Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information


Vigil and Day of Action: Wednesday the 28th of February 2018, in Solidarity With Freddy Stoneypoint, Mi’kmaq Sovereignty, and the Struggle Against Fossil Fuels

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Feb 242018

From Ni Québec, ni Canada

The 28th of February is the next court appearance of Freddy Stoneypoint at the Palais of (In)justice of Percé. The legal bozos of perpetuated genocide will evaluate if the evidence gathered by the armed wing of the Quebecois state, (in service of Junex), are sufficient to commence the circus—-in other words, whether the trial will take place. These supporters of a deadly economy are acting completely illegitimately on sovereign Mi’kmaq territory (more precisely on the unceded sovereign 7th District Mi’gmaq territory as affirmed by the 1763 Royal Proclamation indian lands protection clause).

Gary Metallic, the traditional chief of the 7th District of Mi’kma’ki, sovereign territory of the Mi’kmaq people, served a tresspassing notice to Junex, but Junex is not on trial. Only an indigenous comrade of the Mi’kmaq people in struggles, Freddy Stoneypoint, is persecuted, because he was supposedly at a blockade to defend the territory, blockade that was hold with the authorization of Gary Metallic, the traditional chief. Gary Metallic has repeatedly reasserted his people’s refusal of the extraction of fossil fuels. Despite the fact that the Mi’kmaq never abandoned their sovereignty, the Quebecois state continues to repress comrades arrested for resisting extraction and for the recognition of Mi’kmaq sovereignty.

As comrades of Freddy Stoneypoint and the Mi’kmaq people, we call for the 28th of February to be a day of solidarity and action for the complete and total liberation of those accused under colonial law. We call for the recognition of Mi’kmaq sovereignty, land and struggle, and for the sovereignty of other native territories. And we stand against the extraction industry.

We would also like to underline with this action our solidarity with the River Camp and Treaty Truck House against Alton Gas.

Whether we’re in Gespe’gewa’gi or elsewhere, let’s continue to work in the spirit of total resistance for decolonization, the sovereignty of native people, and for life.

Statement from Freddy Stoneypoint:

As a sovereign man who is indigenous to Turtle Island, my rights and responsabilities include practicing ceremony and walking on the land with love and respect. I am not an activist. I am simply an Anishnaabe man concerned with the unborn and the safety of the lands and waters they rely upon. I am thankful towards the many folks, ranging from all walks of life, who have been supportive of the kindship and relationality that I hold for the sacred. Miigwetch.

For more information:

Legal fund for Freddy Stoneypoint

7th District Tribal Council of Gespegawagi

Camp de la rivière

Stop Alton Gas

Announcing Resistance is Fertile 2018!

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Feb 212018

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Over the past year, there has been something of a resurgence in anarchist activity in Ottawa, a vibrant community has begun to form, and it feels like the conditions are right for rapid growth in the radical milieu of our city. That is why we say: Resistance is Fertile!

Most visibly, for the first time since the shuttering of Exile Infoshop over 7 years ago, Ottawa now has a anarchist social centre that is not also a punk house. This social centre, known as the Garden Spot (or G-Spot for short) is near Carleton University, and is already serving to bring together radical & leftist students from Carleton, the University of Ottawa, high schools, and the broader community. To build on the current momentum, we decided to hold a series of events of interest to comrades and newcomers alike.

You can find the Facebook event for the week of activities here.

The schedule for the week is as follows:


The Truth about Truth and Reconciliation at Faith House

Concerning Violence Movie Screening with Anti Colonial Action at the Garden Spot


Kurdish Voices on the Rojava Revolution (G-Spot)


Anarchist Community Organizing (G-Spot)

This event is for people who are currently involved in anarchist projects in Ottawa – please request an invite if you would like to attend.


Closed workshop


Daughters of Dust Viewing to celebrate Black History Month (G-Spot)


The Garden Spot is sponsoring a for youth by youth “Alt Art Show”

Canadian Involvement in the Pillaging of Latin America (Faith House)


Black Sheep Supper Club Round #7 (G-Spot)

We have a triple aim with this project: to educate, to inspire, and to provide space in which activists can get to know each other. As always, we will be providing free vegetarian food (with vegan options) at all events. Help procuring, preparing & serving food is always appreciated, as is help cleaning up afterwards.

It is our great pleasure to be able to offer all of these workshops free of charge, although we welcome donations and may pass the hat. 100% of donations will go to the presenters. We are doing all of these events with zero budget.

Since this is for Montreal Counter-Info, we encourage folks to take this info and tuck it into the back of your minds. Abominable shit is always happening in Canada’s capital, and sometimes it makes sense for folks to travel here to express their rage and disgust. At such moments, connections with local organizers become invaluable, and now’s a good time for forward-thinking activists to start building those relationships. Remember, Trump still might come to Ottawa at some point, and if a state visit is announced, there might not be much time to mobilize.

There’s also the massive anti-abortion March For Life, scheduled for May 10th on Parliament Hill, which provides an opportunity to confront the reactionary forces of the patriarchy.

These potential mobilizations aside, it is just a good thing in general to densify the interconnectivity amongst those who want to fight for lives free from the state, capitalism, and oppression, so we encourage folks to travel to Ottawa to build bridges between our communities!

Communiqué Following the Latest La Presse Article on Montreal Counter-Info

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Feb 192018

From MTL Counter-Info

Montreal Counter-Information is an autonomous platform that receives anonymous submissions as well as texts spreading anarchist ideas of different tendencies. We do not condemn anything that is published on this site. We are not the authors of the submissions sent to us.

Recently we learned from an article in La Presse that the SPVM were investigating the website in order to try to find the actors behind some of the actions that have been shared on Montreal Counter-Information. This is the second article in the space of only a couple months. This media and police circus is trying to isolate the ideas behind Montreal Counter-Information and instill fear in the people who visit the site in order to render the spread of subversive information through the internet and social media even more difficult.

Concerns have been raised regarding the Facebook page: “The SPVM has demanded all the connection data (IP addresses) since the creation of the Facebook profile associated with the site in order to maximize the chances of identifying who manages it.” We will not cede to the pressure of the cops’ fear campaign and close the page. We think that the more people who consult the page, the more thinly the risk of repression will be spread. The goal of using Facebook is to be able to reach more people who are not necessarily in activist circles. Don’t give in to panic, this would mean playing into the repression.

Don’t forget either that the mainstream media are contributing heavily to this campaign of fear in an attempt to demonize the website. And of course journalists are feeding the police campaigns, hoping for arrests in order to fill their pages.

In solidarity,

Montréal Counter-Information

“Canada” Demands Justice for Colten

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Feb 152018

From subMedia

Last week, white Canadian farmer Gerald Stanley was found not guilty of murder against Colten Boushie, a 22-year old indigenous man, who was trespassing on Stanley’s farm. People all across Canada responded by hosting vigils and demos in solidarity with the Boushie family, and to demand justice for Colten.

Treaty Camp Update

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Feb 132018

From subMedia

Mi’kmaqs have been blocking a fracked gas storage project by Alton Gas that would pollute the Shubenacadie river. Alton Gas project manager and ex-RCMP agent, Rob Turner, showed up to the camp to put up a “no trespassing” sign. Not only was the sign covered up, but the camp also called for another work day where allies came in to help build infrastructure and prepare the camp for the struggle ahead. Water protectors are engaging treaty law in the anti-colonial struggle. This law supersedes all Canadian law. Follow this struggle!

Demo Against The Police Of Maniwaki (and all other)

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Feb 012018

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Gathering at Place Émilie-Gamelin, tonight (February 1) at 19h

With every bullet, we are reminded that the police are murderers. Yesterday, they once again opened fire on someone – an 18 year old who remain anonymous – who was acting with hostility at the courthouse in Maniwaki. Last summer Pierre Coriolan was gunned down by the police while he was having a mental health crisis. In the winter of 2016, Bony Jean-Pierre was murdered by police. As long as this deadly order is imposed on us, we will not forget, and we will not forgive.

We don’t yet know whether this young man who was shot in the head will survive, and if so, in what state. Let’s remember that shootings like these are only a visible fraction of the rampant police harassment that many face on a daily basis, a type of violence that makes up the foundation of the colonial, capitalist and statist order.

This attack is a drop of water in the ocean of police violence. But we refuse that it becomes just another statistic, another passing moment of outrage that nourishes cynicism.

We call for a demo to stop the automatic movement of daily life, and to honor life that rises against the order of the police in a thousand and one ways.

We call for a demo in the hope that it won’t be just an image of protest against the violence and absurdity of the world, but so that fear can actually switch sides.

Let’s come together to brave the frozen winter (the forecast is 3 degrees, so come!!!) and act against this terrible event.

Fuck every cop, their friends, sympathizers, and anyone not willing to choose a side.
No peace in the street with the police in the streets!

Trouble #9: Learning to Resist – Trailer

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Jan 272018

From subMedia

On this 50th anniversary of the global uprisings of 1968, subMedia pays homage to the insurgent youth who helped kick things off a half-century ago by taking a look at some contemporary student-led movements that are still tearing things up around the world. In this month’s episode of Trouble, the first of a two-part series on radical student movements, sub.Media talks to a number of current and former student organizers from so-called Puerto Rico, Quebec and Chile as they share their experiences from the high-points of past struggles and provide hard-fought lessons that can help prepare a new generation for the battles to come.

A few notes on Atalante’s postering campaign in Montreal

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Jan 262018

From Montréal-Antifasciste

A big deal was made last weekend (January 20–21) about a tawdry postering campaign in Montréal that targeted an array of political figures and local militants.Without downplaying the significance of the action, we believe that it is important to not blow things out of proportion and to identify the people involved.

Rumours have been circulating for a while about plans by the far-right groupuscule Atalante, which has been active in Québec City for years now, to launch a “new” chapter in Montréal. The feeble overnight display of January 20–21 was meant to be this notorious new chapter’s coming out party.

It’s important to keep in mind that the so-called Montréal branch of Atalante is made up of the same pinheads that have been kicking around the city for a while, primarily as members of the Soldiers of Odin. A few of them have already been featured on this site, e.g., Philippe Gendron and David Leblanc (SOO), as has another participant, Shawn Beauvais-MacDonald, a white supremacist fan of the alt-right, who has already made a number of appearances here.

Let’s take a look at who took part in this fabled January night-time adventure. The fascists were so kind as to post an entire photo album of their half-assed escapades on Atalante’s Facebook page.


This person has the same build, the same posture, the recognizable leather jacket, and the distinct clothing of a certain Shawn Beauvais-MacDonald, whom we’ve discussed numerous times on this site.

As was already reported on the On Jase, website, Alan Kovak (real name, Martin Minna; alias Boris Popovich) was foolish enough to use his Facebook page (all of his accounts are now closed) to publish a series of photos and a video bragging about the role he and his associates, whom he was good enough to identify, played in the postering campaign.


Beauvais-MacDonald is very easily identified, not only by his physical stature, posture, and clothing, but by comparisons with his well documented appearance at numerous far-right demonstrations in 2017:

Shawn Beauvais-MacDonald at the La Meute demonstration in Montréal on March 4, 2017. Note the “Venus” tuque.


Shawn Beauvais-MacDonald at the “patriotic” demonstration on April 23, 2017, with some acolytes.


Shawn Beauvais-MacDonald at the white supremacist Unite the Right demonstration in Charlottesville, Virginia, August 12, 2017.


Shawn Beauvais-MacDonald at La Meute’s “underground garage demonstration” in Québec City on August 20, 2017.

We also know that Shawn Beauvais-MacDonald is close to Atalante and the Soldiers of Odin, as is indicated by this “family photo” with Raphaël Lévesque (alias Raf Stomper, leader of Atalante) and his easily identified presence in the Atalante/SOO contingent at the November 25, 2017 demonstration in Québec City:

Raphaël Lévesque (alias Raf Stomper) and Shawn Beauvais-MacDonald. Note the t-


The Atalante contingent on the Esplanade rampart in Québec City on November 25, 2017.


Shawn Beauvais-MacDonald with the Atalante/SOO contingent at the far-right demonstration in Québec City on November 25, 2017. Note the leather jacket, the “Venus” tuque, and the t-shirt.

Some Atalante members and sympathizers who participated in the January 20 postering campaign are also easily identified by cross referencing photos from a variety of sources.

This individual carries himself in the same way as Mathieu Bergeron, a close associate of Atalante, who was easily recognized on the Esplanade rampart during the far-right demonstration in Québec city on November 25, 2017:

Mathieu Bergeron with the Atalante/SOO contingent at the far-right demonstration in Québec City on November 25, 2017. Note the Légitime Violence ball cap, identical to the one in the previous two photos and the next one.


Mathieu Bergeron


Mathieu Bergeron

The most well known Atalante member is certainly Raphaël “Raf Stomper” Lévesque, who was clearly part of the January 20, 2108 adventure in Montréal:

Raphaël Lévesque, Atalante leader, participating in the January 20, 2018 postering campaign in Montréal. Note the North Face jacket and the New Balance running shoes.


Atalante on the Esplanade rampart in Québec City, with Raphaël Lévesque in the centre.


Raphaël Lévesque rallying his storm troopers at the November 25, 2017 far-right demonstration at the Assemblée Nationale.


Raphaël Lévesque in good company; Stomper “Yannick Sailor” appears on the right.

There are numerous photos of the Québec City Stomper Crew and Légitime Violence’s entourage on the Montréal Contre-Information website, and Raphaël Lévesque appears in most of them.

A third Atalante accomplice appears in the January 20, 2018 campaign photo album, Vincent Cyr of Varennes:

Vincent Cyr, Atalante sympathizer in Montréal on January 20, 2018. Note the tattoos on his hands and the patch  on his bomber jacket.


Vincent Cyr. Note the tattoos, the patch, the bomber jacket, and the camo pants.


Vincent Cyr, Atalante sympathizer. Note the Rock Against Communism patch.


Vincent Cyr with Atalante on the Esplanade rampart in Québec City, November 25, 2017.


Vincent Cyr with Atalante and the Soldiers of Odin at the far-right demonstration in Québec City onNovember 25, 2017.

It seems another member of Atalante’s entourage, a bonehead from the Québec City Stompers scene, Jonathan Payeur, was at least partially responsible for producing the group’s banners, which get their distinctive character from the chosen font. Here’s a revealing exchange on the subject from Raf Stomper’s Facebook page:

Raf Stomper’s comment reads: “Johnathan Payeur caught in the act!”


Jonathan Payeur, a close associate of Atalante and the Québec City Stomper Crew.


Jonathan Payeur, a close associate of Atalante and the Québec City Stomper Crew.

Let’s not forget our good friend David Leblanc, the “I’m not a racist” Nazi and all-round Soldiers of Odin fuck-up, another victim of the ineptitude of his accomplice Martin Minna, alias Alan Kovak:

On the left, the Soldiers of Odin’s David Leblanc.

The Soldiers of Odin’s David Leblanc, in the company of Guillaume Levesque and Ian Alarie from Varennes, showing us just how high he can reach.


David Leblanc with the Soldiers of Odin contingent in Québec on November 25, 2017.


It was a busy weekend for David Leblanc, who was in Sherbrooke on January 21 to participate in the “Journée du drapeau” [flag day] with Les Insoumis. Behind him are Soldiers of Odin Philippe Gendron and Katy Latulippe.


Rather than succumb to fear or inadvertently contribute to their propaganda by sharing the photos of their racist exploits without providing a context, we believe it is essential that we unmask and expose these fascists, who are taking up an increasing amount of space in our cities.

If you have additional information on the individuals mentioned in this article or about other fascists, contact

Protest Against Police Brutality 2018

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Jan 242018

From Collectif Opposé à la Brutalité Policière

For more than over 20 years now, the C.O.B.P. has been inviting all citizens to participate in demonstrations aiming to express anger towards the fact that the Quebec Police corps feeds off of repression, profiling and brutality. Each year, we issue several claims pertaining to the police’s intervention methods, their abuse and the impunity that is of second nature to their profession. This year is no exception : the Collectif Opposé à la Brutalité Policière invites you to take to the streets on March 15, 2018, in order to express by all means necessary our refusal to bow down to the colonial and capitalist authority that is the police. It is of utmost importance to highlight the fact that this demonstration will take place on unsurrendered indigenous territory which the Quebec political class continues to think is an area that it governs.

The behaviours demonstrated by the police towards which we take offence are particularly extensive. However, this year, we think it is paramount to expose the complicity that exists within members of the Quebec police corps in relation to far-right groups, anti-immigration groups and islamophobic groups. It is because of this complicity that racist group gatherings are allowed to take place without having to face counter-demonstration. Indeed, police repression is now exercised towards counter-demonstration, to the benefit of far right and neo-Nazi groups. The result is that violent and pro-arms anti-immigration groups are freely allowed to disseminate their propaganda.

We also need to highlight the fact that the Quebec media is partially responsible for the rise in far-right groups when they work to discredit the anti-fascist ideology and its efforts. The media goes as far as to publish weak comparisons between the pressure tactics used by the far-left and the extremely violent attacks perpetrated by the far-right. It is as though the tragic attack against the mosque in St-Foy, which took the life of several innocent bystanders, never happened. Certain media outlets continue to feed the far-right by falsely explaining that an attack such as this one was fuelled by islamophobic hate.

This year, the C.O.B.P. wishes to express feelings of revolt towards the media, towards the rise of far-right groups and towards the entire Quebec police corps. We are calling upon all Quebec citizens to push against the rise of the far-right by all means necessary. For years now, we have been saying that the police are in bed with fascist wealth and this year, the police force has demonstrated this more than ever.

Here is the reason why we are joining the anti-fascist struggle and inviting you to Parc La Fontaine on March 15th for a « 5 à 7 » cocktail event where food will be served and where you can take the floor to express your opinions (organized by SOS initinérance), followed at 7:30 pm by the actual annual demonstration against police brutality, which will also take off from Parc La Fontaine.


The Collective Opposed to Police Brutality

Protest against police brutality 2018

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Jan 212018


For more than over 20 years now, the C.O.B.P. has been inviting all citizens to participate in demonstrations aiming to express anger towards the fact that the Quebec Police corps feeds off of repression, profiling and brutality. Each year, we issue several claims pertaining to the police’s intervention methods, their abuse and the impunity that is of second nature to their profession. This year is no exception : the Collectif Opposé à la Brutalité Policière invites you to take to the streets on March 15, 2018, in order to express by all means necessary our refusal to bow down to the colonial and capitalist authority that is the police. It is of utmost importance to highlight the fact that this demonstration will take place on unsurrendered indigenous territory which the Quebec political class continues to think is an area that it governs.

The behaviours demonstrated by the police towards which we take offence are particularly extensive. However, this year, we think it is paramount to expose the complicity that exists within members of the Quebec police corps in relation to far-right groups, anti-immigration groups and islamophobic groups. It is because of this complicity that racist group gatherings are allowed to take place without having to face counter-demonstration. Indeed, police repression is now exercised towards counter-demonstration, to the benefit of far right and neo-Nazi groups. The result is that violent and pro-arms anti-immigration groups are freely allowed to disseminate their propaganda.

We also need to highlight the fact that the Quebec media is partially responsible for the rise in far-right groups when they work to discredit the anti-fascist ideology and its efforts. The media goes as far as to publish weak comparisons between the pressure tactics used by the far-left and the extremely violent attacks perpetrated by the far-right. It is as though the tragic attack against the mosque in St-Foy, which took the life of several innocent bystanders, never happened. Certain media outlets continue to feed the far-right by falsely explaining that an attack such as this one was fuelled by islamophobic hate.

This year, the C.O.B.P. wishes to express feelings of revolt towards the media, towards the rise of far-right groups and towards the entire Quebec police corps. We are calling upon all Quebec citizens to push against the rise of the far-right by all means necessary. For years now, we have been saying that the police are in bed with fascist wealth and this year, the police force has demonstrated this more than ever.

Here is the reason why we are joining the anti-fascist struggle and inviting you to Parc La Fontaine on March 15th for a « 5 à 7 » cocktail event where food will be served and where you can take the floor to express your opinions (organized by SOS initinérance), followed at 7:30 pm by the actual annual demonstration against police brutality, which will also take off from Parc La Fontaine.


The Collective Opposed to Police Brutality