From Gidimt’en Checkpoint
Yesterday, we took our land back. With our Haudenosaunee allies, we enforced our ancient trespass laws and have permanently closed access to our territory. The Morice Forest Service Road has been destroyed and access to Coastal Gaslink is no longer possible.
We are upholding our responsibility to defend our sacred headwaters and put an end to the destruction of the Yintah.
We will never give up. Join the resistance and come to the yintah.
More on the eviction via Gidimt’en Checkpoint and It’s Going Down:
Wet’suwet’en people are once again in control of Wet’suwet’en yintah! Dinï ze’ Woos asserts jurisdiction by enforcing our laws with the 2021 Evacuation Order. The Morice River FSR has been disabled, blocking trespassers from our yintah!
Sunday morning, members of the Gidimt’en Clan evicted Coastal GasLink (CGL) employees from unceded Wet’suwet’en territory, upholding ancient Wet’suwet’en trespass laws and an eviction notice first served to CGL in 2020 by the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs.
Employees were granted 8 hours to peacefully evacuate the area, before the main road into the Lhudis Bin territory of the Gidimt’en clan was closed.
Sleydo’, Gidimt’en spokesperson, commented on the eviction enforcement:
The Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs have never ceded, surrendered, or lost in war, title to this territory. That means that what they say goes. The eviction order from January 4th, 2020 says that CGL has to remove themselves from the territory and not return. They have been violating this law for too long.
Yesterday also marked Day 50 of the establishment of Coyote Camp, where Gidimt’en members, under the direction of Chief Woos, have reoccupied Cas Yikh territory and successfully blocked Coastal GasLink’s efforts to drill beneath Wet’suwet’en Headwaters.