Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
This morning in Tiohtia:ke, a large banner reading “ALL OUT FOR WET’SUWET’EN” was installed on the 720 Westbound. It was insured that the banner be secured with rope and that no road signs be blocked to make sure the highway is safe for drivers.
We act in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en Nation and Gidimt’en clan. On November 19th, 2021, RCMP violently raided unceded Gidimt’en territory, removing unarmed Indigenous women from their land at gunpoint on behalf of TC Energy’s proposed Coastal GasLink pipeline. Among other land-defenders, spokesperson Sleydo’, Corey Joyahcee Jocko, and Jocey Alec (Chief Woos’ daughter) were illegally removed from their own Cas Yah Yintah where they are protecting the sacred headwaters Wedzin Kwa. They were illegally and brutally detained for four nights and five days, where they were denied access to water and food.
These unlawful and brutal actions further prove that the C-IRG and the RCMP must be abolished. The injunction under which they act has no jurisdiction on unceded Wet’suwet’en land. It is nothing but an inadequate piece of law that has been used to violate Human Rights, Indigenous Rights, and Wet’suwet’en Law.
Reconciliation is dead. Time’s up, Canada.
#ShutDownCanada #AllOutforWedzinKwa #WetsuwetenStrong