Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
Chambord, route 155, CN bridge
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Tardigrades Cell
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
Chambord, route 155, CN bridge
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Tardigrades Cell
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
Last Saturday the 22nd of February, during a great autonomous and popular boxing gala in France, the boxers and spectators showed their solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en who face the assault of the so called BC state, Canada and the RCMP.
We send a message of peace and a message of love to all those who fight to preserve their way of life againt oppression and thus against the Coastal Gaslink pipeline.
May you be strong and victorious in your struggle. We follow it carefully from our side of the ocean.
#WetsuwetenStrong #RCMPoffPlanetEarth #ACAB #shutdowncanada
We advocate for a multiplication of solidarity actions across the world to show our support and increase presure on the so-called Canada and the colonists.
Anonymous submission to North Shore Counter-Info
As of 5pm today (February 24th) we have set-up a rail blockade in Hamilton, ON., in response to the OPP raid on Tyendinaga this morning. Our intention is to stay here indefinitely and we are calling on others to join us (See map below). Come for a couple hours or stay for the night, and bring your friends! If you plan on coming out, dress warmly, bring blankets and sleeping bags, and snacks are always welcome. If you can’t make it out, please help spread the word and share this with your networks.
The site is a bit tricky to get to, but not impossible. It can be accessed from either the West or East side of the tracks, and there is parking scattered around relatively close on both sides.
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
In the night from Sunday to Monday, an electrical signaling box located along the CN rail line in Pointe-St-Charles was burned. We hope that traffic will be interrupted again and for as long as possible. We targeted the rails not only because they are the colonial infrastructure par excellence, but also because the majority of natural resources are moved by train. We give a warm salute to all those fighting extractivism and domination: the mines that destroy the land (even the lithium mines needed for the production of electric car batteries), the extraction and transportation of oil and natural gas, the devastation of forests, from one side of the country to the other. We want freedom, dignity, self-determination and a healthy life – for everyone and without concession.
Saturday morning, an anonymous group unfurled a banner on the CN bridge crossing the L’Assomption River in Joliette, unceded First Nations territory. This action demonstrates solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en people and their hereditary chiefs who oppose the passage of the Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project on their traditional territory in British Columbia.
The anonymous group is calling for all forms of solidarity actions in order to maintain and strengthen the balance of power established across Canada and calls on the Trudeau government to address the underlying issue! The ”inconveniences” that Canada is currently experiencing because of the blockades are trivial compared to the injustices experienced by indigenous peoples.
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
A CN rail crossing in Saint-Lambert, Quebec is currently being blocked. The track connects Montreal to Eastern Canada as well as to the United States. We are acting in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en who are fighting against Coastal Gas Link’s proposed energy corridor through their territory and whose land was invaded by the RCMP in January.
Since the beginning of the RCMP’s invasion, many different types of solidarity blockades have multiplied across the country. We are inspired by the courageous acts of Indigenous resistance we have witnessed, including the ongoing rail blockades in Kahnawake and Tyendinaga. We have set up this new encampment blocking CN tracks as we believe these land and water defenders should not have to fight alone.
We invite all those who are able to join us at the site of this encampment. The blockade is set up a block south of rue rue Saint-Georges and ave St Charles. You can get there by taking the 2 or 54 bus south from Longueuil metro (bring change for an extra fare). We encourage everyone to bring very warm clothes, water, food, and any winter camping gear you have access to.
We will continue to block the railroad tracks until the RCMP leaves Wet’suwet’en territory. We encourage others to take action in order to force the government to accept the demands of the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs.
For more up to date information, follow us on twitter @MTLanticolonial or write us an email at
#ShutDownCanada #AllEyesOnWetsuweten #WetsuwetenStrong #Wetsuweten #ShutCanadaDown
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
Today, Sunday the 16th of February, at 11am, around 20 people gathered at the train station in St-Pascal du Kamouraska. We marched through the town in support of the Wet’suwet’en struggle for the effective recognition of their traditional governance and the defense against the ransacking of their ancestral territories, in relation to the construction of a new energy corridor in British Columbia.
Then a blockade was erected for an indeterminate amount of time on the CN tracks, blocking all rail traffic to the Maritimes.
The Wet’suwet’en demand an end to work by TransCanada on the Coastal GasLink pipeline and the withdrawal of the RCMP from their territory. This country was created by genocide and the invasion of First Nations. The events of the past days demonstrate that according to Canada, might makes right. Our presence here, today, is part of a continuity of solidarity actions and economic blockades that aim to establish a balance of power against TransCanada and governments!
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
A bit over a hundred people marched through downtown Montreal Thursday night, to show their solidarity with the inhabitants of Wet’suwet’en territory currently facing violence and harrassment from the colonial Canadian state and its police force, the RCMP. Demonstrators marched in the streets of Montreal toward the RCMP offices behind a banner reading “RCMP OFF WET’SUWET’EN LAND”.
The RCMP headquarters was targeted in response to violence against indigenous people and especially the Wet’suwet’en. The car parked in the driveway had its windows broken and tires slashed, and paint bombs and graffiti hit the building. The demonstration occured in the context of a wave of actions currently shutting down so-called Canada. The message is clear: violence committed against indigenous peoples, land defenders and water protectors, on Wet’suwet’en land or elsewhere, will always meet with a response. This response will come from everywhere and it will only get louder.
The oil industry, the Canadian state and its police force can try to force through their pipeline, we can in turn halt the circulation of their commodities. The targets are everywhere. It’s now or never.
Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en and all those stepping up right now against the colonial Canadian state.
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
The Canadian state isn’t invulnerable. As Canada sends an army into Wet’suwet’en territory to try to force through the Coastal GasLink pipeline, it’s time to find the weak points of this country’s economic and political power, and attack.
Last night, in response to the start of the RCMP raid, we visited the riding office of David Lametti, federal minister of justice, in Montreal. We emptied a fire extinguisher filled with paint inside after breaking a window.
No component of Canadian “justice” – not its courts, not its laws, not its cops, not its ministers – has any legitimacy on stolen land, and we will make it known.
Fuck the RCMP. Unconditional solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en land defenders.
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
On January 4th, Wet’suwet’en members delivered an eviction notice to the CGL mancamp known as “site 9A” on Unistʼotʼen territory. CGL complied with the eviction notice, and employees and security forces completely withdrew from the territory. Shortly thereafter, there were reports of over 100 felled trees and piles of tires and accelerants blocking Morice West Forest Service Road, effectively protecting the area from industry and RCMP incursion. This unceded Wet’suwet’en land has now been liberated from Canada.
To protect this area, 4 camps extending through two clan territories have been set up along the logging road that traverses this territory. Wet’suwet’en chiefs have been steadfast in their assertion that Canadian law has no jurisdiction over the yintah, and that neither CGL nor RCMP are welcome on their territory. Over the past few weeks, while the RCMP have been gearing up to attempt to invade the territory, camps have been bolstered by a steady stream Wet’suwet’en, Gitxsan, and settler visitors. From railway sabotage, to round dances, a wide diversity of solidarity actions have been popping off all over Turtle Island.
Recently, we have learned that the community halls in Telkwa and Houston, two adjacent communities to the Gidim’ten and Unist’ot’en camps, have been rented out to house approximately 100 RCMP personnel, from January 31st, for 2 and 3 weeks respectively. Please call the community halls to ask why they choose to be complicit in the invasion of unceded Wet’suwet’en territory, and the perpetuation of the colonial relationship that resulted in the 60’s scoop, broken treaties, land theft, and genocide.
If you aren’t sure what to say, you can follow this script:
I heard you are renting your community space to the RCMP, to help them try to raid and evict Wet’suwet’en people from their traditional territories. Unless you want your community hall to become synonymous with the same force of colonization that put the residential school system in place, you should cancel the RCMP’s reservation.
Houston Community Hall:
Houston Leisure Services
PO Box 370, Houston BC, V0J 1Z0
Phone: (250) 845 2238
Fax: (250) 845-7434
E-Mail –
Telkwa Community Hall:
Phone: (250) 846-5212
For more information on the Gidimt’en camp:
For more information on the Unist’ot’en camp: