Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information

Seeds of Resistance: A New Resource for Land Defense

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Oct 262020

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

As the world falls apart around us we turn to the land more than ever.

This site is meant as a resource for resisting pipelines and other exploitative industrial projects. It is full of information for ideas and action when the process has failed, when permits have been granted, and there is nothing left but our own selves to protect the land.

Visit (with TOR or a safe VPN/browser combo!) and find all the things you’ve been looking for to ignite ideas and action.

Taunting OPP Officers fire rubber bullets, tasers and brandish assault weapons at 6×6 camp

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Oct 232020

From Real People’s Media

SIX NATIONS – OPP officers instigated a major clash at the corner of Hwy 6 and 6th line near Caledonia while land defenders were in Cayuga court today. At around 4pm, OPP cruisers pulled up to 6×6 saying according to one witness that “We’re here to assist in making arrests.” The officers were told to leave and were informed that their presence would only escalate an already tense situation. 

According to an eyewitness, “five more cops suddenly showed up. They came out of their cars wielding weapons, and they opened right up on them”. Multiple rounds of rubber bullets were fired in the direction of the 6×6 camp, with bullets hitting the fence around the perimeter, and one bullet hitting the fire barrel. 

One Six Nations man was tasered. Three Six Nations men were chased by OPP officers wielding firearms in two different foot races. The Onkwehon:we outran the police officers and were not apprehended. 

According to an another eyewitness who spoke with Real People’s Media, “every officer was brandishing a weapon. There wasn’t one there who didn’t have a weapon in his hand. tasers, rubber bullet guns, assault rifles, they all had weapons out. 

“We moved up the road, and they got out again with weapons. We told them to put their weapons away ‘cause they were going to shoot someone.”

The eyewitness reported that “the cops were hollering at [name redacted] and calling him a chicken. Yelling “buck, buck, buck” and making chicken noises. That’s what really pissed me off. They were saying come over here chicken” and trying to get him to come fight.” The eyewitness said that the police officers seemed to be enjoying themselves.

After the police blocked Hwy 6 with multiple vehicles, Onkwehon:we people took the road themselves. Hwy 6 is now closed at Fourth Line and the OPP have set up a barricade in Caledonia near the Canadian Tire. 

At the time of this writing, hundreds of Six Nations people are converging at 6×6 and Kanonhstaton.

Autonomous Blockade Against Logging Launched on So-Called Vancouver Island

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Oct 032020

Anonymous submission to It’s Going Down

On a coast choked in smoke from fires burning a vast swath of this dying planet, up road TR11A on the north side of Edinburgh Mountain on so-called Vancouver Island, we felled seven trees across the road, erected tripods, hung banners, and locked a gate to block access to old growth cutblocks higher up the mountain. Blockades were started in August in the neighbouring Fairy Creek watershed, yet industrial logging in the area continues. Some old growth areas are currently inaccessible to industry thanks to these ongoing blockades, but many others nearby are still being destroyed, and our action prevented the Monday morning destruction of at least some old growth forest. We are happy to obstruct old growth logging, but we’d just as soon have done the same thing to prevent 2nd or 3rd growth forests from being clearcut, as there is nothing remotely sustainable about the way forests in so-called British Columbia are being industrially destroyed.

We invite others to expand the struggle against logging in Tree Farm License 46 along insurrectionary lines. The proposal is simple: informal organization, unmitigated hostility, and refusal to negotiate with the state or industry. This can be as simple as getting together with friends and creatively finding ways to throw sand in the cogs of industrial logging. In this case, for us it was establishing a temporary blockade. We did this because it was fun and easy, and we had no interest in getting caught or waiting to be arrested. We can act alone or in groups. The goal is one of direct action: to stop logging from happening, not politely ask that it stop. The more action is decentralized, the more uncontrollable it will be become, and since the powers that be are incapable of controlling the entire area, it may be possible to bring the clearcuts to an end. Worst case scenario we simply have some fun along the way, and cause them to think twice next time. Friends from afar can contribute to this struggle by visiting Teal Jones’ offices, mills, and other operations in various locations in so-called BC and the so-called United States.

Throughout this process it will be important to make space for a diversity of tactics. Some of us may try to build a popular social movement, some will stay on the barricades at the Fairy Creek blockades, others may take our approach and act autonomously – some may do all three. Whatever decisions we do make, we should approach them with humility. None of us know exactly how to stop the industrial Hydra, but we do know that the powers that be will employ divide and conquer tactics to single out more radical groups and individuals and weaken movements. A clear understanding of solidarity and remembering that we are all working towards the same goal will help us to succeed.

This feels particularly important seeing others denounce our blockade as ‘under-authorized,’ as we believe none of us should look to anyone for authorization to act. Our actions come from our own analysis, desires and relationships – no one can take that away, nor should they invest in policing them. This can be complicated on stolen land, and to those who might raise this issue we would point out that there are Pacheedaht folks with us and Pacheedaht folks against us, as every community includes a diversity of perspectives. We wish to act alongside those who would see the forests on their land preserved, and not leave it to them alone to fight the industrial capitalism and colonialism which ceaselessly encroach upon us all.

For a diffusion of attack!


Some anarchists

[video] Statue of John A. Macdonald Toppled

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Aug 292020

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Demonstrators took down the statue of John A. Macdonald today in downtown Montreal, at the end of the demonstration to defund the police. Macdonald was Canada’s first prime minister. He is responsible for the creation of the residential school system, the adoption of laws aiming to exclude people of Chinese origin, and the hanging of Métis martyr Louis Riel. A symbol of the colonialism and racism that persist in this country, the Macdonald statue had already been vandalized with paint many times. Further details will follow.

Two Atalante Members Doxxed and Attacked

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Aug 132020

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Atalante is a neo-fascist organization mainly present in Quebec City (see the articles of Montréal Antifasciste concerning them). In Montreal, the group gathers a handful of neo-Nazis. Here we expose two of them. Shawn Beauvais-Macdonald, the now famous Charlottesville Nazi, is a long-standing fellow traveler of Atalante (in the photos below, he poses with Raf Stomper, the head of the organization, and in an Atalante action). He resides in an apartment on the second floor of 2045 Elmhurst Avenue in Montreal-West.

He proudly displays his racism, including in his bathroom window where he had a flag combining the Nazi black sun and the fleur de lys. Unfortunately for him, the flag was removed a few weeks ago.

Francis Hamelin is an “old guard” who participated in the founding of Troisieme Voie and helped Atalante set up in Montreal (with the success we’re all aware of). He lives with his family at 2669 rue Monsabré, in the Longue-Pointe area of the east end, where he discreetly displays Nazi and SS flags.

By sharing photos of his artwork (a bust of Adrien Arcand) and his nice truck, he involuntarily revealed his address.

His vehicle was redecorated with tags reading “Nazi” and “Nazi scum” a few weeks ago, in order to warn his neighbors of the trash he is.

The Nazis of Atalante will never have peace. Montreal is antifascist. Further messages will follow.


Direct action in so called BC

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Aug 112020

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Editorial Note: MTL Counter-info typically publishes content from or directly related to so-called Quebec. This submission contains information that can be difficult to publish, so we are making an exception.

On August 3, in so called Smithers BC, we attacked Val’s Drilling rig #004, using the accelerant in plastic bottles and firestarter cube method. After receiving word that the drill had arrived in Smithers, we departed from Prince George immediately. After arriving in Smithers and getting our bearings, we posted up at the park across the street from the hotel that the drill was parked at. After gathering sufficient Intel, a plan was developed, and the decision to act in the early morning was agreed upon. After the device was planted and ignited, we immediately left back to prince George via highway 16. We believe that firm action is required to ensure that CGL does not drill underneath the Wedzin Kwah, by whatever means necessary. Solidarity with our Haudenoshaunee brothers and sisters facing off with the OPP pigs. No state militia sponsored industry on the stolen land that is Turtle Island.

Onkwehon:we take #landback at McKenzie meadows in Grand River

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Aug 092020

From Real People’s Media

The McKenzie Meadows development in Six Nations has been stopped, and a #landback occupation has begun.

SIX NATIONS – Despite high winds and heavy rain, a group of Onkwehon:we land stewards began reclaiming the McKenzie Meadows development in Caledonia, Ontario on Sunday, July 20th. The land, at the corner of Fuller Drive and McKenzie Road on the edges of Caledonia is across the road from Kanonhstaton – “the protected place” – the site of a 2006 land reclamation that made international headlines.

If allowed to continue, the McKenzie Meadows development would see the building of 700 homes on a 108 acre parcel of contested lands.

This multi-national reclamation is occurring hot on the heels of the Highway 6 bypass shutdown, which were held in support of Mohawk Warriors in Tyendinaga who were raided by the OPP for standing in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en.

The general sense of spirit at this site this evening speaks to the overwhelming urge to exercise the responsibility to take care of what little Onkwehon:we lands have been left undeveloped. A handful of community members were informed in April 2019 that the Six Nations Band Council (SNEC) had accepted an agreement on the previously dead deal for less than what was offered in 2013. The sum of $352,000 was funneled into the economic development trust fund and 42.85 acres are tied up in federal red tape awaiting a process to be added to the reserve land base. Those lands lie in limbo, similar to the Birch lands from 2006 and the Pines at Kanesatake from 1990.

The Six Nations Elected Band Council is a product of the Canadian government’s Indian Act and is directly accountable to the Minister of Indigenous Services Marc Miller. It was imposed on the Six Nations of the Grand River in 1924 by the RCMP. As a Federal Government entity the band council doesn’t hold any treaty rights, inherent rights, legitimate authority, over Onkwehon:we people to make decisions regarding their lands and rights.

A map showing the location of the McKenzie Meadows development.

Timeline of events

2003 – Land purchased by 2036356 Ontario INC McKenzie Meadows development. Micheal Corrado and others are listed as owners.

2006 – Hundreds of Onkwehon:we people repulsed an OPP attack on land defenders who stopped the Douglas Creek Estates development from occurring on lands that became known as Kanonhstaton or “the protected place.” An occupation lasting years began, and Kanonhstaton became the flashpoint for many ongoing protests and actions.

2013 – Six Nations Elected Council was informed by the developers of the McKenzie Meadows site that “This two-phased residential development project will consist of a minimum of 700 residential units with a maximum of 1000.  The entire land holding is approximately 107 acres, in which Phase 1 will develop 25.2 acres and 200 residential units”.  This was NOT supported through the community and therefore declined. The proposed deal was to see $1,250.00 per residential unit being paid to a dedicated purpose account for the construction of Kawenni:io/Gaweni:yo Private School. Minimum of 700 residential units up to a maximum of 1000 $1,250 X 700 = 875,000.00 OR $1,250 X 1000 = 1,250,000.00.

2019: Six Nations of the Grand River says it has accepted an accommodation deal with a developer building two new housing projects in Caledonia. Ballantry Homes has given 42.85 acres of farmland and $352,000 to the Six Nations Elected Council as part of the accommodation deal to approve two housing projects: Beatties Estates and McKenzieMeadows on the east and west sides of McKenzie Road in Caledonia. The first part of the project in McKenzie Meadows is located directly across the street from the former Douglas Creek Estates site where the land reclamation in 2006 took place. A total of nearly 1400 homes are proposed to be built between the two projects.

Solidarity with Portland Youth

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Jul 272020

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

In response to the call for a day of action in solidarity with the ongoing resistance in Portland from the PNW Youth Liberation Front on July 25th, we put up some posters made for the occasion in Montreal. Small simple solidarity with those fighting every day for a world without police and the white supremacy they uphold.

– Anarchists

A Prison Administrator’s Car Burns

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Jul 252020

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

The night of July 11th, the Volvo belonging to Vince Parente was burned in front of his home in Ste-Thérèse. Vince Parente was just recently named interim associate deputy minister at the Ministry of Public Safety. Besides this nomination, he is the assistant director-general for the Montreal region at the Bureau of Correctional Services. In clearer terms, he is the boss of the prison wardens at Bordeaux and Rivière-des-Prairies in Montreal.

Before rising through the ranks, he began his career as a probation officer and in the transport of prisoners to their appearances, then became assistant warden at Bordeaux prison, then assistant warden at Leclerc prison in Laval, then warden of the St-Jérôme prison.

This bastard has benefited since the start of his career from the confinement and degradation of thousands of people.

This blaze is a statement of solidarity with all prisoners and their families. Prison conditions were terrible to begin with, and they have worsened since the start of the pandemic. Not only do guards spread the virus to inmates, but the latter are locked up 24/7, with almost no visits and no phone privileges.

By the fault of Vince Parente among others, Robert Langevin died of negligence and lack of care inside the walls of Bordeaux prison in May. Vince Parente is a murderous, disconnected administrator like many others, and he is undoubtedly working from home these days. Maybe this fire brought him back to reality.

Arson of 7 Police Cars at SPVM Service Garage

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Jul 222020

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Cops are murderers. We burned their cars. You can too.

We used three incendiary devices: square plastic bottles filled about 3/4 of the way with a mixture of gasoline and motor oil. We used super glue to attach two individually packaged fire cubes (which you can find in camping, hardware, and grocery stores) to the side of each bottle.

At each car, we placed a bottle on its side (cubes facing up), pushed it under the tire of the car, and lit the cube.

We chose devices that would fully ignite about one minute after we placed them under the cars. We wanted to increase our chances of getting away and decrease the chances that the devices would be extinguished preemptively.

For a world without the police and the white supremacist order they defend. Solidarity with Black insurgents and everyone else who fights back.

– Anarchists