Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
Over a hundred supporters of Wet’suwet’en land defenders blocked the CP rail train tracks in the Mile End neighbourhood of Montreal for nearly two hours, following the RCMP raid of Gidimt’en camp, criminalizing the Wet’suwet’en in their long struggle against the Coastal Gaslink pipeline. While apocalyptic flooding has devastated the lower mainland, taking out highways and rail lines, and isolating whole cities, the RCMP trespassed onto Wet’suwet’en territory equipped with K9 units, bulldozers, and assault rifles, and arrested land defenders, elders, supporters, and journalists.
We are answering the call from the Wet’suwet’en land defenders for solidarity actions. We support their struggle to defend their lands from destructive fossil fuel megaprojects, and we won’t stand by as the RCMP criminalize Indigenous people for asserting sovereignty in their territories.
This is just one of many solidarity blockades that have been happening from coast to coast. The situation out west is urgent, with CGL preparing to drill under Wedzin Kwa, the river that provides fresh water to the entire Wet’suwet’en territory and far beyond. Participation in economic disruption by settlers is a necessary part of the broad resistance required to force the government and the company to back down.
Just days ago, at the Gidimt’en camp, the RCMP arrested at least 30 people, including the spokesperson Sleydo’, and cut communications from the camp. Sleydo’ said before her arrest, “The Wet’suwet’en people, under the governance of their hereditary Chiefs, are standing in the way of the largest fracking project in Canadian history.”