Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
Announcing the Counter-Surveillance Resource Center, an online hub for building a culture of resistance against surveillance.
Around the world, anarchists and other rebels are subject to surveillance due to our activities. Surveillance can be carried out by state institutions or other actors – for example, private investigators, fascists, mercenaries, and law-abiding citizens. Surveillance can be intended to disrupt our activities, make arrests, secure convictions or worse.
As technologies develop, some surveillance techniques stay the same, while others change to incorporate these emergent technologies. While cops still follow us in the streets and keep records about us in their archives, nowadays cameras are everywhere, drones fly overhead, and DNA forensics are sending many comrades to jail.
We felt there was a lack of collective tools to tackle these issues, so we created a website, the Counter-Surveillance Resource Center (CSRC). Our aim is to gather various resources in one place in order to help anarchists and other rebels fight the surveillance that is carried out against us. We want to encourage international collaboration, and we accept submissions in all languages.
How does one avoid leaving fingerprints and other traces during an action? How can we use computers and phones more safely? What should you do if you suspect that someone is an informant? How might one deal with the psychological consequences of clandestinity? How might one destroy cameras in the street? Is this thing you found on your car a GPS tracker? We want to answer these questions and more.
Feel free to send us submissions, translations or comments. Visit the website at: https://csrc.link