Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information

Camp de la rivière – some security measures regarding comrades, accomplices, and allies

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Sep 112017

From Camp de la rivière – Galt-Junex

We would like to remind everyone about some security measures regarding comrades, accomplices, and allies. After demonstrations, actions, or any kind of activity that could lead to repression, it’s essential to not publish or publicize photos of the events. If you think it’s absolutely necessary to publish photos, please blur the faces and any distinctive signs that could help identify individual participants. Even if photos can contribute to spreading the struggle or help with legal action taken against the police, they can equally be used by the police and the judicial apparatus to repress actions that we see as important and necessary. Please note that even if they are not made public, pictures could be seized by police in the context of an investigation and trial. It is also important to understand that some people, for various reasons, do not want to be photographed. Given this, in terms of our ethical framework, we find it problematic to spread and circulate photos that implicate comrades, without their consent.

Creating a secure environment allows us to establish a network of trust at the heart of public political actions, and with this, we can take joyous, communal, and diverse actions!


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Sep 102017

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

During the night of July 13th to 14th, 2017, Forces Écosocialistes [Ecosocialist Forces] took action by arsoning the equipment of the oil company Squatex, located in Bas-St-Laurent. An article describing the act was first published by Radio-Canada, then republished by Mtlcounter-info and finally by Earthfirst. The events were described as “suspicious”, to use the exact wording of the police and the journalist.

Two months have now passed since this attack against the oil company. And it’s in the current context of increased resistance to fossil fuel development on Québécois soil that we decide to affirm the volontary and thought-out character of the action. Our claim arrives, then, following the occupation of the company Junex’s Galt site and numerous banner drops on university campuses. Admirable individuals are rising to affirm their will to expel this oil industry garbage from the territory and we want to commend their courage and determination. We also want to insist on one point: alongside Junex there are other active companies that are just as destructive.

Squatex’s development site consisted of four principal structures. The flames spared just one, containing only certain metal equipment like pipes and other non-flammable objects. The other structures were: a lift truck, the drilling container, and a trailer connected to a water reservoir. They were all doused in gasoline and lit on fire. The pictures available on the Radio-Canada article attest to the success of our action. The spared structure allowed us to write the name of our group in black paint: Forces Écosocialistes [Ecosocialist Forces]. Three separate structures burning simultaneously with a tag well in sight: “suspicious” indeed.

Isn’t it ironic to destroy the oil company with the very substance it wants to put to market? Let’s at least say that if this dirty energy wasn’t available, we wouldn’t have had to destroy it. Like capitalism, it creates the weapons that will provoke its fall.

Many projects are now in progress in Bas-St-Laurent and Gaspésie. The most popular among them is without doubt that of Junex near Gaspé. However, there are other, lesser known projects that equally deserve special attention. That of Squatex – the structures have not yet been repaired, but the company still has the permits – in the Mitis MRC or that of Petrolympic which is coveting the ZEC BSL.

Estimates sent to Radio-Canada by Mario Lévesque, lobbyist and pig in chief of Squatex, suggest that there are potentially 52 million barrels of oil buried in Bas-St-Laurent. There’s lots to make the capitalists salivate and lots of reasons to prepare the resistance.

Certain voices spoke out against the Petrolympic project. First, the ZEC board of administrators fiercely opposed the presence of the oil company. Then, certain indigenous groups also had their say. The mayors of the municipalities of the MRC also took a position against the project. Since then there has been no news, and Petrolympic remains silent as to its intentions. We need to be on guard.

We, as activists, believe in a diversity of tactics. Consequently, we give equal value to occupations, banner drops, and direct actions like the one we proudly carried out. For what it’s worth, we wish to insist on our unconditional support for the anti-oil and pro-environment movement that we all help create.

So Junexit and Squatexit too! Let’s tell Petrolympic: get out! Forces Écosocialistes will work to preserve the environment and will continue affirming that green capitalism, or sustainable development tied to economic growth, is an oxymoron as well as unrealistic, a lie of the ruling class. Open respect for biodiversity, the protection of the climate and natural environments, and the struggle around the various environmental issues can be realized only with the departure of capitalism. And against oil, we will need to target all of our enemies.


Banner drop: fuck oil companies

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Sep 102017

In the week of action in solidarity with the River Camp, a banner was dropped on the walkway of Cégep St-Laurent, reading “Fuck oil companies, solidarity against Junex”. Several students distributed fliers announcing a demonstration in solidarity with the River Camp. Due to positions and mandates against hydrocarbons, the AECSL (Student association of Cégep de Saint-Laurent) supports all initiatives that aim to struggle against oil companies. Solidarity!

Banner drop at the Resources ministery in Caplan, Gaspesie!!

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Sep 102017

Resources Quebec – accomplice in pillaging Gaspesie. Junexit.

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Last night, after we climbed like ninjas on top of ministery buildings (with a view of the magnificent Baie-des chaleurs), we hung a banner on the MERN offices (ministery of energy and resources):

Fuck that Resources Quebec that invests loads of cash in oil companies, and fuck that Resources Quebec, and fuck that Quebec! Yooouhouuuu Junex, petrolia, IT’S OVER!

Banner drop: fuck off Junex

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Sep 082017

Sabotage – a viable solution. Fuck off Junex!

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

A solidarity action from Cégep du Vieux Montreal.

Banner drop: fuck off Junex

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Sep 072017

No fracking on stolen land! Fuck off Junex

A banner drop and flyering at UQAM to kick off the week of action! We’re told that one of the militants encountered a family member of Lavoie, the family of the president and vice-president of Junex. We’re delighted to know that the message will be sent to them directly.

The River Camp is there to stay!

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Sep 032017

From Camp de la Rivière

Yesterday’s torrential downpour forced us to have a slow evening. Lit by the glow of candles and lulled by the drip of raindrops on tarps, some of us played Scrabble, while others read out loud. Today, despite the constant drizzle, the mood remains energetic at the River Camp. We have learned that Junex will suspend work for four months, providing time for the MMS as well as the band councils of Gespeg, Gesgapegiag and Listuguj to hold public consultations for the residents of these three reserves to give input on fossil fuel development projects on unceded Mi`gmak territory.

Three weeks ago, an anonymous blockade of the access road to the Galt sites considerably destabilized the oil company, which until this point had been operating under the radar as much as possible, not even having held a preliminary public consultation on their project. We want to underscore the fact that this new development, which was announced yesterday by the band councils, would probably never have happened without the enormous efforts of the many people struggling on the ground: those who were active during the blockade, the indigenous people and settlers who have been working together at the River Camp, as well as the environmental groups who have been struggling for years in Gaspésie.

The River Camp is alive, active, and here to stay. The temporary halt of Junex’s work is no guarantee that the work will stop forever, nor does it signal the end of fossil fuel exploitation on the territory. We are thus determined to pursue this struggle. The River Camp is a place for organizing, sharing information and exchanging ideas. The need for such spaces, which inspire and make waves far beyond the limits of the camp as such, remains essential. We want an active public conversation, one that takes place horizontally, and it is this that we will continue to nurture. The strength of the relationships created or maintained by the camp is significant.

In this perspective, we reaffirm our call for a week of actions, starting with a demo in Gaspé on the 4th of September. Join us for the march at 14h, after a delicious corn roast! And pass by the Camp by the River at any time, whether for a brief stay, to talk around the fire, or for a long term involvement. We also invite you to our banner-making and circus workshops, as well as a slam night on September 2nd. The last rays of summer sunshine are giving way to the coolness of autumn, and we are still there, enthousiastic and determined.

Call for a week of actions against the oil lobby, in solidarity with the fight against Junex in Gaspesie: September 4 to 10

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Aug 252017

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Several groups are currently fighting against the exploitation of hydrocarbons in Gaspesie in order to prevent Junex, Petrolia, Squatex and others industries from sacking the peninsula.

The moment is opportune to put an end to their bullshit because our balance of power is growing and because the petroleum industry is not yet entrenched in people’s mentalities.

With this in mind, we are calling for the organization of actions through September 4-10 in support of the blockade of the Junex oil wells, the river camp in Gaspe and in solidarity with the municipality of Ristigouche Sud- Est. On September 5, Ristigouche’s lawsuit will be launched by Gastem for $ 1.5 million for a regulation to protect the drinking water sources of its 168 citizens.

Any means are appropriate to put an end to their activities. We’re calling on your imagination to demonstrate your support. Here are some suggestions to inspire you:

Banners, conferences, calls for donations, family events, occupations, blockades, sabotage, party, flyering, graffiti, music, poetry, street performance, sculpture, demonstrations, damage with molasses, youtube video, seed bomb, eating organic or taking out your recycling bin, hunger strike, put balloon gum in the gas gun, fireworks, eating dessert before the main course, cans of tomatoes that trail behind your car, asking for subsidies to the government to dig anything and everything, buy claims, create an oil company (as a diversion for the stock exchange), flash mob, etc. etc. etc.


Here is a non-exhaustive list of different bodies or targeted actors belonging to the large family of the oil lobby in Quebec.

– Petrolia, Junex, Gastem and Squatex Offices
– Raymond Savoie, President of Gastem
– Martin Bélanger, President of Pétrolia
– Jean-Yves Lavoie, President of Junex
– Pierre Arcand, Minister for Natural Disasters
– David Heurtel, Minister of the Environment
– Bernard Lemaire, investor in Junex and founder of Cascades

This call is part of an anti-colonial, anti-oppressive and anti-capitalist struggle to create bonds of solidarity between different groups or individuals throughout the territory.

We will win!

Traditional Mi’kmag 1st and 7th District Chiefs oppose Junex projects

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Aug 232017

Today, we traditional council chiefs from the 1st and the 7th Districts of Mi’kma’ki have gathered at the Junexit Banquet organized by the Camp by the River. We are here not only to support the occupation that has been set up on August 7th against Junex but also to assert our inherent rights and title over our unceded and unsurrendered territory, as affirmed by the 1763 Royal Proclamation. We assert our presence here to protect our territory under the Protection clauses for unceded lands, as protected by Constitutional Rights, Charter Rights, Human Rights, and International Rights.

The Chief of Mi’kam’ki 1st District, Unamaki, which is currently involved in its own struggle against oil and gas exploration by Alton Gas, as well as the 2011 historic and victorious struggle against fracking in Elsipogtog (6th District), thus adds her support to the 7th District’s current opposition to exploration and extraction on its land by Junex.

After the dismantling of the blockade, the struggle is just beginning, and coalitions are being formed between Mi’kmaq District Chiefs from the northern and southern ends of our Nation, as well as with land and water protectors from other nations.

As Traditional Mik’maq council Chiefs, we affirm our complete and inviolable sovereignty over the land Junex is illegally attempting to destroy. We are not concerned by the Indian Act (INAC) leadership, who’s authority lies exclusively within the border of the Federal Indian Reserves as stated in the Chapter 91.24 of the Constitution of Canada (Indians and land reserved for Indians). INAC describes only boundaries of reservations, and not traditional hunting and fishing territories. Outside of Federal Indian Reserves, the authority and jurisdiction lies with the rights holders, i.e. traditional district chiefs.

We demand an immediate moratorium on all exploration and/or development of oil and/or gas on traditional mik’ma’ki territory, District 7.

As Mi’kmaq peoples, we have a duty and obligation to defend and protect our Ancestral District territory. We cannot remain silent and condone any oil drilling within our territory that will poison our lands, waters, fauna and wildlife. We call all groups and individuals concerned by the protection of water and land on Gespegawagi territory to voice their support, take action, and join the struggle on site.

Suzanne Patles, 1st Unamaki district
Gary Metallic, 7th District Gespegawagi

Sabotage of heavy equipment in the terrain vague, Montreal.

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Aug 172017

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

3 machines were sabotaged by various means- removing air filters, contaminating oil, anti-freeze, and fuel reservoirs, emptying other fluid reservoirs, and disconnecting hidden electrical wires.

This terrain, abandoned for many years, is now part of a development plan to expand the port of Montreal.

An excursion through the terrain vague shows the area is being cleared, the ground moved, and roadbeds established in preparation for further construction.

This sabotage occurred while others were maintaining a blockade of Galt drilling pads and equipment near Gaspé.