Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
Atalante is a neo-fascist organization mainly present in Quebec City (see the articles of Montréal Antifasciste concerning them). In Montreal, the group gathers a handful of neo-Nazis. Here we expose two of them. Shawn Beauvais-Macdonald, the now famous Charlottesville Nazi, is a long-standing fellow traveler of Atalante (in the photos below, he poses with Raf Stomper, the head of the organization, and in an Atalante action). He resides in an apartment on the second floor of 2045 Elmhurst Avenue in Montreal-West.
He proudly displays his racism, including in his bathroom window where he had a flag combining the Nazi black sun and the fleur de lys. Unfortunately for him, the flag was removed a few weeks ago.

Francis Hamelin is an “old guard” who participated in the founding of Troisieme Voie and helped Atalante set up in Montreal (with the success we’re all aware of). He lives with his family at 2669 rue Monsabré, in the Longue-Pointe area of the east end, where he discreetly displays Nazi and SS flags.
By sharing photos of his artwork (a bust of Adrien Arcand) and his nice truck, he involuntarily revealed his address.
His vehicle was redecorated with tags reading “Nazi” and “Nazi scum” a few weeks ago, in order to warn his neighbors of the trash he is.

The Nazis of Atalante will never have peace. Montreal is antifascist. Further messages will follow.