don’t say this to be like “they started it!” as if it’s somehow more virtuous to fight back than to throw the first punch. I say this because our goal was to avoid a fight even before we saw the police presence in the city that day. The Tower is our space in our own neighbourhood and though we masked up for the day, we’re here all the time and are well known to folks around. All this also meant we weren’t going to back down, but we would have preferred if those drunk losers just let of some steam spouting their garbage and then left.

So they got their fight. We had each others’ backs, the people most in the thick of it did great and it’s always satisfying to see someone who just called you a race traitor get punched in the face a few times. Big gratitude to the people who stepped up and took the physical risk to fight these assholes. The cops, who were still waiting in the neighbourhood, intervened again at this point, arresting two people as the Proud Boys and Soldiers of Odin took off up the block. Those arrested were quickly released, with Joey earning himself a ticket for public intoxication in addition to the busted face. The Proud Boys then hung around in a parking lot nearby video taping themselves for a while before Joey, concussed and just having been ticketed for being super drunk, hopped in the drivers seat and gave his scintillating reflections to Ronnie’s camera during the drive home. One of the most surreal parts of all of this was the collision between far-right politics and reality TV. The Proud Boys at least seemed to be mostly there just to star in Ronnie Cameron’s live stream, and Ronnie was constantly shouting out things like the number of people watching live and others there would stop yelling racial slurs to turn and do an aside into the camera as though they were preparing for a challenge on Survivor. To engage with people, whatever their ideas, for whom the representation of their actions on the internet is so much more important than the value of what they’re actually doing is very depressing, but when it’s an avowed white nationalist like Ronnie running the show, it’s positively vile. Let this disgusting spectacle be a lesson to all those who attend demos to film or take pictures rather than participate fully, lest you end up like Ronnie Cameron deleting videos you just spent hours making because they reveal you to be a fool.

News of the scuffle spread quickly online and lots of new people dropped by to help defend the space, including a sizable crew from HAF who made the effort to come out in spite of already having had a long day. It all wrapped up just in time for the screening of Trouble, aptly on the subject of revolutionary organizing against patriarchy. About fifty people stuck around for the screening and discussion while some Tower regulars went and chatted with the neighbours to explain the situation.

We encouraged everyone to leave in groups and make sure they weren’t followed and set a meeting time for a few days later to debrief and think about what we could do better or differently in the future. Because although the day was a fiasco for the far-right, it doesn’t mean they won’t try something annoying like this again.

Against the rich and their defenders!

Solidarity with Montpellier: No fascists on campus

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Mar 312018

From BASH-UQAM (Facebook link)

Antifascist comrades from several Montreal campuses joined together recently to express their solidarity with students in struggle, in Montpellier and elsewhere, who are facing the fascist scourge.

Whether on our campuses or in the street, fascists are not welcome.

Fuck fascists everywhere

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Mar 312018

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

During the night of March 18th, as a response to the Soldiers of Odin going out to promote themselves during the Saint Patrick Day’s parade, we destroyed the car of the provincial president of the S.O.O., Kathy Latulipe. We found her gray HHR Chevrolet, (licence plate W69 K2M), parked in a small street in the Villeray neighbourhood. We painted “FUCK S.O.O.” on the side, smashed out all the windows, and slashed all the tires.

That same night, we also smashed out all the windows of the car belonging to Montreal director of S.O.O., Stephane Blouin. We found his blue CX5 Mazda, (licence plate G54 HTB), parked in front of his house at 2553 rue Fletcher, in East Montreal.

A few days later, we doled out the same treatment to Simon Arcand’s car. He’s the amateur videographer for the S.O.O. We found his car parked in front of his house at 4965 rue Laurentien, in Drummondville.

Soldiers of Odin is a racist and fascist group. They have no place in this world, and we will fuck with them every step of the way, by all means necessary.

Fuck fascists everywhere.

[Pictured from left to right: Stéphane Blouin, Kathy Latulipe, Simon Arcand]