The CAQ has shamefully given in to transphobic organizers and decided to appoint a “committee of wisemen,” who will decide the future of trans and non-binary communities. We demand the immediate dissolution of this committee, because:
This committee is made up exclusively of cis (non-trans) people, who don’t even have academic or outreach experience with trans people. The majority are also known to be affiliated with transphobic groups. All this is based on the presumption that trans and non-binary people are incapable of being “wise,” reasonable, and impartial. We demand the recognition of the lived experiences and academic knowledge of 2SLGBTQ+ communities; we demand our self-determination!
The existence of this committee is intended to legitimize the demands of the right and transphobic far-right. Pandering to their demands, the government has chosen to put all progress for trans communities on pause. It is doing so in defiance of its own institution, ignoring the existence of the Bureau to Combat Homophobia and Transphobia and its action plan. This is not the first time the CAQ has attacked trans communities: we remember Bill 2. We will continue to defend ourselves against this transphobic government!
This committee aims to question the legitimacy of trans people and make us objects of debate in the public discourse. This kind of media framing has always resulted in increased violence and hate crimes against trans and gender non-conforming people. The “trans problem” does not exist: our existence is not up for debate. We will continue to fight for the safety and dignity of trans and non-binary people!
The creation of this committee is part of the international backlash against 2SLGBTQ+ communities. Conservative agitators are mobilizing their base by portraying trans people as a danger to children. Neither gay people, nor drag queens, nor trans people are a danger to youth. Rather, it is authoritarian and intolerant adults who endanger the well-being of children. We will continue to fight for a world in which all children feel free to express themselves and thrive without fear or judgment!
This committee is influenced by a reactionary movement that calls itself feminist, claiming that trans women present a danger to cis women. On the contrary, the liberation of trans women contributes to the liberation of all women. Fighting for bodily autonomy means fighting for access to hormones alongside fighting for access to abortion. We will continue to fight for a world free of patriarchy!
The government behind this committee is the same one attacking our healthcare and education systems. It’s the same government that attacks tenants’ rights. It’s the same government that attacks the religious freedom of minorities and opposes all peace efforts in Palestine. Our aim is to make this struggle one of solidarity, and to create a common front against the authoritarian and reactionary policies of those in power!
We demand trans liberation. In doing so, we aim to build a world that welcomes diversity and defends the right to bodily autonomy. We also want to create a society that supports people in exploring and affirming their gender. We believe that freeing ourselves from the imposition of strict gender binary is beneficial for the whole population, cis and trans alike. We will continue to fight for a world that does not sow discomfort, unease, and hatred, but nurtures joy and euphoria.
We call for a movement against the CAQ and its committee of so-called “wisemen.” We call for self-organization by all those who want to fight transphobia. We invite you to form affinity groups, mobilize your orgs, and create regional committees. Through a diversity of tactics, we will make this government roll back its plans and build a better future for all!
Faced with this “comité de sages,” NOUS NE SERONS PAS SAGES — WE WILL NOT STAY QUIET