Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information

MayDay march rocks Montreal

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May 032016


For the 9th year in a row an autonomous coalition of anti-capitalists invade the streets of Montreal to celebrate people’s struggles.

A riot for every police murder

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Apr 132016


Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

On the night of Monday, April 11, a demonstration in Montreal in response to the second police killing in under two weeks attacked the SPVM. Sandy Tarzan Michel, an Anishinabe man, was murdered by police on the anishnabeg reserve in Lac Simon, Quebec, last Wednesday, April 6. Police shot him several times after running him over with a police cruiser. Sandy’s nineteen year-old brother was also assassinated by police in Lac-Simon in 2009.

After Sandy was murdered, other people who live on the reserve confronted local police and tried to block the entry of provincial police (the Sûreté du Québec) who were called to assist the local force, leading to three arrests. When someone is killed by police in Quebec, a different police agency is called in to “investigate”, and the SPVM has since received the assignment in Lac Simon.

Around 100 people gathered outside St-Laurent metro station and listened to speeches from Anishinabe organizers. As the demo took the street, participants could be seen donning and distributing masks. The demo turned east on Ste-Catherine as bike cops flanked both sides of the march at the point where the most masked people were located. Over the next forty-five minutes as the demo proceeded relatively calmly, people were clearly expressing their grief, sadness, and anger in different ways, with some marching silently and encouraging others to do the same, and others chanting slogans wishing violence upon the police.

At the intersection of Ste-Catherine and de Lorimier, members of the crowd struck the flanking bike cops on each side with rocks, while setting off smoke grenades on the sidewalks that obscured the cops’ visibility. The bike cops quickly fled. With no cops in the immediate vicinity of the demo, a few minutes later, people paint-bombed and smashed the windows of the Ministry of Public Security building on Parthenais. The Ministry of Public Security oversees the provincial prisons in Quebec (which are disproportionately populated by Indigenous people) and the Sûreté du Québec – both institutions that maintain colonial occupation in so-called “Quebec”. The riot police charged the demo quickly thereafter, and succeeded in dispersing the demo despite some attempts to fight them off with volleys of rocks. No arrests were made.

As anarchists, we initiated attacks in this space because we’re not struggling for less murderous police, but for the destruction of all forms of policing. When the police kill someone, sexually assault someone, imprison someone, we believe in vengeance, but we don’t want to stop there. By opening up space and time in the streets through attacking the police, people create the conditions to destroy other components of the material infrastructure of colonial society. We believe this is an important step to nurture the relations of care, trust, and reciprocity that are essential to any rupture with the colonial, capitalist, and patriarchal control of life. In the particular setting of this demo, we acted to open the possibility of complicity with Indigenous people who see the inherently colonial institutions of Canadian policing, in their entirety, as enemies. While aware that some Anishinabe participants were calling for a peaceful protest, we hope that others recognized us as possible future accomplices.

After Monday night, we’ve noticed some self-proclaimed settler/white allies reacting harshly to the direct actions that took place against institutions they ostensibly oppose. The way in which they have taken one or two individuals’ call for a peaceful march to represent the interests of a whole community speaks to the failure of allyship politics. The idea of being a good ally by following the instructions of an oppressed group inevitably confronts the problem of contradictions amongst people of the identity category in question. In so-called Canada, there is no shortage of combative anti-colonial resistance to take inspiration from; whether it be from the people who confronted police on the anishnabeg reserve last Wednesday, the struggles against ecological devastation in Elsipogtog and Lelu Island, the fight from the barricades over two decades ago during the ‘Oka Crisis’, or the continual war against colonialism that has been fought on many fronts since settlement began.

There are a multiplicity of ways that people are fighting the systems that harm them and their environment. While some Anishinabe and other Indigenous people want the institutions that dominate them to be violently confronted, others place hopes in the channels that these institutions present to them as means of change, such as symbolic protest. Would-be ‘allies’ need to reckon with this reality, and find our own paths in fighting domination instead of following a representative out of guilt and moralism.

We want to foster relationships of complicity, rather than allyship, with all those who struggle against systemic violence. Fuck the police, fuck quebec, fuck canada.

Rest In Power Bony Jean-Pierre

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Apr 092016


Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Last week, the police murdered Bony Jean-Pierre in Montreal-Nord, yet another black person assassinated by the agents of white supremacy. Wednesday night, the day of the birthday of Fredy Villanueva – assassinated by the police in 2008 and avenged by two nights of riots in Montreal-Nord – a demonstration in response to the murder of Bony Jean-Pierre turned into a riot against the police.

As expected, the Media regurgitated the myth of the “outside agitator”, just as they did during the Oscar Grant riots in Oakland, and the recent rebellion in Ferguson, perpetuating the lie of the incapacity of black people to act for themselves.

We were overjoyed to see the people who live in Montreal-Nord initiate a fierce attack against the police. Media vans and cameras were smashed, and every police car in sight was charged with rocks, crowbars, and smoke bombs. When the police were hiding, people decided to go to the police station. On the way, the windows of several businesses as well as a bank were shattered (with a fire later started inside) and the joyous destruction of the police station unfolded for twenty minutes.


The post was evacuated preemptively, and we overheard people yelling, “the police are afraid of us now” as every window of the station had rocks thrown through them. When a lone riot cop (didn’t get the memo?) tried to intimidate people from entering the parking lot, he was charged and a hammer was thrown at him as he fled, giving everyone free reign to destroy all the cars as well. When riot-police reluctantly moved in to salvage what was left of their wrecked station, they were welcomed with rocks and fireworks. As people moved back into the residential streets, at least six cars were torched.



As anarchists, we participated in these moments to support these courageous acts of rage and rebellion. What went down Wednesday night continues to return to our minds, warming our hearts and inspiring our fight against policing in our own contexts. The complicity we felt with people we met in the streets of Montreal-Nord calls us to go out of our cliques and surpass the borders formed in our city and our heads by the racist social order.

So tonight, we wrote the name of Bony Jean-Pierre on several giant billboards in the city alongside images of burning police cruisers, because “memory is alive, and ready to strike”.

Never forgive, never forget. The fire continues to burn in us.



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Arson attack at a luxury car dealership in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists

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Mar 152016


Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

A car dealership near Côtes-des-Neiges was attacked using incendiary devices causing damage to luxury vehicles in the honor of the courageous imprisoned comrades of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire and of Revolutionary Struggle.

Solidarity means attack.

Long live anarchy.

A thousand years to the Black International

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For a month against police: SPVM cruiser attacked outside of metro Charlevoix

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Mar 052016

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Earlier today, at 6 pm, a few friends attacked an SPVM cruiser parked outside of Charlevoix metro in the Montreal neighborhood of Pointe-Saint-Charles by slashing the tires and breaking the windows.

We want to use this attack as a call for actions against police in Montreal between now and the end of March.

As the annual demonstration against “police brutality” approaches, we’d like to move away from only being combative with police during an annual demonstration, for which they can prepare extensively and after which social peace is easily restored. We want to show that the police are vulnerable to sabotage, and that this is possible every day of the year. We want fear to change camps. We want to encourage the anarchist space in Montreal to experiment with a diffuse offensive against the daily operations of police, not just on march 15th, but in the entire coming month.

We scattered copies of this flyer at the site of the smashed cruiser:

Why we attack the police

If you’re reading this, you’re probably wondering why a few masked individuals just smashed the police car in front of you.

It was pretty easy to ruin these cops’ day; we wore scarves, hats, and gloves to conceal our identities, and dedicated twenty seconds to our direct action while one of us was well positioned to watch for police trying to return to their vehicle. We ran a block, changed our outer layer to appear different while keeping our scarves on, and calmly blended back into the crowd as we walked away.

Allow us to introduce ourselves; we are those who never felt content to follow the program of metro-boulot-dodo that schools prepare us for; we are those who see a cop and recognize the legacy of domination they represent and enforce; we are those who want to struggle to destroy the state, the economy, the apparatuses which force us to conform to the predetermined roles of ‘woman’ and ‘man’, and all the innumerable daily violences this society imposes on us. We want to destroy what destroys us, while simultaneously beginning to create a world less miserable than this one.

We’re not fooled by the reforms the state offers us to placate these sentiments, because we also recognize that we can’t just adjust the dials on this death-machine of a society, but must set fire to its electrical board. We want a revolutionary rupture with the daily life that forces us into work and acceptable social relations. Outside of large-scale riots and rebellions, we live this desire for something new by sabotaging the systems of domination in whichever ways we can.

Many of us call ourselves anarchists, though what’s important isn’t what we call ourselves, but rather the rich and inspiring struggle against authority that our actions and projects contribute to. For us, a police cruiser that can no longer patrol the neighborhood hints at the bigger goal of making the system of policing, prisons, and courts non-functional, because this system of repression and control has never and will never be anything but an obstacle to our freedom. It protects and serves the powerful – institutions and people who have more of a say in how we live our lives than we do.

We hope that the sound of those shattering police car windows resonates with you, and that you’re also disgusted by any obedient citizens who understands this as an attack on their own safety. Time and time again, we see that police only worsen our lives. When there’s a rapist in our neighborhood, we’d far rather see a self-organized group of people respond with baseball bats to the rapists kneecaps, rather than see someone who survived rape be dragged through the courts and made to feel shamed at every turn. We’d far rather the people in our neighborhood who are kept in poverty by bosses and landlords organize to loot the IGA or hold up a yuppie business, rather than steal from and call the police on each other.

Every year on March 15, there is a protest against “police brutality”. If we want a chance at free lives, we need to bring the fight beyond just the “brutality” or “excesses” of the SPVM. We need to understand that brutal violence and coercion are intrinsic to the police’s very existence. We refuse the narrative that the media and the state feed us – that the problem is individual police and not the entire structure of policing and the world they defend. That’s why when many of us meet in the streets, it’s against all police, and we bring rocks and fireworks to lob at them from behind barricades. We invite you to find us there, and share in this practice of revolt.

Until next time
Your friendly neighborhood anarchists

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Attacks in Hochelag’

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Feb 272016


Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Last night, we destroyed the windows of Antidote, Mâle Bouffe, Electric Children (which was also sprayed with paint), and attacked the businesses of the Place Valois. This morning, flyers were thrown in the metro stations Préfontaine, Joliette and Pie-IX and at the Place Valois explaining the attacks of the night before.


During the night of February 25, 2016, some businesses in Hochelaga were attacked. We smashed the windows and threw paint everywhere.

Because we’re pissed. Sick of these businesses where what they are selling is not only over-priced food and clothing, but a life based on work which isolates us, bores us, and enslaves us. Fuck this world of consumers and thieving landlords! Fuck the police who protect them!

The point isn’t to develop an “expertise” in destruction. All that this action required was some hammers, crowbars, rocks, and paint. And before that, a bit of an idea of where to arrive from, where to exit, masks and maybe some clothes that can be gotten rid of.

We’ll find each other in the night!

Solidarity with trans and queer prisoners!

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Feb 062016


Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

In response to the International day of solidarity with trans and queer prisoners, we roamed our streets leaving messages of solidarity in french, english, and spanish.

Because war against the existent begins with the reappropriation of our lives and the deconstruction of established norms.

The struggle is individual, collective, but especially daily.

Against domination, fire to the prisons!

Enbridge Valve Site Sabotaged Again

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Jan 262016

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

line 9 shut off & line 7 valve tampered with in hamilton, on

our hearts were bursting with love and cheer after hearing of the many times our friends have courageously shut down pipelines in recent months.

so in the early hours of january 25,2016 we found our own courage and took action against enbridge and their line 9. slipping in to a valve station located on traditional Haudenosaunee Territory (in hamilton, ontario) we successfully operated an electronic valve to shut off the flow of tarsands crude in line 9. a line 7 valve, also an enbridge tarsands pipeline, was also tampered with and closed part way. we then disappeared back into the night.

we took this action to stand in unity with all those who have defended the land before us, and for those who decide to take action after us. we take it to fight against an industry that puts us at risk every day and subjects frontline communities to violence upon their bodies, communities and cultures – for profit.

we believe that’s worth fighting against; that those people and communities are worth fighting for.

so call us what you will, but we only do what is both necessary and right. our actions hurt none, but a lack of action hurts everyone.
may we all find the courage to actively resist & destroy exploitative capitalist industrial projects.

fuck enbridge
fuck the tarsands
and fuck all pipelines.

ps. for those curious to follow in our stead – enbridge thinks they’re being all smart by putting on large gold security chains (which can’t be cut with bolt cutters) and lockboxes on the gates. bypass these by cutting the fence itself. then all you need are some garden shears (to cut the very, very secure zip tie protecting the electrical panel), your wits and an exit plan.

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New Year’s Eve attack on a yuppie car in Montreal

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Jan 102016

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

“Because Black December is not a staged repetition of previous insurrectional events, but rather a circle of struggle that connects the past with the present, in search of a future where our everyday life will be inundated with acts of attack and rebellion against Power.

Because, although our bodies are incarcerated between walls and bars, our souls are found in every part of the planet where flags of resistance are raised for a world of freedom.

Because our hearts stubbornly continue to beat to the rhythm of wild freedom…”

– Nikos Romanos

Last December 31st in the evening, an angry person (me) went over a rather vast distance to a terribly-gentrified neighborhood by the Lachine Canal in Montreal to put an expensive BMW on fire (on Duvernay between Charlevoix and Levis St). I’ll call it an attempt, as I wasn’t around to see what actually happened… yet if no stupid citizen took the risk to intervene to keep the fire from destroying a car, it should have worked. But there is no guarantee.

Molotoving this damn machine would have been surely more certain. Though at this busy time of the evening, in one of the busiest evenings of the year, I couldn’t afford the risk so I went for a more discreet approach involving chemicals. Hence, I just slipped under one of the rear tires a cup of coffee half-filled with dry chlorine and added some brake fluid to it, then flew the scene without a fuss. I tested this recipe many times already so there’s no reason why it shouldn’t have worked, especially on tires. Here’s for the explanation.

On the other hand, there are also good reasons why this arson may have been silenced by the police and the mainstream media -or just neighbors who wouldn’t bother calling the cops over a suspicious coffee cup- especially given how this neighborhood is filled with some of the city’s “innocent” upper middle-class, including fancy members of the Inner Party. Obviously they would seek to avoid a scandal with the potential of causing discomfort among this disneyland of the petty bourgeoisie and challenge their disgusting yet delusional sense of social (and racial) supremacy, with all the intestine fluctuations of credit-bubble flatulences this might involve. So, maybe maybe.

The only way to make sure that it gets there, for all those sickened by this near-overtly fascistic social formatting -a.k.a “gentrification”- to not have it further steered away from “public view”, would be to keep reproducing such tactics more and more, in busier spots when possible, so that a real inevitable situation is brought upon these small capitalist rats. We need a sustained insurgency taking as many forms and aspects as there are beautiful colors in the rainbow of your clique, your clan, your cult, your couple and your crew.

Especially to gtfo of these accomodating enclaves might help. If a wanker like me could manage to move my ass out of my own, away from the usual apathy of my buddies just to smash a bit of society… so this possibly means YOU CAN DO IT.

So you may as well -though not limited to- drop syringes and dog poos on the sidewalks of trendy areas… pepper-spray more bougie bar & grills… punch some White male yuppie’s smug face and poke your fingers in their shallow eyes… dress and make up as a petty bourgeois hipster yourself to fuck everything up from the inside… or just do a really funny surprise attack out of nowhere to trash their places… with their own trash of course. It’s up to you. So many possiblities to grab!

I did that in the context of Black December in solidarity with Michael Kimble and all the other prisoners who’ve been taking part in the recent uprisings in Alabama, along with Emma Sheppard in Britain, the invincible Nikos Romanos, Sean Swain, Nicole Kish, MARIUS Mason and the Hammond brothers.

But it was primarily as an act of revenge for a female deer that, roughly a year ago somewhere in the Eastern Townships, was found dead in a ditch on the side of the road, while she was still pregnant. (picture of her attached) It will take hundreds of burned cars to sooth my anger about this poor defenseless creature. So I’ll keep doing this no matter what.

Fire for hire!

– an Individual from the Plateau Crew

P.S.: praises to the few in Quebec who managed to make New Year’s Eve noise demos in front of at least three prisons outside of Montreal. Let’s keep spreadin’ this shit broad and wide!


Enbridge valve and pipeline sabotaged

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Jan 062016

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

What better way to start a new year than by shutting down some fucking oil pipelines?

Sometime in the night of January 3rd, 2016 individuals stole into the dark near so-called Cambridge and used a manual pipeline valve to restrict the flow of Enbridge’s Line 7. We then applied our own locking devices to delay response time.

Line 7 is another recently-expanded tarsands pipeline operated by Enbridge, running parallel to Line 9 & flowing 180,000 bpd of tarsands crude.

This action was undertaken to show our ever lasting love and support to the brave folks who’ve taken similar actions in the traditional territories of the Huron-Wendat, Mohawk, and Anishinaabek people.

Further, we take action to counter the new narrative of the state; to swing back at the grossly inflated charges those in Sarnia received, and show that we will not be cowed.

We fight for the land and water; and we fight for our lives.

We will always fight back, whether it’s with the sun warming our faces, or the moonlight to guide us.

Join us.

No tarsands, no pipelines.
