Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information

Anti-Canada 150 Poster Pack

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Jun 162017

From It’s Going Down

As Canada spends half a billion dollars to celebrate its 150th year of land theft and colonial violence, Indigenous communities across Canada remain without access to clean water and endure acute poverty. Indigenous territories remain coveted by extractive industries and multinational corporations, who receive physical support from the RCMP and other agencies to forcibly steal and contaminate unceded Indigenous lands. From Oka to Elsipogtog, Canadian history shows us that Indigenous people who stand up to protect their homelands from destruction are frequently met with military force.

To combat this obnoxious spike of nationalism in our communities…
To challenge and educate our neighbours as they prepare to celebrate…
To own this country’s streets, by speaking its appalling truth…

Print out a stack of these posters (maybe 150 of them?) and plaster them throughout your community.

Or make your own.

The phrase “Canada 150 is a Celebration of Indigenous Genocide” comes from Pam Palmater’s article.

Let’s make sure Canadians know what they are celebrating.