Jul 102018
Anonymous Submission to MTL Counter-info
Before the weekend of action
June 27th, CRAM shared the claim for the painting of the Maisonneuve and Macdonald monuments.
The weekend of action in photos
- Many flyers and posters were distributed for the antiracist demonstration, as well as a tour of the Quartier Latin and downtown.
- The artist Zola made two magnificent wheatpastings.
- Le Syndicat des Travailleurs et Travailleuses du Communautaire a fait une distribution de tracts dans Centre-Sud et le Village pour dénoncer l’instrumentalisation de l’aide aux personnes démuni.e.s par des groupes racistes et appeler à la manifestation antiraciste.
- Antifa flyering before the Impact game at Saputo Stadium.
- “Welcome to Hell” posters went up in front of a dozen metro stations and in front of La Meute members’ homes.
- Graffiti appeared around La Meute’s gathering point and the top secret meetup point of Storm Alliance near De La Concorde metro.
- The morning of July 1st, BASH UQAM dropped two banners against La Meute and racism off the Berri street bridge in the Quartier Latin.
- That evening a night demo had been called in case there was a need. Following the victory, around 75 people gathered and took a little photo to send a message to all the racist and hateful groups.
- From June 29th to July 1st, Solidarity Across Borders did an info caravan through a number of towns and villages close to the US border, to strengthen solidarity with migrants.
- At noon more than 250 people joined a gathering at Place Valois in Hochelaga. At 1pm, around 200 people split into two then three groups to block the gathering of La Meute and Storm Alliance around Saint-Antoine street downtown, for 5 hours, preventing them from marching. At some point a group of 5 people from La Meute’s security attempted an exit, maybe to go pick up their water bottles and signs which had been left in a car to the south. They were pushed back with eggs, rotten tomatoes, and smoke bombs. Towards the end of the day a school bus was vandalized. It gave them some A/C for the ride all the way back to Saguenay…
A nice victory – we promised them hell, they got a taste of hell.
Let’s keep up the fight, fascism shall not pass! Another call to action will be published later in the summer, stay tuned!