Submission Guidelines
- We accept content that shares perspectives and intentions with Montreal Counter-info.
- Examples of contributions are communiques, editorials, report-backs, interviews, documentaries, flyers, posters, publications, images of banners and graffiti, etc.
- If your submission is a re-post of an article from elsewhere or not specific to Montreal, please include an introduction of a couple lines or more that explains its particular relevance for our local context.
- Please limit linking to or re-posting from corporate media; if a comrade / movement source is unavailable please provide some analysis.
- Please spell and grammar check articles and be intentional with HTML formatting.
- Our server has taken several steps to help ensure privacy, security, and anonymity. However this is not foolproof.
- Please do not share anything that directly or indirectly incriminates individuals. We don’t want to know who did what.
- Consider removing identifying information (metadata) from your files with the Metadata Cleaner on Tails before sending. To read more about good digitial security/anonymity practices, see Privacy & Security. Also, see How to safely submit communiques to
- We now have a pgp key to use for encrypted communication, for those of you who may wish to use it. Click here (.asc file) to download it. Keep your subject header blank – it won’t be encrypted. Obviously, we still receive unencrypted email.
- Please try to submit French and English versions of content, to reduce our translation workload.
Refused submissions are listed here.