Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
Good news!
Some USA and Canada anarcho-syndicalists are working together on an online and paper journal project called :
Anarchist Union Journal.
In the USA, some of us are part of the propaganda group called Workers Solidarity Alliance, some are not. In Canada, some are part of the new Quebec ‘Friends of the IWA’ circle.
We are joining together in this project to facilitate the creation of an International Workers Association union federation in both Canada and USA.
Want to learn more about us? See the text just below!
Please subscribe to our social media accounts and visit our website.
About us Anarchist Union Journal is a free Canadian/USA anarcho-syndicalist online and paper aperiodical publication.
How we are organized? We have two types of online meetings : 1) larger meetings that happen twice a year; and 2) the coordinating committee meetings that happen every two weeks or so. Coordinating committee participants are there voluntarily and need to have a certain level of involvement.
Who can participate to the journal? There are no dues, nor fees to participate, there is no membership. Participation is open to whoever agrees with the journal’s goals or is interested in learning more about them with some help. We don’t favor voting, we prefer consensus, which means discussion until an agreement is reached.
Aim of the journal The journal’s goal is to build an anarchist union movement by spreading working-class news in USA and Canada. We work to facilitate, in both countries, the creation of free unions that would follow the principles of the International Workers Association (IWA) and affiliate to it.
What are the IWA principles? Following the IWA principles means creating a working-class federation of community and workplace unions that organises direct actions against capitalism and the State while building the autonomy and empowerment of the working-class and oppressed. IWA unions also fight against all political parties, electoralism and integration in the State’s industrial relation structures. They also have a clear goal of breaking away with established oppressions of the State and capitalism and therefore actively educate people in favor of communist anarchism as a solution for collective emancipation.
What can be published in the journal? We love short news about struggles. We also appreciate your individual or collective reflections and experiences. Having live debate is an essential part of a movement! Of course, theoretical texts are welcomed. We’ll however try not to publish too much at the same time. You’re in an IWA union somewhere else in the world? Please keep us updated about your activities and campaigns! Sure we accept a variety of content, but priority will be given to content that follows the IWA principles.
Production of the journal You can contribute with texts of around 500-1000 words. Please attach your article with at least one image (if copyrighted, please get the artist’s autorisation to use their creation!). Here are the accepted file formats for the text: .doc/.docx /.odt/.rtf/ or even pdf. Please send us your article and image in separated files by email at anarchistunionjournal@riseup.net
Next publication The first publication deadline is late September 2023. Shipping of paper copies will be as soon as possible after the online journal is published on the web site.
Can I subscribe to paper copies? You can ask for free paper copies of the journal. Just contact us at our email address: anarchistunionjournal@riseup.net. The shipping of paper copies will always be done as soon as possible after the online journal will be published on the website.
Can a local place become a dropping point? All new request for dropping points can be addressed to us by email. All dropping points will be cited on the website.
Already interested in participating in an anarchist union? Depending on where you’re located, please contact the nearest group below -Cercle des ami.e.s de l’AIT – Québec : IWA-AIT_quebec@riseup.net
How to stay updated? You can follow us on our social media accounts! You can also subscribe on our web site to an email news letter. There’s also an RSS if you have a feed aggregator. (but what is an RSS feed? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS)
Upcoming online events! We’ll have an opened online meeting for our first publication! Contact us by email of with any of our social media in order to join the meeting!