Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information
Montréal Contre-information


G7: Statement of the Popular Expression Zone

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Jun 152018

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

8 June 2018, so-called Quebec

Faced with the hideous deployment of the security apparatus put in place during the G7, we decided to organize among friends and block the Dufferin-Montmorency expressway ourselves. We clearly saw that the gatherings and other actions called by the RRAG7, the CLAC and others had no chance of allowing us to experience something seriously enjoyable, and all that needs to be said is we didn’t want to stay discouraged while our neighborhoods were stormed by the cops.

Euphoric, we placed couches in the intersection and furnished the space with banners, laughter, and songs. Comrades put their bodies between the riot police and the space we named Popular Expression Zone for the occasion  to allow us to enjoy ourselves a bit longer. Then we set the living room on fire and left in a demo into the city.

Life, or nothing…

The media, hypnotized by the couches in flames, chose not to relay the communiqué of the Public Space Brigade (BEP). So we decided to share it here:

Public Space Brigade: Don’t panic, everything is under control

That’s the problem.

Even the possibility of criticizing the state is regulated by the cops and fences. Walled-off free speech zones, demonstrations permitted as long as they bother no one. The world has been stolen from us, even the possibility of putting it in question. And quietly people stay in their place, in front of the TV, listening to the radio, suspended in front of screens.

Every year it’s the same theatre piece that is replayed: everyone is there, at their post. The dictatorship of orders reaches its peak, and the peoples try as well as they can to demonstrate an organized opposition to this spectacle.

While we’re battered with messages of fear with respect to possible rises in tension between police and protesters, the politicians discussing security and repression, colonization and oil extraction, war and hatred of migants, exploitation of works and deregulation, have it easy. The question of violence must be posed on a different level.

This popular expression zone is on the opposite end of this buffoonery, this desert you call the G7. It’s the reappropriation from the bottom, from the street, of our lives and our bodies, the relearning of territory and of the freedom to take action against the misery of this rotten system.

Here, we stop the old world. Here, we carve our own in the cracks of its declining power. Here is now – life.

Endorsement and call for an antifascist contingent: Status For All March (16/06/2018)

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Jun 152018

From Montréal-Antifasciste

Since 2004, our comrades from Solidarity Across Borders have organized an annual “Status For All” march to demand an end to all deportations and detentions, as well as to support open borders, regularization for all immigrants and refugees, and the creation of a real “solidarity city” in Montreal.

As antifascists, we wholeheartedly support these demands – we reject all colonial and imperialist borders, and want all migrants crossing them to be treated with respect and dignity. We hold dear the cause of migrant justice, especially in our current political climate of a rising far right, and of increasing normalization of anti-immigrant and islamophobic rhetoric in our mainstream political parties and media. In this context, it is more important than ever for us to have a large presence in the fight for migrant justice, in Montreal and elsewhere.

Montréal Antifasciste endorses the Status For All march, and would like to participate concretely by calling for an antifascist contingent. As usual, we invite all comrades to join us behind the Montréal Antifasciste banner!

Event information:

“Open The Borders! Status For All!”
Demonstration and March
Saturday, June 16 at 2pm
Place de la Gare Jean-Talon (métro Parc)
Corner of Hutchison/Ogilvy.

This is a family-friendly event.

Facebook event:

Antifascist Action at the Quebec/US Border

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Jun 152018

From It’s Going Down

June 3rd, 2018 – Faith Goldy had called a rally at the Roxham border (U.S/ Quebec) attracting roughly 100 far-right groups and individuals from Ontario and Quebec, as well as a few stragglers from as far away as Alberta and Nova Scotia. This is the first time this sort of collusion between provincial groups has ever been observed at the border here.

Faith Goldy is currently one of Canada’s most prominent far-Right internet personalities. She appeals to both populist forces concerned primarily about “illegal immigration” and “the Muslim threat,” as well as to actual fascists and neo-Nazis. Not only has she not eschewed the latter, she has made a point of pandering to them, i.e. repeating and defending the 14 words (a neo-Nazi slogan), joking with people from the Daily Stormer in Charlottesville, and being an avid defender of “identitarianism” in Canada, including promoting the Alt-Right Identity Canada group. More on Goldy here.

Goldy’s fame spiked in far-Right circles recently, when she filmed herself being spat on and ejected from an antifascist counter protest at the Quebec/U.S. border at Lacolle a few weeks earlier. Many who had never heard of her before, especially within the Quebec far right, took notice, and the June 3 rally suddenly took on greater importance for their forces.

Those who showed up on the 3rd represented Goldy’s range of appeal. There were members of the Proud Boys from Ontario, along with other far-Right internet media warriors, such as Ronny Cameron (self-described “white nationalist” and supporter of the Alt-Right), Alex Van Hamme (Free Bird Media), and Georges Massaad (The Phalange Media). The bulk of those who attended the rally were from Quebec, though. Despite the fact that Goldy had essentially snubbed Quebec organizers, not responding to overtures from Dave Tregget and Sylvain Lacroix, and that her call for “patriots” to bring Red Ensign flags alienated some Quebec nationalists, there was a significant showing of individuals associated with Storm Alliance, Atalante, la Meute, and even the Front Patriotique du Quebec (which had officially disassociated itself from the rally due to the sensitive “red ensign” issue).

In her promo videos, Goldy had asked attendees to be on their “best behavior” but she certainly did not object to Threepers showing up at the Fisher and Roxham Rd intersection, dressed in full tactical gear, to patrol the area. The suggested violence is not lost on observers, the intersection looked more like a militarized zone than a pro-borders demo. But, that’s just the thing–the very presence of far-Right demonstrators and known neo-Nazis is violent. Their fetishized need to patrol settler borders on stolen Indigenous lands reveals them for the white supremacists that they are and the infrastructures of white supremacy they uphold (i.e. borders, anti-migrant legislation, detention centers, safe third-country agreement).

In the past, anti-fascists have publicly called counter-demos. We are often pushed out of the way by SQ riot cops in order to make way for far-Right groups. This time, we made no public call out. Instead, we waited to position ourselves at a strategically advantageous point along Roxham Rd and proceeded to set-up a highway blockade. Our numbers were small, we intentionally chose to be so. Our objective was to concretely disrupt their demo for as long as possible. This was an experiment, one that we are still evaluating.

Solidarity with all migrants crossing borders. Solidarity with all those detained in immigrant detention centers. Solidarity with all Indigenous folks leading the ongoing resistance against the settler colonial states and their borders.

Faith Goldy’s Racist Pals

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Jun 072018

From subMedia

Alt-Right blogger Faith Goldy, called for a demo at Roxham Road, a site where migrants cross irregularly into Canada to escape Trump’s America. While claiming that she and her friends are simply against “illegal immigration”, this video reveals the racist and white supremacist character of many of those who attended Goldy’s march.

On June 8th, stop the G7!

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Jun 052018

From the RRAG7

Friday, June 8, 2018 – 07:30
Corner of the François-de-Laval and Sainte-Anne boulevards

For the beginning of the G7 Summit, the elites of the world will gather in La Malbaie, isolated in their ivory tower protected by more than half a billion in security costs. They might as well stay there! Everyone in the world will be better off without them and that is why we intend to cut ties with the people creating our misery. Come join us!

Meet us at 7:30AM SHARP in the parking lot of the Normandin on the corner of the François-De Laval and Sainte-Anne boulevards, in the Beauport borough, 5km northeast of downtown Quebec City.


June 7th Protest: Mass demonstration against the G7 and to open the borders!

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Jun 052018

From the RRAG7

  • June 7th, 2018, 6 P.M. at Parc des Braves (750 ch. Sainte-Foy, Qc City)
  • Mass demonstration against the G7 and to open the borders!
  • Down with capitalist exploitation, colonialism, and racist and sexist politics!

The heads of state of the seven most powerful imperialist and colonialist countries will gather on June 8th and 9th as part of the G7 Summit that will take place at the Manoir Richelieu in La Malbaie. It’s a special occasion for the global elite to celebrate their dominance of the capitalist economy in style. While they claim to be discussing economic growth, job creation, gender equality, and climate change, in reality G7 meetings are key to the process of organizing the global economy in favour of banks and the oil, agricultural, pharmaceutical, tech, and weapons industries.

The West exploits the labour and wealth of Southern countries, causing poverty, environmental destruction, wars, and forced displacement, yet the countries of the G7 feign surprise at the “migrant crisis” taking place. These countries, which have completely destroyed people’s ways of life in order to enrich a tiny minority, are closing their borders, creating a Western “fortress.” In order to gain the public’s support for these policies, they drum up a fear of the Other, supported by the media, through a discourse that strengthens racism and the far-right. At the same time, the governments of the G7 implement austerity measures that worsen working conditions and force the unemployed to sell their labour to respond to the “needs of the market.”

Let’s show them we’ll do whatever it takes to fight this unjust system! The colonialist and patriarchal Canadian state is building fences on unceded indigenous land to allow the G7 leaders to meet in La Malbaie, just as it has imposed borders on indigenous communities and divided up their territory for more than 500 years. Don’t let this happen! Let’s respond to fear and their system with struggle, dignity, and solidarity between people!

On June 7th, join us for a festive mass demonstration against the G7, capitalism, patriarchy, colonialism, racism, and borders! Let’s speak out against the environmental destruction caused by the relentless exploitation of natural resources! Because our world can and must be better for everyone who lives in it and for generations to come!

Groups that want to endorse the call must write to:

Organized by:

Facebook page for the event:

Route of the June 7th protest:

Groups endorsing the protest:

  1. AmiEs de la Terre de Québec
  2. Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de science politique de l’UQAM (AECSSP)
  3. Association of McGill University Support Employees (AMUSE) / Syndicat des employé-e-s occasionnel-le-s de l’Université McGill
  4. Association pour la défense des droits sociaux Québec métropolitain (ADDS QM)
  5. Centre d’entraide Émotions
  6. Centre-Femme aux Plurielles
  7. Centre-Femmes La Jardilec
  8. Centre femmes d’aujourd’hui
  9. CKUT Radio-McGill
  10. Collectif anarchiste Emma Goldman
  11. Collectif opposé à la brutalité policière (COBP)
  12. Collectif d’éducation et de diffusion anarcho-syndicaliste // Anarcho-syndicalist collective for education and diffusion
  13. Comité des citoyens et des citoyennes du quartier Saint-Sauveur
  14. Comité B.A.I.L.S de Hochelaga-Maisonneuve
  15. Comité logement du Plateau Mont-Royal
  16. Comité populaire Saint-Jean-Baptiste
  17. Comité pour les droits humains en Amérique latine (CDHAL)
  18. Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes (CLAC-Montréal)
  19. Corporation pour la défense des droits sociaux (CDDS) de Lotbinière
  20. Droit de parole
  21. Eau Secours
  22. Front d’action populaire en réaménagement urbain (FRAPRU)
  23. Hoodstock
  24. IWW/SITT Québec
  25. L’R des centres de femmes du Québec
  26. Les Alter Citoyens
  27. Les AmiEs de la Terre de Québe
  28. Ligue internationale de la lutte des peuples
  29. Maison des Femmes de Québec
  30. Mandragore
  31. Midnight Kitchen Collective
  32. Montreal-antifasciste
  33. Montréal-Nord Républik (M-NR)
  34. Mouvement d’éducation populaire autonome de Lanaudière (MÉPAL)
  35. Mouvement d’éducation populaire et d’action communautaire du Québec (MÉPACQ)
  36. Ni Québec, ni Canada: projet anticolonial
  37. POPIR-Comité logement
  38. Projet Accompagnement et Solidarité Colombie (PASC)
  39. Regroupement d’éducation populaire de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue (RÉPAT)
  40. Regroupement d’éducation populaire en action communautaire des régions de Québec et Chaudière-Appalaches (RÉPAC 03-12)
  41. Regroupement des femmes sans emploi du nord de Québec (ROSE du Nord)
  42. Regroupement des groupes de femmes de la région de la Capitale-Nationale (Québec-Portneuf-Charlevoix)
  43. Regroupement des organismes communautaires de la région de Québec (ROC 03)
  44. Regroupement intersectoriel des organismes communautaires de Montréal
  45. Réseau de résistance anti-G7 (RRAG7)
  46. Réseau du Forum Social Québec-Chaudière-Appalaches
  47. Regroupement des organismes d’éducation populaire autonome de la Mauricie (ROÉPAM)
  48. Solidarité Sans Frontières
  49. Table régionale des organismes volontaires d’éducation populaire (TROVEP) de Montréal
  50. Table ronde des organismes volontaires d’éducation populaire autonome de l’Estrie (TROVEP)
  51. Tadamon
  52. Union des Africains du Québec et amis solidaires de l’Afrique

Beyond Support: Update on Locke St Defendants and a Proposal for Beginning to Organize Solidarity

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Jun 052018

From North Shore Counter-Info

Before giving updates on the Locke St defendants, it’s worth taking a moment to put things in their context and to remember that these seven people are accused of participating in a struggle against gentrification in the city. This struggle has taken countless different forms over the years, from mass meetings, to stickers and posters, to broad-based organizing, to counter-demonstrations and pressure campaigns. The reason so many people have chosen to dedicate their energy to this issue for so long is that it’s one of vital importance — people are losing their homes at an ever–increasing rate as housing is treated more as a commodity or investment than as a basic need that everyone deserves to have met.

The broad, vague charges brought against these defendants are a way of silencing the increasingly urgent voices speaking and acting out against this attack on our ability to live in this city with dignity. The message of the police and legal system here is that there is no circumstance in which our deteriorating living conditions would ever justify any threat to property. And yet for over a decade developers, speculators, and their boosters have been easily able to ignore all opposition behind a wall of feel-good platitudes about renewal and culture. To now approach the struggle against gentrification as simply a matter of crime is an attempt to strip it of its content, concealing the larger struggle between the class that profits from rising housing prices and those who are displaced.

When dealing with the hugely disproportionate violence of the state, it can be easy for us to lose track of these larger issues. Yes, we’re opposed to all forms of political repression, and we also don’t see that repression as separate from all the ways the police and government protect those who benefit from gentrification (business owners, landlords, investors) at the expense of those who don’t. Yes, we will support these defendants in beating their charges and getting through the incarceration and bail conditions they will have to endure in the meantime, but we will also keep finding ways to act against the dominant interests in this city. We can’t let ourselves be so swallowed by the support work that we give the rich a break.

In terms of support though, the three people who were wanted by police turned themselves in last night (Sunday, June 3), and were released on bail today. The person who fought her conditions and stayed in over the weekend has also been released without the particular conditions she had refused. The person from Montreal will be up for his hearing tomorrow morning, and we are hopeful he will be released on consent and allowed to return to Montreal. More updates on his situation tomorrow. So far, all the recent arrestees are able to remain in their homes without having to deal with house arrest.

Although personal and financial support for the defendants remains important ( for the Hamilton Community Defence Fund), a case of this importance requires solidarity that goes further than that. In the next week or so, we would like to encourage you to bring people together in your town to talk about issues of repression and gentrification, to talk about the details of this case and how it’s relevant to you elsewhere in the territory controlled by the Canadian state, and to clarify your basis of support for those accused. This might be a useful step in preparing to act in solidarity over the long term as this case drags on.

To help get discussions going, we’ve compiled a hastily laid-out zine of various texts that have circulated about the Locke St actions and these charges to far that can be downloaded here: And if you do decide to organize an event, if it’s public, consider posting on North Shore Counter Info’s events listing so others can find out about it:

Regardless of innocence or guilt, solidarity with the Locke St defendants and let’s keep pushing back against the power of capitalists.

New Arrests in Hamilton and Montreal: Updates and Call for Support

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Jun 022018

From Hamilton Anarchist Support

We write this just to give a quick update on the rapidly changing situation in Hamilton (traditional territory of the Chonnonton, Anishinabeg, and Haudenosaunee peoples). Since yesterday, May 31 2018, three more people have been arrested in connection to the so-called Locke St riot: one was picked up by the SPVM in Montreal and was flown to Hamilton, where they are in custody awaiting a bail hearing, and the other two were arrested in Hamilton. One of these people is already out on bail and another will appear again on Monday. Further, the police released an additional three names of people against whom they have laid charges and are seeking to arrest. Charges against all six include mischief against property, unlawful assembly while masked, and variations of conspiracy and counseling to commit those things.

As anarchists, we want to be clear that we oppose all acts of repression aimed at those who resist oppression and exploitation. Police and prisons do nothing to address the fundamental injustices of this society and locking people in cages is a horrible thing to do. These systems continue to value property over people’s bodies. Solidarity to all those accused, regardless of their charges, and we call on everyone to show their support for these six people.

This is a large number of charges and a huge burden on our material and emotional resources. Our priority right now is getting everyone out on bail, which has so far been costing about $2000 per person (because justice, right?). We hate to be asking for donations again so soon, but the backlash against anarchists and their projects in Hamilton just keeps going on and we’re pretty tapped out. If you can, please make a donation at and encourage your friends and comrades to as well.

We’ll keep posting updates as they appear. Check out as well for a good source of up to date information about events and conversations in the region.

That said, we’re a pretty determined bunch and aren’t going to abandon our ideas or projects in the face of these attacks by the state. Of course, seeing your friends get arrested is scary, but watching people pull together to organize and defend each other and seeing how those charged hold themselves with courage and integrity is a powerful reminder of our individual and collective strength.

New Anarchist Podcast “From Embers”

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Jun 022018

From North Shore Counter-Info

From Embers is a new anarchist podcast out of Kingston, Ontario. A few times a month, we post episodes about actions and projects going on in so-called Canada that inspire us, or about topics that we think will be relevant to anarchists living north of the border.

The Canadian state and especially it’s smiling backstreet boy of a leader gains its credibility and legitimacy increasingly by differentiating itself from the raving neo-fascist to the South. At the same time, the Canada-US border is becoming increasingly surveilled and fortified. In this rapidly shifting context, we hope it will prove useful to create a space for conversation about anti-state politics on this side of the made-up colonial line that traverses the 49th parallel. We have particular enemies here, in the form of smooth-talking liberal politicians and a far right whose rage is fueled as much by distaste for the liberal talk of our acting government as by inspiration from south of the border. We are also challenged by strong and increasingly popular mythologies about peace, love and “reconciliation” that mask the brutal reality of the Canadian state and its colonial history. We hope that making space for this border-defined specificity will strengthen our ability to take on borders, rather than reify them.

From Embers broadcasts weekly from 8-9 PM on Kingston’s campus-community radio station, CFRC 101.9 FM. A similar but fine-tuned-for-the internet-audience version is also available via most major podcatching applications or in your browser at

If you’re an anarchist in so-called Canada and you’d like to propose or contribute content or make yourself available for an interview, get in touch! Because we’re also on community radio here in Kingston, we’re especially interested in content that might be relevant (or at least intelligible) to anarchist as well as non-anarchist audiences. If you have feedback or questions about our show or any of our content, you can reach us at fromembers [at] riseup [dot] net

Faith Goldy: Innocent “Journalist” or pro-Nazi Propagandist?

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Jun 012018

From Montréal-Antifasciste

On May 19, anti-immigrant protesters descended on the U.S./Canada border following a call by Storm Alliance, one of Quebec’s main far right organizations. Due to the Safe Third Country Agreement between the Canadian and U.S. governments, over the past 18 months the border in Quebec, especially at Roxham Road near Hemmingford, has become a major crossing for refugees fleeing the Trump regime. One consequence of this is the far right seeking to turn this human drama into a political flashpoint from which to profit. This was the third time that Storm Alliance had mobilized to the border in this way, and the third time antifascists and antiracists from Hemmingford, Montréal, and the Eastern Townships mobilized to counter them.

Between one and two hundred showed up on each side on the 19th. As has happened previously, the antiracist forces successfully secured Roxham Road, to ensure that the people crossing would not have to deal with a racist mob. There were workshops, children’s activities, and an overall festive and “chill” atmosphere there, with support of people from the area.

Given the strong antiracist presence at Roxham Road, Storm Alliance once again switched their plans to a fallback position at the nearby “official” border crossing at St Bernard de Lacolle. In order to mount a counterpresence there, antiracist forces needed to divide themselves. St Bernard de Lacolle is much more difficult terrain for our side, partly due to the highly policed and militarized nature of an official border crossing, with law enforcement clearly operating to support the far right forces (who had acquired a permit, and who have been consciously cultivating this friendly relationship with the police for over a year now). Police prevented antiracists from blocking Storm Alliance, and allowed the latter to gather and demonstrate directly in front of the buildings where refugees were being held after having crossed at Roxham. Despite the fact that the primary objective – Roxham Road – remained impervious to the far right, people on our side who attempted to also counter them at Lacolle were left feeling deflated and discouraged by the end of the day.

It was in the context of the day’s events, though – both at Roxham Road and Lacolle – that we became aware of a new figure seeking to exploit the border situation for their own political capital…

Faith Goldy, Far Right Wannabe-Superstar

Faith Julia Goldy-Bazos, more widely known as Faith Goldy, describes herself as a “Catholic Nationalist for Christ the King & Country.” In fact, she is one of Canada’s most prominent white nationalist internet personalities.

On May 19, she traveled from Toronto to the Hemmingford/Lacolle area; she claims she was there to report on the antiracist presence, perhaps as hype leading up to her own anti-immigrant protest she had already planned for June 3rd (more on this below). She first went to Roxham Road, where she was rebuffed by the antiracists, at which point she was apparently informed by police that an anti-immigrant protest would be occurring at Lacolle(which is only 15 minutes away). Making her way there, she however arrived a bit too early, and instead got a nice greeting from the antifascists who had gathered at that location in the hopes of blocking Storm Alliance.

Goldy, an inveterate self-promoter and internet personality, livestreamed this encounter. The video, which shows her being ejected from the demonstration, subsequently went viral in far right networks, the theme of an “innocent” middle class white woman being “assaulted” by antifascists (of different genders) resonating strongly in anti-immigrant and right-wing milieux.

All of which also made us wonder: Who is this creep? Where is she coming from politically? What are her connections? What are her plans?

So Who Is This Scumbag?

Since 2015, Goldy became well-known as the host of “On the Hunt With Faith Goldy,” a video report on Ezra Levant’s far-right zionist Rebel Media website. Typical shows had themes like, “While migrants rape their way across the continent, where are Europe’s men?” (January 29, 2016), or “Trudeau teams with Soros on refugee scheme” (December 15, 2016). It was Goldy who promoted various conspiracy theories about the massacre at the Quebec City mosque in January 2017, continuing to spread misinformation long after it had been debunked by mainstream media outlets. Later that year, she accompanied Proud Boys founder (and at the time her colleague at Rebel Media) Gavin McInnes to the West Bank, where she called for a “crusade” to “reclaim” (i.e. ethnically cleanse) Bethlehem, also tweeting selfies of herself posing in a “deus vult” hoodie emblazoned with the crusaders’ cross, with the caption “in hoc signo vinces” (“in this sign you shall conquer”).

A complete catalogue of Goldy’s racist, Islamophobic, and sexist bullshit, would require a stronger stomach to compile than we have (though you can see some more examples here). As time went on, Goldy only became more outspoken, championing views that were noxious even to a fellow-racist like her boss Ezra Levant. While Rebel Media was ok with her devoting a show to “white genocide” in June 2017, things came to a head in August as Goldy traveled to Charlottesville, VA, to report on the racist protests and antifascist counterprotests as a “journalist” embedded within the far right. As the Winnipeg Free Press reported in the wake of the clashes, “In the course of her dispatches, Goldy argued the events in Charlottesville were evidence of a ‘rising white racial consciousness’ that was going to change the political landscape in America. She also went to great lengths to laud the 20-point ‘meta-political manifesto’ composed by white nationalist leader Richard Spencer, a document that included calls to organize states along ethnic and racial divides and celebrates the superiority of ‘White America.’ Goldy described Spencer’s manifesto as ‘robust’ and ‘well thought-out.’”

It was the backlash against her sympathetic interview with Robert “Azzmador” Ray of the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer – during which the two can be heard basically agreeing with each other about everything, in what can only be regarded as an exercise in mutual admiration – while in Charlottesville that led to her termination at Rebel Media. At one point in the interview, Ray (who was filmed chanting “gas the k*kes” throughout that weekend) asks Goldy some light-hearted questions about her employer’s Jewishness:

Azzmador: And I just had one question for you, and my listeners would not forgive me if I didn’t ask you it.

Faith Goldy: Oh, I’m waiting for it, baby.

Azzmador: Okay, it’s an easy one.

Goldy: Yeah.

Azzmador: Have you ever seen Ezra Levant mix meat and dairy?

Goldy: [laughs] I’ll tell you that if you — and this is something that he agrees with — if you ever offer him free bacon, it’s free — free bacon — anyway…


Goldy: No, I think he keeps kosher, but I don’t know. But I will say this: Ezra Levant knows where I stand on a lot of issues, and he has afforded me a tremendous amount of freedom.

She was fired shortly thereafter.

Since parting ways with Rebel Media, Goldy has attempted to make a career for herself as a white nationalist Internet personality, doing nothing really but network with other far right Internet figures, generally appearing on their YouTube shows. In December 2017, she was interviewed by alt-right youtuber Colin Robertson (“Millennial Woes”), during which she recited the white supremacist fourteen words (“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”), stating that she did not believe doing so should be seen as controversial. On the neo-Nazi Red Ice show, for instance, as detailed by the AWM blog, she has claimed that “racist” is a “term of oppression” used against whites, that white Canadians are victims of systemic oppression, while also returning to the subject of defending her use of the “fourteen words”. In an interview earlier this year with white supremacist YouTube blogger Ayla Stewart, Goldy recommended the book For My Legionaries, by Corneliu Codreanu, who led the Romanian Iron Guard, a fascist movement every bit as bloody and anti-Semitic as the German Nazis. (When it was subsequently pointed out that For My Legionaries includes calls to eliminate “the Jewish menace, ”Goldy backtracked slightly, tweeting “It’s now come to my attention that there is a disturbing line later in that book and I wish to state for the record: I do not endorse it.”) She regularly shares social media posts from European far right groups such as Red Ice and Generation Identity, as well as videos of herself hammering on the theme of white people becoming a minority facing genocide around the world.

Within Canada, Goldy has continued to work with other strains of the far right. In early March, she filmed herself disrupting an antiracist presentation by Michael Capello at Trent University, “It’s Okay to be (Against) White(ness).” More recently, Goldy participated in the tiny protest against the White Privilege Conference Global (WPC Global) held at Ryerson University in Toronto, where she stood alongside members of the Sons of Odin, the Soldiers of Odin, and similar groups. While there, she was interviewed by white supremacist Ronny Cameron, to whom she explained why she favors racism, or as she puts it, “in-group preference,” “which is actually psychologically, sociologically, natural.You see it in birds, you see it in humans. Europeans, through the Enlightenment, and the cancerous thought that came therein, had that bred out of them, and now they’re being preyed on…”

On March 20, Lindsay Shepherd’s Society for Open Inquiry at Laurier University – one of a number of campus groups which promote racist and transphobic organizing under the guise of  “freedom of speech” – attempted to organize a speaking event with Goldy, which was cancelled when someone made the correct move to pull the fire alarm (literally). A month later, on April 30th, the same group tried to hold another Goldy talk – this time with Ricardo Duchesne, a University of New Brunswick sociology professor and perhaps Canada’s most important white nationalist intellectual – at the University of Waterloo, but that one was cancelled when the university tried to get the organizers to pay over $28,000 for security. So instead, Goldy spent April 30th making her first livestreaming trip to  Hemmingford, Quebec, where she tweeted a series of photos of refugees crossing Roxham Road into Canada, along with herself denouncing the entry of so many people – as she put it,“Maybe we should look after our own before becoming the battered women’s shelter and boarding house for the world.” (Staying classy, huh, Faith?)

Following up on her April 30 visit to the border, Goldy announced that she would be organizing buses to bring protesters to Roxham Road on June 3rd. As the rally’s Facebook event page explains:


Since PM Trudeau sent out his #WelcomeToCanada tweet to the world, over 50,000 illegals have entered Canada.

Of those who have illegally entered, over 20,000 have done so by foot across Canada’s southern border, which has been erased without a democratic mandate.


With this, RCMP officers would be relieved of their bellhop duties and CBSA could get to work turning away illegal migrants.

Goldy subsequently returned to the border on May 19, to great hilarity, as detailed above. The video she shot of herself being spat on and having her camera knocked greatly increased the profile of her June 3rd plans, including within the local far right.

Goldy had called her demonstration at Roxham Road without consulting with the Quebec racists who have organized similar protests in the Hemingford/Lacolle area repeatedly since early 2017. Despite this, individuals from the Quebec far right have reached out online, indicating that they would be willing to work with her and coordinate a bus from Montréal as well. This includes those who were in charge of security at the May 19 rally at the nearby Lacolle border crossing, most notably Sylvain Lacroix (formerly of the Front patriotique du Québec, which he left following a bad breakup with FPQ official Marie-Elaine Boucher). At the same time, Maxime Morin and Guillaume Beauchamp of the far right video channel DMS, came out with a video targeting certain members of the Montréal far left for harassment, claiming they were involved in the alleged “assault” on Goldy. Goldy has promoted this video, which is no surprise, even though DMS’s support for outright neonazis, and participation in the leaked neo-Nazi “Montréal Storm” Discord logs, have been well-documented.

Goldy is significantly more brazen in her racism and her affinities with neonazis than most Storm Alliance or FPQ spokespeople. However, over the past year, we have witnessed an incredible amount of openness, and even enthusiasm, from anti-immigrant activists in Quebec, to work with even hardcore fascist and neonazi elements. Racists, fascists, and neonazis, have repeatedly (i.e. Sept. 30, Nov. 25, 2017) marched alongside Storm Alliance, despite the latter’s protestations that they are not really racist. As such, an alliance with someone of Goldy’s ilk is certainly possible.

Goldy, like the Storm Alliance, is exploiting the situation at Roxham Road to further her white supremacist “Catholic nationalist” political agenda. Thousands of people are indeed crossing as the Quebec Bar Association has pointed out, “illegal immigrant” is not a legal category. There are two main reasons for these crossings, which do indeed make for sensational headlines, and provide an opportunity for the far right to peddle its toxic wares. The first reason is that the Trump Administration in the United States is abolishing legal protectionsthat have allowed people fleeing dangerous situations to live in the United States for years now. The second reason is Canada’s hypocritical “Safe Third Country Agreement” with the U.S., which obliges people who wish to receive refugee status here to cross irregularly rather than at official border crossings.

Referring to these people as “illegal immigrants” is a verbal trick to imply that refugees are doing something wrong or are in fact criminals. It is not the migrants entering Canada who represent the crisis, but rather the racist policies of governments on both sides of the border – and of far right activists like Faith Goldy and the Storm Alliance scum – which seek to make these people’s lives as insecure and precarious as possible.