Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information


A Canada-Wide Callout to Track Down the Alt-Right Nazi Scumbags Next Door

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May 052018

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

The Montreal Storm leaks constitute the largest single reveal of activities of the neo-Nazi wing of the alt-right in Canada. What’s more, it looks like Montreal’s (pathetically small and inept) Daily Stormer “book club” may be the largest in Canada. That said, we know that it’s not the only one.

Prior to the Daily Stormer closing its book club forum down, it was clear that there were attempts to start similar neo-Nazi cells across Canada, from Atlantic Canada to British Columbia. Neo-nazis from across Canada attended the “Leafensraum” meet-up organizer by Gabriel Sohier-Chaput and others in 2017. Quebeckers were not the only Canadians to attend the Unite the Right hatefest in Charlottesville in August 2017. Fliers, posters, and stickers with identical design and wording have appeared in different cities and provinces.

If you have knowledge of neo-Nazi activities in your area, specifically connected to the Daily Stormer and alt-right, please get in touch with us at

Montréal… Meet Your Local Alt-Right Nazi Scumbags

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May 052018

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

Over the past year, Montreal antifascists have identified individuals, and finally a small and pathetic scene, of men in their 20s and 30s, active online but trying to establish an “in real life” presence for neo-Nazism in our city. Occasionally operating as “Alt-Right Montreal” or ARM, or Arm and Hammer, these individuals are also linked to Generation Identity (rebranded as ID Canada), the phantom Northern Order, and other “groups” in the city.

This is the first of a series of reports on this milieu. It includes screenshots from the neo-nazis’ private chatroom, including many that we ourselves find traumatic.

This is a trigger warning for extreme racism, anti-Semitism and misogyny.

 You can read the full logs of the “Montreal Storm” Discord channel at

You can also download the complete logs here for offline viewing

A callout to Help Doxx Your Local Nazi, and a Canada-Wide Callout to Track Down the Alt-Right Nazi Scumbags Next Door have also just been published.

Gabriel Sohier-Chaput, aka Zeiger

In the fall of 2016, several Montreal racists began meeting in an online chatroom, and then in real life, in the hopes of consolidating a neo-Nazi presence in this city. That chatroom was a channel on the Discord app, called “Montreal Storm”, and a recent leak of the full logs reveal, not only the absolutely vile, anti-Semitic, racist, misogynistic, homophobic and transphobic nature of these scumbags, but also, in some cases, many direct clues as to the real identities of some of the key figures in this scene, including prominent neo-Nazi ideologue Gabriel Sohier-Chaput, known only as Zeiger until now.

Nazi Pool Parties, Book Clubs and Circle Jerks

The Daily Stormer (DS) and The Right Stuff (TRS) are two of the leading websites associated with the current resurgence of neo-Nazism within the North American far right. DS founder Andrew Anglin is actually proud of the hard-core rhetoric that made his hateful platform “the most censored website in the world”. Both projects have a forum component, where all manner of far right trolls converged (often from other forums found on sites like 4Chan, 8Chan and Reddit) to freely post racist and anti-Semitic memes, comment on current events, trade misogynist tips as to how to treat their girlfriends, and spew hate-filled commentary, all from the comfort of their parents’ basement.

At some point in 2016, on both forums, de facto or self-appointed leaders started promoting the idea of organizing IRL meetings on a local basis to build a network of neo-Nazi cells around the world (though primarily in the United States). The TRS meetings were called “Standard Pool Parties”, whereas DS’s were called “Stormer Book Clubs”. From DS and TRS, the most motivated forum users migrated to distinct channels on the Discord server app. (Discord was originally meant as a real-time voice-chat tool for gaming enthusiasts, but its features quickly became attractive to White Supremacist organizers looking to network worldwide.)

From monitoring the Daily Stormer forums and other online discussions, it has become clear that a number of Stormer Book Clubs have been established across Canada over the past year (Note: the Book Clubs section of the DS forums was recently shut down, due to security concerns). The “Montreal Storm” channel was one of the first to be established. Reviewing the channel’s logs, it becomes clear that a key figure behind the endeavor is a character going by the handle Zeiger.

But who the fuck is this Zeiger schmuck?

By his own account, Zeiger was first turned on to the far right around 2012, via the ideas of William Pierce, who had led the neo-Nazi National Alliance in the United States from 1974 until his death in 2002.  Zeiger would go on to set up or support a number of neo-Nazi media projects, helping to reconsolidate an openly revolutionary and neo-Nazi presence on the far right, more along the cultural wavelength of 4chan and the “Gamergate” trolls than that of boneheads or klansmen of previous generations. As such, he was part of the milieu which would form the neo-Nazi element of what became known as the Alt-Right.

Zeiger has been an extremely active and prolific propagandist for the Daily Stormer over the last few years, writing hundreds of articles and short essays for the website. He also appears to be one of the upper-echelon administrators of the site, and an important ideologue, close behind Anglin and techie general Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer in this closed hierarchy.

Zeiger was also one of the main administrators of the website and forum, alongside Russian fascist Alexander Slavros. IronMarch attracted neo-Nazis from around the world, but especially the United States, under its masthead slogan “Gas the Kikes! Race War Now! 1488! Boots on the Ground!” IronMarch staked out a revolutionary position within the far right, largely inspired by the tendency identified with James Mason’s newsletter Siege from the 1980s.

Several IronMarch participants went on to set up the Atomwaffen Division, a neo-Nazi network a number of whose members have been implicated in murders and a possible dirty bomb plot. (A recent ProPublica report noted that internal documents they had received showed that Atomwaffen has “members scattered across 23 states and Canada.”) According to the Southern Poverty Law Centre, an anti-rightist group which works closely with law enforcement, “Ironmarch was the incubator for U.S.-based hate groups like American Vanguard, formed in 2015, which eventually birthed Vanguard America in 2017. James Fields, before he allegedly killed Heather Heyer and injured many others, held one of Vanguard America’s shields in Charlottesville, Virginia.”

Zeiger’s profile avatar on various forums and social media platforms is a bright red Totenkopf, the universally recognized emblem of the Waffen SS, also adopted by Atomwaffen members.

Photo obtained by ProPublica, apparently showing Atomwaffen arms training exercise in January 2018. Note that the preceding tweet by Zeiger is not in relationship to this photo; they are each shown here to establish the similarity between his avatar and that of Atomwaffen, a group that developed on the Iron March forum he helped run.

Zeiger was also connected to an online magazine called Noose, hosted on, and described as “part of the IRONPRIDE Network of IRONMARCH online projects.” As stated in its own description, “Ours hearts demand adventure and our blood demands retribution. Day of the Rope can’t come soon enough, but until then #tiethenoose and have fun. Take part in promoting the fascist lifestyle with #ropeculture.” (The “day of the rope” refers to a section of William Pierce’s novel The Turner Diaries, in which “race traitors” – especially white women who have had sex with Jews or people of color – are hanged by the fascist insurgents.) 

Under the nom de plume Charles Chapel, Zeiger co-authored a book with Slavros, titled A Squire’s Trial, which is a sort of shitty fascist take on the Don Quixote/Sancho dynamic. Zeiger also wrote another book, Hammer of the Patriots, whose purpose is to train fascists to win arguments against leftists and liberals by eschewing rational arguments:

“It is important not just to defeat our enemies, as they must be humiliated as well in order to prevent them from using the same rhetoric elsewhere. The winner is not the one with the best arguments, because we are enemies anyway, the winner is the one who dominates. The point is to convince the public that you are their champion and that the Marxist is weak and stupid. The Hammer strategy was built around that and relies upon simplifying things down until you get to a point where the audience has to agree with you.”

Indeed, outside of online networking, Zeiger has largely focused his energies on thinking about how to use propaganda.

Zeiger’s media strategy involves provoking an exaggerated response from the left, in order to eventually desensitize broader society to the dangers of the far right. He was quoted to this effect in a recent Rolling Stone article:

“If we cause a media storm every time we put up a few stickers, we’ll own the news media,” he wrote. “[And] if they stop covering our propaganda, we also win; it means the system is now desensitized to hardcore nazism.”

As the leaked “Montreal Storm” logs show, Zeiger attempted to use this strategy at one point by floating the idea that The Daily Stormer would be using Pokemon to recruit children, relishing the outrage as the story was taken up by mainstream media outlets.

Zeiger has not only been prolific in the written form. He has his own YouTube channel and podcast, which he calls Hammercast, and has appeared on numerous other neo-Nazi podcasts, such as This Hour Has 88 Minutes, Late Night Alt-Right, and Mysterium Fasces, as well as on notoriously unhinged Daily Stormer associate Robert Warren Ray (pseudonym Azzmador)’s show, “Krypto Report”. Zeiger has also been interviewed by other far right online media projects, for instance the French fascist website Blanche Europe (September 2016) and the Radio Aryan podcast (June 2016). He also has a Twitter feed, which went silent around the same time Medium ran an online article about him, in early December 2017.

Setting up the “Montreal Storm” channel was one first step towards creating an “in real life” presence. Then, in 2017, Zeiger was one of the main organizers of a pan-Canadian Alt-Right meetup known as “Leafensraum” (a play on the Hitlerian concept of “Lebensraum”). He put this together along with two other individuals from the Alt-Right Montreal scene, known by the handles “Passport” and “Date”/“Late of Dies”.

Leafensraum attracted neo-Nazis from across Canada, including a certain unnamed “professor” who lectured attendees and “had an extensive Q&A about the future of Canada and our movement, as well as his experience in academia.” (Antifascist researchers believe this professor was most likely Ricardo Duchesne, the man behind the white supremacist Council of European Canadians, who teaches sociology and world history at University of New Brunswick-St-John, and who in recent years has become Canada’s most influential fascist academic. Members of the Alt-Right Montreal scene also arranged for Duchesne to give a lecture at an undisclosed location in Montreal in June 2017.)

From his many podcast appearances, it was clear that Zeiger is a French-Canadian who lives in Montreal. So, obviously, we thought it would be interesting to flush out this asshole from whatever rock he hides under in our city.

Then came Charlottesville.

A face to the fake name…

We know that over twenty far rightists from Canada made the trip to the “Unite the Right” Nazifest in Charlottesville, in August 2017. This was meant to be a two-day show of force in this Virginia college town. By the time it was over, dozens of people had been injured and one had been killed, as white supremacist James Fields plowed his car  into a crowd of  counterprotesters. Within hours of Heather Heyer’s brutal murder, the brave local warriors who had not made the trip to Virginia started posting some memes to the “Montreal Storm” channel.

Zeiger had been involved in promoting the Charlottesville event, and his co-admin of the “Montreal Storm” Discord channel, “Late of Dies” (real name Athan Zafirov; more on this asshole soon), had organized transportation from Canada. The now notorious Vice report featuring Chris Cantwell (the soon-to-be-famous Crying Nazi, later to become the Crying Nazi Who Works with Cops) triggered an immediate anti-fascist response on social media, as comrades tried to identify the Montrealers who were spotted in the report. Shawn Beauvais-MacDonald and Vincent Bélanger-Mercure (also active members of the Montreal Storm channel) were quickly identified on local anti-fascist Facebook page Anti-Pegida Québec.

From left to right: Shawn Beauvais-MacDonald, aka FriendlyFash, Gabriel Sohier-Chaput, aka Zeiger, (unknown), (unknown), Vincent Bélanger-Mercure, aka, Le Carouge à épaulettes

The one character who engages with Cantwell on camera though, would only be identified as Zeiger later on, when Azzmador put his full coverage of the Charlottesville boondoggle online on his own YouTube channel. At one point in the livecast, Azzmador introduces Zeiger by name, after which the latter pronounces a speech on the “strength and unity” of the far-right, which was so pathetic that Azzmador eventually cut him off to resume his own antics.

From left to right: “Lee Rogers”, Gabriel Sohier-Chaput, aka Zeiger, Robert Warren Ray, aka Azzmador, (unknown)

Learning who our local neo-Nazi hotshot was suddenly became a lot more interesting. Not that Zeiger was exactly hiding. Despite his high-profile participation in some of the vilest neo-Nazi online propaganda projects of the past several years, he had put a video of himself online, and maintained a number of social media accounts. And surprisingly, his list of Facebook friends was (and remains) public.

When antifascists got a hold of the “Montreal Storm” Discord logs, things became clear pretty quickly. From there it was just a matter of time before we put a name to the face.

With the address that Zeiger had himself posted on the forum, inviting his pals over to watch the Trump/Clinton debate in September 2016, we found that the man living at that address to this day is a 30-year-old guitar teacher named Laurent Chaput. On Chaput’s Instagram account, we found a couple pictures of another young man we surmised had to be a sibling or close acquaintance. Further research into Chaput revealed that his full surname was in fact Sohier-Chaput. From Zeiger’s archived IronMarch user profile, we knew that his Skype account was “gabriel_zeiger”. A quick Google search for Gabriel Sohier-Chaput brought up a Soundcloud and Google+ account to his name, with a clear profile picture. That picture had the same exact background as the one we can see in the interview Zeiger gave to Blanche Europe in 2016.

Another Google result was the video of a “performance” Sohier-Chaput gave at an oratory contest in 2011. By comparing the voices and physicality of the two (from Zeiger’s speech in Charlottesville) it was apparent that Zeiger and Gabriel Sohier-Chaput are one and the same. By going back and comparing Sohier-Chaput’s profile picture to the stranger in Laurent Chaput’s Instagram, it was also evident that Gabriel and Laurent are in all likelihood brothers.


What are they up to?

Reading the logs, it became clear that members of this tiny scene were behind the racist posters put up around McGill in late 2016, had worked with Soldiers of Odin in their (failed) attempt to disrupt an anti-racist teach-in in 2017, and were present at the infamous March 4, 2017, demonstration in front of Montreal city hall organized by Georges Hallak and attended by a range of far right groups.

Despite the fact that La Meute’s former anglo administrator Shawn Beauvais-Macdonald was active under the name “FriendlyFash” (formerly “Bubonic”), it also became clear that these neo-Nazis really had nothing but disdain for groups like La Meute and Storm Alliance, who they view as dupes who want to reform a system that needs to be torn down. Just as on our own side of the ideological divide, tensions arise when those who wish for revolution must contend with the larger numbers who are seen as reformists in denial about the depth of the problem. Here Macdonald is, for instance, discussing the cancellation of the anti-immigrant demo called last year outside the Olympic Stadium, and La Meute’s withdrawal of support for it:

Similarly, here are two other members of the discord channel, discussing Storm Alliance:

La Meute and Storm Alliance have been described by anti-fascists as “national-populist” far rightists; racist but denying it, claiming to be for democracy but tolerating the presence of fascists. What we have seen over the past year is the increased popularity of actual fascist tendencies within this national-populist milieu. Several members of the Alt-Right Montreal scene, for instance, have been identified attending La Meute and Storm Alliance demonstrations, the aforementioned complaints notwithstanding.

Shawn Beauvais-MacDonald (center), with ARM&Hammer acolytes, at a Front patriotique du Québec (FPQ) demonstration, April 23, 2017


Shawn Beauvais-MacDonald at a La Meute Rally in Québec City, August 20th, 2017


Shawn Beauvais-MacDonald at a Storm Alliance protest at the US-Canada border, September 30th, 2017


Vincent Bélanger-Mercure at a Storm Alliance protest at the US-Canada border, September 30th, 2017

But the fascists are not only doing outreach within this broader scene, they are also organizing within their own groups. Since his presence in Charlottesville was publicly disclosed, Beauvais-Macdonald left La Meute, and publicly rallied to Atalante, the neofascist group based in Quebec City. Other members of the Montreal Storm discord group were clearly involved in setting up Generation Identity (now ID Canada).


The local Stormer neo-Nazis are all men, all in their 20s or 30s, and all seem obsessed with the kind of blatant racism and misogyny that national populist groups claim to eschew. They discuss setting up rape camps and implementing “white sharia” to enslave women.

(Warning: highly racist and misogynist discussion here (or in bigger separate files here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5); further misogynist discussion here (larger screenshots in order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);  and this call to rape feminists as well as this call for “white sharia” — note that the alt right term “thot” stands for “that ho over there”)

They laugh about genocide and the murder of Muslims, Jews, and people of color – after Alexandre Bissonette’s massacre in Quebec City one poster talked about how the city had now become “culturally enriched”.







It doesn’t take a genius to see that they’re likely involved with the Northern Order Charles Manson Nazi posters that have been turning up across Canada.


What the “Montreal Storm” Discord chatroom we have had access to reveals, though, is how small and disorganized this group remains. Their meekest plans seem well beyond their capacities, at the moment. At the same time, though, most of these men are relatively new to politics; we can expect them to become more capable if we allow them the chance to learn and grow.

Given the violent fantasies many of the members of Montreal’s Alt-Right scene indulge in, and their avowed desire to rape and kill those they condemn as traitors and enemies, the risk they pose is not necessarily limited to any organizational success. Young white men with violent fantasies have a track record of being behind almost all acts of mass violence in North America. As the recent mass killing in Toronto by Alek Minassian – who seems to have been associated with the incel subculture, itself a misogynist milieu connected to the alt right – shows, the risks connected to men like these are many. (On this note, it is not a random choice that Shawn Beauvais-Macdonald, on his current “Hans Grosse” Facebook profile (now offline) , puts Columbine as the high school he went to, or that he thought it would be a hilarious joke to paste Hitler’s face over the face of his date…)


The Montreal Stormer book club is just one cell, in what remains an amorphous and largely unmapped network of relatively recent neo-Nazi converts across North America. This network is mainly located in the United States, and there are indications that Montreal may be the largest Canadian chapter. At the same time, it is disturbing to learn that one of the major players who helped to construct this new international neo-Nazi network, and to pioneer its effective online approach, is in fact a Montreal hipster who has been living in peace in this city for his entire life.

Time for that to change.

You can read the full logs of the “Montreal Storm” Discord channel at

If you have any tips that could help us flush out any members of this Nazi outfit, or any other individual you believe to be associated with them, please write to

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Call for International Week of Action against Fossil Fuel Infrastructure: May 12th-19th

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May 042018

From It’s Going Down

Block the flows of fossil fuels and capital. Build connection and new worlds through struggle. Fight where you can. Connect with other people about it. May 12-19, and also every other moment.

In our daily lives, in the ecosystems we live in, in the ever stranger and more violent weather patterns we are subject to, and in even the most mainstream of capitalist media, we are bombarded by increasingly dire proof of what we’ve known all along: catastrophic climate change is happening and will only amplify as more fossil fuels are extracted and burned. A host of other environmental and human crises affect us at the same time. In the face of this, we are given three official options: denial, despair, or delegation to those who “know better,” those whose “job” it is to fix these problems—through the same means that got us into them.

But all over the world, brave and compassionate souls have shown that we can also choose defiance. From resistance to mountaintop removal in Appalachia, to rebellion against Shell Oil in the Niger Delta, to pipeline blockades all across North America, and to anyone in any corner of the world who has stood their ground against those who threaten their lands with plunder and devastation, we have a thousand examples of people moving beyond and against the state to defend what they love and what nurtures them.

In resistance, we strengthen the human and non-human bonds that keep us alive and thriving. In the US, we saw a generation re-awake through direct opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock. The state will always seek to divide and disempower us through fear and co-option—let’s remember that we can outwit their strategies through action, care, and strength of heart.

This is a call for a multitude of diverse actions against the infrastructure of the fossil fuel economy. The capitalist project of destruction and dispossession oftentimes feels omnipotent, and it pays to remind ourselves how vulnerable and interconnected this complex system really is. So, an invitation to act in the way that feels most relevant to each person or community’s experience and context. At least we can take solace in the fact that there’s no shortage of options!

Some questions/points to consider:
– What fossil fuel infrastructure is active in your area? Pipelines, mines, refineries, wells, machinery, rigs, supply chains, capital…
– Where are the chokepoints and vulnerable areas? What can be done to achieve the most disruption relative to risk?
– What’s the social context where you live? What affects people’s lives directly and what resonates? What’s your relationship to the land and the people there?
– Any struggle needs a wide variety of tasks to survive, amplify, and generalize. Organization, publication, cooking, writing, art, networking, reflection, clandestine and open direct action of many types, festivity, all sorts of logistical support… What are the characters and needs of struggles in your area? What are you capable of and inclined towards?
– What does indigenous life and struggle look like in your area? What has it looked like historically?

In direct opposition to their world, we build and strengthen our own worlds and selves.

Please do what you can to translate and disseminate this through your networks and media. Modify it to fit your context, put it up on posters, talk to your friends. Communiques and action reports vigorously encouraged.

For life and joy, against the machinery of death!

May Day 2018 Montreal: Anarchists Attack Police

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May 042018

From subMedia

On May Day, the CLAC, or anti-capitalist convergence, started their demo at Parc LaFontaine in Montreal. People took the sidewalks to prevent the cops from flanking the demo. About 5 minutes in, shit kicked off! Anarchists attacked police with rocks, bricks, flags, and fireworks.

Call to Action: Open the Borders

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Apr 302018

From Solidarity Across Borders

In the past year, tens of thousands of people have entered Canada from the US on foot, seeking a safe haven. Every day more people are arriving. This phenomenon is often referred to Trump, but it must be understood in the global context: worldwide, more than 21 million people have been forced to leave their homes because of wars, political oppression, military violence, extractivism, climate change, etc. – conditions created by imperialist states like Canada and the United States. Although directly involved in the economic and social devastation in countries throughout the Middle East, Latin America, Caribbean, Africa, and Asia, the Canadian state presumes to limit who can enter and who can legally stay.Rejecting the racist and islamophobic mainstream narrative and media coverage around those migrating, Solidarity Across Borders calls for open borders, radical solidarity with and mutual aid among migrants, solidarity cities, an end to deportation, immigration detention and double punishment, and an inclusive and ongoing regularization process (Status For All, now!).

Global Apartheid

Borders play a crucial role in the capitalist system and its “migrant crisis”. Canada and the US are founded on the theft of Indigenous lands and the ongoing genocide and displacement of Indigenous peoples. These borders originally established by colonial wars, to benefit European colonizers, are also a means to control migration. They prevent people from leaving violence, poverty and exploitation, drive families from country to country, force them to board dangerous boats, and make long treks across deserts and snow. Borders push people into precarity without legal status, criminalizing them. Borders keep the global apartheid system in place.

No More Case by Case

Refugees coming from the US to Quebec and Canada have had no choice but to cross irregularly at Roxham Road and other ad hoc points of entry since the Safe Third Country Agreement came into effect in 2004. This agreement between Canada and the USA prevents migrants from making refugee claims at a regular Canadian border post if they come from the USA (and vice versa). This means migrants entering Canada from the US can only make a refugee claim if they first cross “irregularly.” This policy has already taken the lives of migrants – we honour the memory of Mavis Otuteye who died in June 2017 – and caused others to lose legal status or be deported.

Those who arrive in Canada are encouraged to put their efforts and hopes into their individual cases: trying to prove that they are “real refugees” or “good immigrants.” This lengthy bureaucratic fight is isolating and takes energy away from collective struggle. Moreover, in the past few years, on average, 40% of inland refugee claims were refused. There may be an even higher rate of refusal for people crossing irregularly because many have little support in making their claims and because some have been outside their country of citizenship for many years. Soon, many will be refused as refugees and face a choice: stay in Canada without papers or be deported to their country of citizenship. The Canadian refugee system will thus smoothly deal with “the problem” outside the media spotlight: judge people individually, and then, quietly, one by one, deport or criminalize many thousands.

Rejecting Racist Divisions

Mainstream discourse and media coverage feed divisions among social groups who should be allied against the unjust global distribution of wealth and power. At best presenting the issue as humanitarian rather than political, mainstream discourse hides the role that borders play in maintaining that unequal distribution. The way that Canada has contributed to pushing people out of their homes in the first place is never mentioned.

The far-right discourses of groups such as La Meute and Storm Alliance are emboldened by the normalization of Islamophobic and racist attitudes by mainstream media, politicians, and the state. By declaring that they are only against “illegal immigrants,” these far right groups attempt to convince others that migrants crossing irregularly are ‘criminals’. Playing into long-held racist/islamophobic European fears of black and brown men, far right groups across Europe, the US, Canada and Quebec spread confusion and fear about an “invasion” and “terrorists” and encourage the state to expand border enforcement and the policing of migrants.

In these ways, instead of the conflict being defined by a division between wealthy/powerful and poor/oppressed both inside and outside Quebec and Canada, it is defined by a division between people inside Quebec or Canada (fighting to keep social programmes (but only for “us”), upholders of ‘our’ values etc.) and people outside/newly arriving (portrayed as competitors for scarce resources, “queue-jumpers”, security-threats, etc.).

Call to Action!




Actions We Can Take in Our Communities

Everywhere in Canada:

– Organize/join mobilizations demanding that Canada ditch its case-by-case approach and instead implement an immediate regularization programme for all border crossers AND all undocumented people already in Canada (in Montreal, stay in touch with Solidarity Across Borders);

– Challenge the government (with public campaigns, forums, in media, etc.) about its Safe Third Country policy.

– Service organizations: join your local sanctuary/solidarity city campaign to offer services to all regardless of status and to never allow CBSA access (in Montreal, sign on to Solidarity Across Borders Solidarity City statement here.

In border areas:

– get organized with your neighbours (on both sides of the border); put up signs showing that you support people crossing (“refugees welcome”, etc.); if you see people crossing, offer them support in the way they want it and DON’T! call the RCMP unless the people crossing ask you to do so;

– Explore areas along the border and help set up the infrastructure to support people to cross safely and freely.

In Québec

– Join the mobilization to oppose the racist, anti-immigrant rally called by extreme right groups on 19 May at Roxham Road (get in touch with your local anti-racist/anti-fascist groups or watch for details coming soon);

– Support mobilizations demanding that Quebec automatically issue a work permit for all who enter AND for all undocumented people already in Quebec (in Montreal, stay in touch with Immigrant Workers’ Centre);

– Join the activities against the G7 summit, including the Anti-Borders Contingent in the main march on 7 June (details of contingent will be posted on the Solidarity Across Borders facebook page and website);

– Join the Anti-Border Caravan being organized by Solidarity Across Borders from 29 June to 1 July (details will be posted on the Solidarity Across Borders facebook page and website).

In Montreal

– Offer time to groups giving frontline support to people coming across the border and make sure that those groups treat refugees arriving with human dignity and offer them the legal and daily support they need.

– support mobilizations creating a Solidarity City including campaigns around access to health care, housing, shelter, education, food (get in touch with Solidarity Across Borders); join efforts demanding that Mayor Plante come through on Coderre’s completely unfulfilled promise to make Montreal a sanctuary city by ending all SPVM/CBSA cooperation.

– Join / support mobilizing to bring undocumented community organizer and Montrealer Lucy Granados, deported on 13 April, back to Canada (details will be posted on the Solidarity Across Borders and Immigrant Workers Centre facebook pages and websites) and generally support the courageous Non Status Women’s Collective (fb: Collectif des femmes sans statuts / Non-Status Women’s Collective)

– Support mobilizing for and come out to the Open the Borders! Status for All! March on 16 June.

In general, we call for effective, non-hierarchical, and inclusive grassroots organizing, based on mutual aid and radical solidarity, using a diversity of tactics and direct action, to strengthen community resistance to border controls in our cities, fight deportations and detentions, defeat the fascist movement, and actively support anti-colonial struggles and indigenous sovereignty.

Montreal’s 13th Annual Anarchist Theatre Festival

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Apr 212018


From The Montreal International Anarchist Theatre Festival

The thirteenth annual Montreal International Anarchist Theatre Festival (MIATF) – the world’s biggest and only anarchist theatre festival – will present 20 artists (seven troupes) from the USA, France and Montreal for two nights of provocative, socially engaged, freedom-loving theatre, Tues May 22nd and Wed May 23rd, at La Sala Rossa, 4848 boul St-Laurent, 7:30pm.

Tickets $13 each night, or $20 for a two-night special, available at the door or online. No reserved seats.

Program highlights include the classic, Waiting for Godot, reinterpreted by two afro-American women; the story of a sheepherder inspired by the letters from three French political prisoners; outraged puppets from Montreal’s Hochelaga ‘hood portraying the results of gentrification for populations living on the margins, and the inspiring stories of six anarchist women who resist Fascism from Italy to Syria, from the 1920s to today.

Tuesday May 22nd:
• Pisser dans l’herbe…, Théâtre du Sable (France)
• Chansons anarchistes, Gwenael Kivijer (France)
• Trashlaga Puppet Crew, Trashlaga Puppet Crew (Mtl)
• No way! No way! (part I), Trees that Talk (Mtl)

Wednesday May 23rd:
• Didi and Gogo, MC Theatre Troupe (USA)
• Chansons anarchistes, Gwenael Kivijer (France)
• The Wah-Wah Pedal, Thought Experiment Productions (Mtl)
• Darwin avait raison, Dire, encore (Mtl)
• No way! No way! (part II), Trees that Talk (Mtl)

As it Stands Today: Cedar’s Arrest

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Apr 202018

From Hamilton Anarchist Support

Donate to the Hamilton Community Defence Fund here

This has been a big month for Hamilton. To contextualize Cedar’s arrest, we can start with the Anarchist Bookfair in early March, our first bookfair here in 7 years. The event was a smashing success, and brought together people from all over the continent to explore possibilities for radical change, to envision a world without enforced hierarchies and domination, to simply meet each other and learn from each other. The weekend was particularly marked by a small riot through one of Hamilton’s most affluent neighborhoods and down one of its most noxious commercial streets. The “Locke Street Riot” was a collective expression of rage, not only against the rapid gentrification of Hamilton, but against capitalism and the violent world of alienation it fosters. It led to a lot of productive conversations about the inevitability of discomfort in fighting for new worlds, and the importance of clarifying and articulating our politics. The riot also kicked up some toxic Hamilton sediment, including a mass spillage of sentimental tears for small businesses, shrieks of “terrorism” from city councillors, and anti-anarchist fervor from local alt-right trolls who saw this as an opportunity to step into the limelight.

In the weeks that followed many of these reactions were channeled into Hamilton’s only anarchist social space, The Tower, which became the defacto target before they even had a chance to come out in support of the riot. First its windows were smashed, then the door was kicked down and the library got trashed, then the locks got glued, and more recently we’ve seen an ongoing wave of amateur graffiti, including the word “gay” written in crumbling wheat paste on the new plexiglass windows. In late March, while supporters of the tower were busy cleaning up after the break-in, a coalition of white-nationalist, misogynistic, homophobic trolls organized a rally in support of the businesses on Locke Street. Their sad rally was confronted and largely foiled, but not before a few of them had a chance to mingle with Locke Street business owners and chit-chat over a lemon-pistachio donut. Information was leaked revealing that the Soldiers of Odin and The Proud Boys were hoping to head over to The Tower after the rally in order to confront the “120 lbs beta males” they hoped to find there. The first time they showed up they found 40 anarchists ready to defend the space. They screamed about their democratic rights and ended up utilizing a police escort to get to the other side of the street. A few hours later a smaller group of them showed up drunk looking for a fight, and despite noble efforts to deescalate we ended up sending them home that day with bloodied and broken noses.

Meanwhile, public pressure to find those responsible for the riotous action on Locke street built. The police had been unable to apprehend anyone on the night of the action, and had responded to public outcry with promises of justice and desperate pleas for public cooperation. Finally on April 6th, one month after the riot, the police put on a show for the bloodthirsty public. Warrants in hand, they smashed down the door of a collective house at dawn and lobbed a flash grenade into the living room. With assault rifles drawn they stormed through the house putting people in cuffs, and arrested Cedar (Peter) Hopperton charging them with conspiracy to commit an indictable offence (unlawful assembly while masked). The others were released and made to spend hours in the driveway while the cops turned the house inside out looking for anything that might help their investigation. They seized computers, phones, loose papers, zines and books, which will inevitably take years to recover from their greasy hands.

Cedar’s bail hearing, which itself only occurred five days after the arrest and after one particularly sneaky maneuver by the Crown to delay it, was a painstaking ordeal. Four hours of blathering drivel in which it became clear that not only Cedar, but all of anarchism was on trial. In the end Cedar was denied bail and sent back to the hellscape of Barton jail where hordes of abducted people wait in wretched conditions for trial. They will potentially remain in Barton for a year or more while the state drags its heels in making a case against them.

We in Hamilton have organized a solid support team to make sure that Cedar has reliable legal defense and as much advocacy and communication as possible. We want to continue the projects they hold dear, and support any forms of organizing they might pursue in jail. We’ve launched this blog as a space where we can provide updates on Cedar’s whereabouts, their legal situation, and how they’re doing. Should there be any more arrests in connection with the Locke Street riot this site will offer similar outlet for those support efforts. Prison isn’t the end of the road for anarchists, it’s merely one dimension of the world we stand against. We will do everything in our power to resist the isolation they attempt to impose on those they capture, and continue to fight together against the world of police, courts and prisons.

Stop Deportations

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Apr 172018

From subMedia

After the federal court refused to stop Lucy’s deportation on Thursday evening and in the face of continued silence from the Minister of Immigration Ahmed Hussen, one last effort was made to stop the deportation. Around 50 people arrived at the Laval Immigration Detention Centre shortly after 3am on Friday morning. Armed with banners, balloons, flowers, music, and love, they chained the gates and barred the exits, hoping to prevent Lucy’s deportation until Lucy’s immigration application was decided.

Disruption of a Meeting of En Marche Montréal in Solidarity with the ZAD

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Apr 132018

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info. 

Band of buffoons, did you really think we would allow your little clique to hold its event, while you’re trying to destroy everything we have built?

Driven by the force of the intergalactic call for solidarity with the ZAD, we decided to intervene during a 5 à 7 of En Marche (yes, they come bother us all the way in Montreal) to remind the Macronists that the nauseating odor of the shit they spread will always come back to their nostrils.

Whereas all across France the Macron government pathetically tries to crush strikes and evict our friends on the ZAD and in the universities, it was the En Marche shitbags’ turn to be evicted.

While our festive arrival and playful chants seemed to cheer them up momentarily, their coldness took us by surprise when they received stink bombs, firecrackers and insults. We would have thought they would be more favorable to the use of violence seeing how their monarch is deploying his attack dogs against the movement.

Our lives are beautiful, and they are worth defending.

The resistance is on the march: because it’s our project!

[Crimethinc recently published an excellent historical overview of the struggle on the ZAD, including a critical look at events of the past few months that should be the subject of discussions within our struggles.]

Friday – Gathering in Solidarity with the ZAD

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Apr 122018

From the Comités de défense et de décolonisation des territoires (CDDT) [Facebook event]

[Crimethinc recently published an excellent historical overview of the struggle on the ZAD, including a critical look at events of the past few months that should be the subject of discussions within our struggles.]

In response to the call made by the zadists to mobilize where we are against the ongoing expulsions.

See you on Friday, April 13th at 7 pm, Mont-Royal metro station.

The ZAD is everywhere. The territories that we inhabit, love and live from are threatened by the movement of colonial modernity, by its logics of control and commodification that make life impossible. The creation of autonomous zones in response to the attempt by the state and companies to impose development projects is an answer that threatens the unity of sovereignty and shows how it is mythical. They also make it possible to rethink our ways of relating ourselves to the territories and to the different forms of life that inhabit them. The practice of blocking extractive projects, and the assertion of autonomy, in this context of indigenous resurgence, is bound to multiply. The calls will have to be heard.

What is ZAD?

For developers a ZAD is a Deferred Development Zone (Zone d’Aménagement différé); for us an Area to Defend (Zone à Défendre): a piece of countryside a few kilometers from Nantes (Bretagne) which should, for decision-makers, leave room for an international airport.

Their project is to build a “Grand Ouest” economic platform of international scale going from Nantes to Saint-Nazaire, which would form only one big metropolis. The realization of this platform requires mastering both the sky, the sea, and the earth through the replacement of the current airport of Nantes with a new one in Notre-Dame-des-Landes, but also the enlargement of the port of Saint-Nazaire, the construction of new roads and highways …

Our desires, coming to live on the planned site of the airport, are multiple: to live on a territory in fight, which makes it possible to be close to people who oppose it for 40 years and to be able to act in time of works ; take advantage of abandoned spaces to learn to live together, to cultivate the land, to be more autonomous with respect to the capitalist system.