Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information

Discover Westmount: An Up-and-Coming Hub of Anarchist Activity

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Oct 282018

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

When you hear the word “Westmount”, temporary autonomous zones, dumpster barricades, and flaming effigies of Trudeau aren’t exactly what pops to mind. People often think of this drab neighborhood looming over St. Henri as purgatory where the absurdly wealthy listlessly drift between a loveless marriage, resentful children, and a soul-crushing job… But not anymore!

Westmount is undergoing revitalization!

Anarchists are transforming it into a mixed-attack neighborhood that offers many opportunities for comrades of every tendency. In desolate Westmount, there’s an activity for anarchists of any stripe—regardless if your flag flies black, half-red, or purple glitterbomb.

Read Buzzfeed’s list of Five Cool Facts You Didn’t Know About Westmount (or, as we like to call it: Nouvelle-Exarchia)

1) Every other home is empty.

While most of those South of Maisonneuve can’t afford their rising rent–let alone buy a home—the tyrannical trillionaires of Westmount can own 2, 3, and sometimes 4 properties! They may be property owners, but not necessarily residents. Perfectly good houses are just sitting there, with empty bedrooms—and stocked fridges! It’s the cheapest Air BnB in the city-breakfast included! Think about it: Second home or…Squatted Social Centre?

2) Westmount pigs are literally the same as Montreal Pigs.

The Scumbag Protectors of the Very Moneyed (S.P.V.M) aren’t good enough for the affluent assholes of Westmount – these burdensome billionaires have –get this– brought in their very own smarmy army.

The only difference is that they aren’t in full-body armour—their soft, supple skin is vulnerable to the many elements (and projectiles). The way we see it: Two Birds; One Molotov.

3) It’s full of artisinale barricade material.

Have you ever been in a rowdy street party and the police just aren’t taking the many “hints” that their invitation wasn’t simply “lost in the mail”? You run to grab a newspaper box, only to realize it’s been bolted to the ground! You look around, but you are bereft of barricade material! This would never happen in Revolutionary Westmount!™ Here, the streets are peppered with grade-A barricade material, and all of it free for the taking. Newspaper Boxes, Dumpsters, and Patio Furniture—Oh my!

4) The walls are a primed canvas.

Did you know that these wealthy whiners haven’t yet heard of public art? It’s true! The many beautiful, blank walls in this tax-shelter territory present a desirable development opportunity. In this beige borough, you’ll never run into the problem of spending the night hanging out with your “squad”, getting ready to “throw up” an “ACAB” only to find another “tagger” has already “1312”-ed your “sick spot”. The walls are waiting for you to “Bank”-sy it up!

5) Last but not least: Banks, and lots of them!

‘Nuf said. (We already made a good bank joke in #4.)

Jokes aside, on the beautiful fall evening, we slashed the tires of two cars parked in the driveway of 3140 rue Jean-Girard, in Westmount. This is the address of Brandon Shiller. Brandon Shiller is a prominent slumlord who buys up properties in low-income areas with the sole purpose of evicting tenants and hiking up the rent. His daddy’s real-estate firm is Shiller Lavy, which is also heavily-involved in gentrifying many neighborhoods in Montreal.

We encourage anyone else concerned with the rising rents and attacks on the poor to let these scumbags, who hide in the wealthiest neighbourhood in Montreal, know how you feel.

Attack on the Canadian embassy in Athens

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Oct 242018


The Canadian state through its embassy in Athens constantly support the mining corporation Eldorado Gold, responsible for mass destruction of the natural habitat at Chalkidiki region and other places in north Greece. The mining activities destroy aging forests and pollute the earth and water.

The mining industry, and in particular mining operations around the world, are one of the most profitable and at the same time shadow industries. Mining companies are by nature two levels on the scale of exploitation by joint ventures, because in addition to gaining surplus value from the workers, public wealth is harvested from the subsoil of the sites that are active to sell it as theirs, leaving behind dead land. There are many examples of mining companies that left behind huge environmental disasters, dissolved local societies and irreparable damage to human health. For example, the chemical contamination in the Baia Mare mine in Romania by AURUL or the enormous environmental disaster caused by MARCOPPER in the Philippines. In this context, an extraction could not be an exception in Greece. It is no coincidence that economically weak and corrupt countries are a good ground for such investments as they are more vulnerable to the elasticisation of their environmental legislation and the need for work makes workers easy prey to identify themselves with the interests of companies and to turn into their defenders by forgetting their class position.

In the 2000s, Bobolas and the PASOK government took part in one of the biggest scandals of recent years, that of the mines of Halkidiki. In 2003, the Greek state buys Cassandra mines from Canadian TVX and on the same day it transfers them without the planned open tender to Hellenic Gold SA for 11 million euros. Ellinikos Xrysos was founded 3 days before the acquisition of TVX and with a share capital of 60,000 euros (the smallest possible for AE), with the main shareholders also the Canadian European Goldfields and the Hellenic interests of Bobola. This dark contract transferred a mountain of ores worth 22 billion euros, mines, industrial buildings, offices, factories, mechanical equipment, homes, mining of ores and exemption from any responsibility for the protection of the environment. Interesting in the case is that a few years after the transfer, the commission found that this agreement was granted unlawful State aid of EUR 15,400,000 in favor of Hellenic Gold and forced it to repay this amount plus interest to the state. The even more interesting thing is that the then Minister, G. Papaconstantinou, denied this amount and, together with Bhopal, appealed to the European Court against the decision. In 2011, with the licensing of mining, a third Canadian company, Eldorado gold, absorbs European goldfields and acquires 95% of Greek gold. Unlawful state aid of € 15,400,000 was granted to Hellenic Gold and forced it to repay this amount plus interest to the state. The even more interesting thing is that the then Minister, G. Papaconstantinou, denied this amount and, together with Bhopal, appealed to the European Court against the decision.

It is worth mentioning that while in other countries states are taxing mining companies very high and in some cases sometimes demanding a proportion of the mined metals, Greek Gold is taxed on net profits, even from the production stage of pure metals, which the company from the beginning was not meant to do because the proposed method cannot be applied. As expected, the company declares a minus fund and is therefore not taxed. It is also known how the profits of the company through labyrinthine routes end up in companies in the Netherlands and enjoy Barbey island taxes.

Mining in Chalkidiki is a huge project, at the level of investment, spatial and social size and profit for the company. At the same time, it is one of the biggest scandals in recent years, and it has not taken on the proportions it has, such as Vatopedi, SIEMENS or the armaments, although it has nothing to envy, neither in sums nor in the interplay of politicians, contractors, international business giants.

We were particularly pleased with MEGA’s Hollywood reports, which incidentally belonged to Bhopal, for hours to play the protest of 300 metal miners while in Thessaloniki 10,000 people demonstrated against mining. But apart from interweaving, bots and contracts, the epitome of exploitation and looting is the destruction of the environment. Only about 500,000 dusts per hour will be emitted from the rock drilling and explosion areas. This powder contains arsenic, asbestos, lead and other heavy metals and moves from area to area at great speeds through the air, polluting the atmosphere, water, and plants.

Gold is only a stock market value, with no usability, with only 10% of the mined product being used in technology. Its extraction could be avoided, since recycling of already mined gold could cover global needs for many years without even altering the properties of the metal. With the predatory agreement of selling the mines to Hellenic gold, it was public mineral wealth, without any kind of benefit to society, while the state reiterated its consistent practice of exempting companies from established damages and unlawful acts. We have been monitoring the state, over the last 15 years, in co-operation with the Supreme Courts, to facilitate the company with photographic laws and licensing, and to keep a viewer on the continuing illegality. We have watched the company lose any credibility to comply with its approved studies and obligations, especially since it has been released in advance for the environmental damage it will cause. All this, coupled with the inability of control mechanisms, makes the last of the natives aware of the upcoming huge catastrophe that will change the map of the entire region.

The “tradition” of the people in the mining has “delivered tradition” and the movement against it. For the last 40 years, since the Bodossakis era, a multiform movement has called for mobilization and conflict, has endured persecution and imprisonment and has reached academic writing and scientific studies against media propaganda. The radicalization of these societies shows that when capital pillages nature and hence our own lives it will find them in front of it “from the bottom”. Capital is plundering workers, nature and animals. The state is always there to lay back, money and brush. The duty of our class is to send them to the crutch.

Many of the mining companies operating worldwide are based in Canada and three of them are involved in gold mining in Halkidiki. Canadian embassies around the world systematically defend the Canadian mines to blackmail governments to accept mining threatening to disrupt relations between countries. The examples are many. From Chiapas to Mexico and Guatemala, where the embassies supported companies that had their activist killings in their resume, to Honduras, where the Canadian embassy forcibly pressed the government to pass a bill favorable to miners despite the opposite public opinion.

State and capital will always be mutually supportive and will always find us opposite.

Anarchist collectivity of Rubikon

The Ballot Box, the Street, the Strike

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Sep 252018


[Editorial of the CUTE magazine, Fall 2018]

The election period brings its own complications for those who wish to directly take part in a campaign like the one for paid internships and for the recognition of studies as a job. For many months now, interventions have burst forth from all sides, intentional or not, to hijack, divert or neutralize the organizational ability of interns in struggle, towards partisan or corporatist ends. These initiatives, in combination with manoeuvres by the government, come from partisan committees rather than national student associations.

The first example – At the end of March, the Minister of Finance brought down the provincial budget, in which $15 million per year has been announced, earmarked for a financial compensation package during the final internship in teaching. After years of cutbacks in public services[1], no one is fooled: It is indeed an electoral budget in which gifts are being distributed. Financial compensation for final teaching internships has been demanded for more than a dozen years by local and national associations, whose involvement has gone up and down without seeming to lead to any concrete gains. Why has the government decided to move now? The strike! A little more than a year of sustained struggle for the payment of all internships and a serious threat of a stoppage of classes and internships in many programs and many regions was sufficient to make those in power see the need to act. While pressing the demands of CRAIES[2], and completely aware that the most combative elements in the struggle could be found in large part within the education programs, the measures announced serve, no more no less, to divide the movement and cut off it’s ability to organize. It must be said that the strike days are starting to accumulate and administrations like the one at UQAM are showing some openness to paid internships in every program. The Minister of Higher Education herself has publicly announced, following a high profile action by CUTE UQAM, within the framework of the Summit on higher education, that a major project to explore the possibility of paid internships in many programs would be put in place. In short, if the weakening of the movement seems real following the budget, it is however a knife that cuts both ways: this concession also indicates that the days of the stoppage gave concrete results and it is foreseeable that an unlimited general strike could lead to all interns receiving a salary. It is however necessary to avoid dividing the movement and give the government other escape routes of the same sort.

This is what brings us to the second example. Following this “victory” half-heartedly demanded by CRAIES and UEQ[3], it was tempting to want to reproduce this recipe. That is the idea held by the Quebec Association of Student Midwives (AESFQ), who have undertaken to imitate the campaign of CRAIES, in an accelerated fashion, within an electoral context, thinking that in this way they can obtain payment for their internships. Thus begins the speeches and photos with politicians, like Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois and Jean-François Lisée, press conferences at the National Assembly, memes on social media, all of it only to demand paid final internships for midwife practice. The FAECUM[4] is of the same opinion. It encourages the executive of the Social Services Student Association at the Université de Montréal (AESSUM), where the struggle for the payment of all internships is well rooted, to organize a campaign for their discipline only, while sharing with them their worries about seeing this association participate in the strike movement. However, such corporatist concessions would have resulted in weakening the movement as a whole even more and to make all campaigns by program or field of study stagnate. The movement for the payment of all internships has helped reinvigorate the campaigns for the payment of the final teaching internships and for the payment of internships in the study of midwifery, by linking them to a general movement that is rooted in the recognition of the interns’ work and, more broadly, of the work of women, both at the local level and on a global scale. The last thing that is needed right now is to split the movement into specific struggles.

The third and last example. During last winter and spring, activists of Québec Solidaire (QS) from almost everywhere, took it upon themselves to circulate a petition around campuses in favour of paid internships that are mandatory for receiving a diploma. That is notably the case of the QS Campus Association at the Université de Montréal and the QS Sympathizers Group at the Université de Sherbrooke. Rather than being destined to be tabled in the National Assembly, this petition is part and parcel of the new QS strategy that permits the organization to collect voters’ data in view of involving them in the electoral campaign[5]. Rather than use the pre-election period to invite students to mobilize for paid internships on the campuses, they divert this struggle towards recruitment and to promote voting for a party. But the equation that “a vote for QS = a vote for paid internships” is misleading. Firstly, because the campus committees of QS are not involved in the struggle for paid internships and don’t participate in the activities and meetings in the educational institutions nor within the regional coalitions for paid internships, though everyone is welcome. However it is above all because, even if the position of QS indicates that the party is in favour of the payment of all stages, its electoral programme is itself not specific about the theme of the payment of the final stage in teaching[6]. It would therefore be better advised for QS activists on the campuses to rally around the movement and organize the strike rather than to re-route the movement from the street towards the ballot box; a strategy that has never been proven effective.

Minister David has put in place a round table with the national student associations to extinguish the fires that we have lit. It is important now to respond in a judicious way. It doesn’t matter which party will take power, we will organize the strike and we will lead it until the end. Let us not be distracted by the elections. That is the watchword that the groups and associations united within the Montreal and Outaouais coalitions have given themselves, for paid internships.It is only in this way that the government will give in.

  1. According to IRIS, there has been more than $4 billion in cuts to public services between 2014 and 2016. Observatoire des conséquences des mesures d’austérité du Québec:
  2. Inter-university campaign concerning demands and action for teaching internships.
  3. Student Union of Quebec
  4. Federation of Student Associations of the Université de Montréal Campus.
  5. This declared strategy of Quebec Solidaire is been used equally by the Coalition Avenir Québec:
  6. QS leaflet on the payment of internships:


Bill 25 on Welfare: a War on the Poor

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Aug 102018

From the SITT-IWW

On April 1 came into force the law 25 – “An Act to provide a better match between training and employment and to promote employment integration” – which was integrated with the current law on social assistance. We believe it is the early termination of welfare because the founding principles behind it, the right to live decently and access to income regardless of the cause of need, no longer considered. Its implementation will jeopardize people’s lives by imposing attempt to survive them with crumbs, and taking in the great objective employment project, whose purpose is to provide a cheap labor business.

With the law 25, anyone who came to welfare after April 1 2018 must now must enter the Target employment program. This is also the case for those already on welfare before that date but which are part of a family where one member of the couple is now first-time applicant or first-time applicant *.

The law 25 implies that, when you find yourself in these categories, if one misses a meeting with our officer or social welfare officer, she or he can retain completely our check. Furthermore, in case of breach of any of our obligations without cause “valid” (according to the plan set by the welfare officer-e corresponding to our situation : making employment initiatives, to training or to “develop social skills”), Agent-e will have the right to cut our check in the following month or the following month.

  1. 56 $ for the first breach ;
  2. 112 $ for the 2nd violation ;
  3. 224 $ for the 3rd failure.

Basically, if we refuse to comply with employment integration program, we are forced to live with a check 409$ per month. It is therefore clear that the objective of the law 25 is to require persons found no compulsion to work to find one, according to the priorities of private enterprise and according to labor market needs (and conditions established by the welfare officer-e). But we know that the work is not the only way to achieve in life ! And we claim the right to live decently no matter how it is done. In the facts, this law reinforces the notion of “good and bad poor” and prejudice against people who do not have jobs. The government amplifies voluntarily. It is to his advantage to do so, breaking the solidarity among the population, sparking discontent against welfare recipients who have “easy”, that are “hard fat, parasites, fraudsters, profiteers “who deserve to live in misery.

The irony is that even the Employers Council has expressed reservations about the punitive measures Objective employment program. By parliamentary committee, M. Yves-Thomas Dorval, CEO of the Quebec Employers Council, said : « […] That said, I’ll be honest with you, M. The Minister : The amount of social assistance, was, it’s not much either, […]. That’s why I was very happy to see that enhances Russia welfare for those who want to participate. And with that I can assure you of our full support in that direction. Now, it is difficult for a government to make measurements without consideration. And that, I do not know if this is the best, we are not experts in it, but I can just tell you : For sure this is already not high, was, the level of social assistance.» (27 January 2016).

The government’s goal is clear : He wishes discipline the poor world to make it a slave labor and captive, no alternative but to actively participate in programs imposed by the Ministry not to starve. What is announced, this is not a fight against poverty, it is a war to the poor! Keeping us in abject conditions, stirring a core in the form of possible adjustments on their check and a stick in the form of large denomination check or file closure, the Liberal party is a cheap labor, Gift for the company, and long-term, the end of welfare.

Au SITT-IWW, we will continue to oppose any project that creates a class of workers and precarious-e-s workers and that is why we are in solidarity with the struggle against Lens employment project!

* A first-time applicant or a primary applicant is a person who makes an application for social assistance for the first time.

Small gift for the G7 – It was what it seemed like

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Jun 252018

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

While the police and their para-military weapons invaded the old city’s streets, looking for some obscure threat; some shadows slid out of their lair. They attacked the telecommunications system recently updated in Charlevoix by some generous and powerful people. The need for a good fiber-optic connection for the G7 festival relies on a few thousands poles and some big black wires. And no, it’s not the kind of thing that can ignite by itself… We also want to cheer the beaver who broke the fiber-optic network in 2013 and the ice which did the same in April of this year. We hope that by testing your network, we helped you miss a few tweets…

We refuse to be bound by your tentaculary networks. For us, every technological advancement comes at the price of another regression in our liberty.

Sabotage during the G7 Summit

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Jun 232018

From Sans Attendre Demain

The last G7 was held in La Malbaie, in Quebec, the 8th and 9th of June 2018 in the Charlevoix castle. While the entire area was heavily secured, which we don’t doubt, power also took care to reinforce its critical infrastructures, including cell phone network coverage (with a $15M contract with Bell for the installation of 13 cell phone relays), but also the installation of fiber optic cable in this depopulated and slightly preserved zone of La Malbaie (with a $6M contract with Bell), so that the heads of state could enjoy high speed internet during the summit.

Anyway, everything was supposed to go fine on this side, and yet… and yet a fiber optic cable caught fire during the G7, “making certain communications along route 138 leading to Charlevoix impossible,” according to a local paper. “The outage has affected the wireless service of Telus Mobility and Bell Mobility between Beauport and Baie-Saint-Paul following a cutting of the fiber. Twelve wireless sites were affected by the outage.” The Integrated Network of Multimedia Telecommunications of the Quebec government (RITM), which allows the sharing of services and information between public organizations throughout Quebec, was also affected in Baie-Saint-Paul, as well as the Ministry of Transportation. The damages were such that a plan B had to be activated during the G7: a rerouting solution requiring the deployment of a new fiber.

Of course, because it must not be shouted too loudly, and show the vulnerability of mechanisms always within reach of audacious hands, the state speaks of an accident. All the same the odds are incredible – a crucial fiber optic cable catches fire on its own in the middle of the G7 in the red zone, a cable made of glass or plastic, whose properties do not tend toward spontaneous combustion. Whatever they say, hypothesis for hypothesis, we prefer to think that it is either a divine fire, or an anonymous hand angered by this summit of the powerful that is at the origin of this fire. And since God does not exist…

Every Bank is a Blank Canvas

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Jun 162018

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

In the night of June 14th, some artists who wish to remain anonymous made a contribution to MURAL Festival 2018. The piece is a postmodern, extinguisher acrylic on bank window, measuring (approximately) 15ft x 8ft. More specifically, we sprayed the facade of the National Bank on Saint-Laurent Boulevard with a fire extinguisher filled with black paint.

It is obvious that politics, both the G7 politician’s and the social activist’s, is a dead end. The problem is figuring out what to do instead. We choose to experiment with confronting that which seeks to turn every part of our lives into a commodity. We’ve watched the state waste hundreds of millions of dollars on a security apparatus for the spectacle of a summit that bears little relation to our lives and long-term struggles. Instead of falling for this trap, we enjoy acting when and where the cops are not expecting us. We will continue to do so.

Solidarity with the anarchists facing repression in Quebec City, Montreal, Hamilton, and worldwide.

– Some vandals

G7: Statement of the Popular Expression Zone

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Jun 152018

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

8 June 2018, so-called Quebec

Faced with the hideous deployment of the security apparatus put in place during the G7, we decided to organize among friends and block the Dufferin-Montmorency expressway ourselves. We clearly saw that the gatherings and other actions called by the RRAG7, the CLAC and others had no chance of allowing us to experience something seriously enjoyable, and all that needs to be said is we didn’t want to stay discouraged while our neighborhoods were stormed by the cops.

Euphoric, we placed couches in the intersection and furnished the space with banners, laughter, and songs. Comrades put their bodies between the riot police and the space we named Popular Expression Zone for the occasion  to allow us to enjoy ourselves a bit longer. Then we set the living room on fire and left in a demo into the city.

Life, or nothing…

The media, hypnotized by the couches in flames, chose not to relay the communiqué of the Public Space Brigade (BEP). So we decided to share it here:

Public Space Brigade: Don’t panic, everything is under control

That’s the problem.

Even the possibility of criticizing the state is regulated by the cops and fences. Walled-off free speech zones, demonstrations permitted as long as they bother no one. The world has been stolen from us, even the possibility of putting it in question. And quietly people stay in their place, in front of the TV, listening to the radio, suspended in front of screens.

Every year it’s the same theatre piece that is replayed: everyone is there, at their post. The dictatorship of orders reaches its peak, and the peoples try as well as they can to demonstrate an organized opposition to this spectacle.

While we’re battered with messages of fear with respect to possible rises in tension between police and protesters, the politicians discussing security and repression, colonization and oil extraction, war and hatred of migants, exploitation of works and deregulation, have it easy. The question of violence must be posed on a different level.

This popular expression zone is on the opposite end of this buffoonery, this desert you call the G7. It’s the reappropriation from the bottom, from the street, of our lives and our bodies, the relearning of territory and of the freedom to take action against the misery of this rotten system.

Here, we stop the old world. Here, we carve our own in the cracks of its declining power. Here is now – life.

On June 8th, stop the G7!

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Jun 052018

From the RRAG7

Friday, June 8, 2018 – 07:30
Corner of the François-de-Laval and Sainte-Anne boulevards

For the beginning of the G7 Summit, the elites of the world will gather in La Malbaie, isolated in their ivory tower protected by more than half a billion in security costs. They might as well stay there! Everyone in the world will be better off without them and that is why we intend to cut ties with the people creating our misery. Come join us!

Meet us at 7:30AM SHARP in the parking lot of the Normandin on the corner of the François-De Laval and Sainte-Anne boulevards, in the Beauport borough, 5km northeast of downtown Quebec City.


June 7th Protest: Mass demonstration against the G7 and to open the borders!

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Jun 052018

From the RRAG7

  • June 7th, 2018, 6 P.M. at Parc des Braves (750 ch. Sainte-Foy, Qc City)
  • Mass demonstration against the G7 and to open the borders!
  • Down with capitalist exploitation, colonialism, and racist and sexist politics!

The heads of state of the seven most powerful imperialist and colonialist countries will gather on June 8th and 9th as part of the G7 Summit that will take place at the Manoir Richelieu in La Malbaie. It’s a special occasion for the global elite to celebrate their dominance of the capitalist economy in style. While they claim to be discussing economic growth, job creation, gender equality, and climate change, in reality G7 meetings are key to the process of organizing the global economy in favour of banks and the oil, agricultural, pharmaceutical, tech, and weapons industries.

The West exploits the labour and wealth of Southern countries, causing poverty, environmental destruction, wars, and forced displacement, yet the countries of the G7 feign surprise at the “migrant crisis” taking place. These countries, which have completely destroyed people’s ways of life in order to enrich a tiny minority, are closing their borders, creating a Western “fortress.” In order to gain the public’s support for these policies, they drum up a fear of the Other, supported by the media, through a discourse that strengthens racism and the far-right. At the same time, the governments of the G7 implement austerity measures that worsen working conditions and force the unemployed to sell their labour to respond to the “needs of the market.”

Let’s show them we’ll do whatever it takes to fight this unjust system! The colonialist and patriarchal Canadian state is building fences on unceded indigenous land to allow the G7 leaders to meet in La Malbaie, just as it has imposed borders on indigenous communities and divided up their territory for more than 500 years. Don’t let this happen! Let’s respond to fear and their system with struggle, dignity, and solidarity between people!

On June 7th, join us for a festive mass demonstration against the G7, capitalism, patriarchy, colonialism, racism, and borders! Let’s speak out against the environmental destruction caused by the relentless exploitation of natural resources! Because our world can and must be better for everyone who lives in it and for generations to come!

Groups that want to endorse the call must write to:

Organized by:

Facebook page for the event:

Route of the June 7th protest:

Groups endorsing the protest:

  1. AmiEs de la Terre de Québec
  2. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de science politique de l’UQAM (AECSSP)
  3. Association of McGill University Support Employees (AMUSE) / Syndicat des employé-e-s occasionnel-le-s de l’Université McGill
  4. Association pour la défense des droits sociaux Québec métropolitain (ADDS QM)
  5. Centre d’entraide Émotions
  6. Centre-Femme aux Plurielles
  7. Centre-Femmes La Jardilec
  8. Centre femmes d’aujourd’hui
  9. CKUT Radio-McGill
  10. Collectif anarchiste Emma Goldman
  11. Collectif opposé à la brutalité policière (COBP)
  12. Collectif d’éducation et de diffusion anarcho-syndicaliste // Anarcho-syndicalist collective for education and diffusion
  13. Comité des citoyens et des citoyennes du quartier Saint-Sauveur
  14. Comité B.A.I.L.S de Hochelaga-Maisonneuve
  15. Comité logement du Plateau Mont-Royal
  16. Comité populaire Saint-Jean-Baptiste
  17. Comité pour les droits humains en Amérique latine (CDHAL)
  18. Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes (CLAC-Montréal)
  19. Corporation pour la défense des droits sociaux (CDDS) de Lotbinière
  20. Droit de parole
  21. Eau Secours
  22. Front d’action populaire en réaménagement urbain (FRAPRU)
  23. Hoodstock
  24. IWW/SITT Québec
  25. L’R des centres de femmes du Québec
  26. Les Alter Citoyens
  27. Les AmiEs de la Terre de Québe
  28. Ligue internationale de la lutte des peuples
  29. Maison des Femmes de Québec
  30. Mandragore
  31. Midnight Kitchen Collective
  32. Montreal-antifasciste
  33. Montréal-Nord Républik (M-NR)
  34. Mouvement d’éducation populaire autonome de Lanaudière (MÉPAL)
  35. Mouvement d’éducation populaire et d’action communautaire du Québec (MÉPACQ)
  36. Ni Québec, ni Canada: projet anticolonial
  37. POPIR-Comité logement
  38. Projet Accompagnement et Solidarité Colombie (PASC)
  39. Regroupement d’éducation populaire de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue (RÉPAT)
  40. Regroupement d’éducation populaire en action communautaire des régions de Québec et Chaudière-Appalaches (RÉPAC 03-12)
  41. Regroupement des femmes sans emploi du nord de Québec (ROSE du Nord)
  42. Regroupement des groupes de femmes de la région de la Capitale-Nationale (Québec-Portneuf-Charlevoix)
  43. Regroupement des organismes communautaires de la région de Québec (ROC 03)
  44. Regroupement intersectoriel des organismes communautaires de Montréal
  45. Réseau de résistance anti-G7 (RRAG7)
  46. Réseau du Forum Social Québec-Chaudière-Appalaches
  47. Regroupement des organismes d’éducation populaire autonome de la Mauricie (ROÉPAM)
  48. Solidarité Sans Frontières
  49. Table régionale des organismes volontaires d’éducation populaire (TROVEP) de Montréal
  50. Table ronde des organismes volontaires d’éducation populaire autonome de l’Estrie (TROVEP)
  51. Tadamon
  52. Union des Africains du Québec et amis solidaires de l’Afrique