Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
Call to Action Against the PRGT Pipeline
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
A Prison Administrator’s Car Burns
After a Winter of Blockades
A CN Rail Signaling Box Goes Up in Smoke
Fuck the Police, Defend Looters
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
Invitation to the Winter Games of Urban Revolt
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
Poster text:
December 20, 2019 – March 15, 2020
Challenge your friends, your neighbors, and other crews.
Sabotage social control, de-gentrify our neighborhoods!
Three fields of play await the athletes.
no 1 Camover Returns
Destroy surveillance cameras
- dummy camera = 2 points
- functional camera = 6 points
- smart doorbell with camera (Amazon Ring / Google Nest) = 6 points
no 2 Nobody Pays
- each metro turnstile disabled = 3 points
- all the turnstiles of a station = bonus +4
- each fare distribution machine disabled = 6 points
- all the distribution machines of a station = bonus +2
no 3 A Long Winter for Condo Promoters
- glue the locks of a condo sales office (all doors) = 6 points
- redecorate exterior (paint bombs, graffiti, or extinguisher) = 4 points
- redecorate interior (with an extinguisher) = 10 points
- claim one’s action with a meme = 2 points
- burn a christmas tree displayed in public = 4 points
- disable a cop car during a snow storm = 10 points
*This is not an encouragement to brag about one’s actions or otherwise endanger one’s security or that of friends.
Disclaimer: this poster is produced solely for informational purposes and does not incite anyone to break any law.
September 27: Another End of the World Is Possible
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
Don’t Call the Cops!
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
In the early morning of Monday June 10th, the Montreal police shot a man. A neighbour was having a crisis. Instead of doing anything helpful, they harassed him for hours. They had guns pointed at his head. They finally shot him in the leg through hs own apartment door early monday morning. On Sunday June 17th anarchists in the St-Henri neighbourhood of Montreal put up posters reminding our neighbours to think twice before calling the cops.
St-Henri is famously undergoing a rapid and brutal gentrification process. Gentrification is fueled by social cleansing. This means arresting and relocating people with mental health issues, the poor, drug users, sex workers, and all of us trying to get by in a cruel world. One way to resist the over-policing and gentrification of our neighbourhoods is to stop calling the goddamn cops. We made posters that name all the unarmed people who have been killed by the SPVM in the last few years, because this is fucking serious. Cops will always escalate the situation, we can’t trust them. Instead let’s build relationships of trust between neighbours — Let’s make police obsolete! Please download and share these posters — let your neighbours know that COPS KILL, and share some alternatives to calling the police, so no one else has to have their neighbours blood on their hands.