Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
Black and white PDF for reading (not imposed)
International zine of social war continuing the conflict against the rising techno-prison world. Now expanded to 24 pages after the recent repression against our project by the Counter-Terrorist cops. One more blow in the face of their blatant attempt to silence us. Articles expanding on the critique against technology and Covid-19 repression, as well as Alfredo Cospito’s recent contribution about the “Proposal For a New Anarchist Manifesto” and an Introduction from Gustavo Rodriquez’s ‘Covid-19: Anarchy in the times of the pandemic.” Print it out, for your local squat, social centre, mate’s house or give it out at a demo, even leave it in a random place. Lets ignite the next wave of the Black International!
- Bristol: Burn Baby Burn!
- Communique from 325 Collective on the Repressive Attack upon International Counter-Information
- Greece: Attacks in Response to Dimitris Koufontinas’ Hunger Strike & Covid Repression
- Neurocapitalism: ‘Ghost In The Shell’ Comes One Step Closer
- Chile: Second Public Communiqué on the 32nd day of the Hunger Strike
- COVID-19: Anarchy in Times of Pandemic – Gustavo Rodriguez
- A Contribution About the “Proposal For a New Anarchist Manifesto” – Alfredo Cospito
- A letter from Danilo, accused of setting fire to a police van in Barcelona
- An Incomplete Chronology of Direct Actions from around Planet Earth
- After Lockdown, Let’s Look At The Situation We’re Finding Around Us
- Earth’s Lament – Everyday Revolution
Download, copy and distribute! DIY!
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