Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
Yesterday in Tiohtia:ke, forty anarchists (and our friends 🙂 ) attacked the buildings of mcgill university. Armed with rudimentary tools, we succeeded in destroying all windows that stood in our way. With the help of hammers, rocks, and glass bottles, we vandalized this symbol of the colonial capitalist system. Within 15 minutes, we smashed over 30 windows on multiple pavillions of the institution, as well as the electronic locks of the administration building. An exam in progress during the protest was cancelled for 350 students. According to a mcgill spokesperson, the damages are estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Two comrades who were momentarily detained by the failed pigs of a private security agency, subcontracted by mcgill, were gloriously de-arrested. The police response was slow and ineffective, the protest led to no arrests or injuries. We dispersed completely before the arrival of the spvm.
Graffitis were left behind denouncing the acquisition of the royal vic hospital (site of unmarked graves) by mcgill for $700 million, and its complicity in the genocide in Palestine. We also denounce the desecration of the tree of peace, planted on the lower field by decolonial activists this summer, as well as the historical complicity of mcgill in psychiatric experimentation on Indigenous children, and the transphobia and racism of mcgill’s administration. For us, mcgill is nothing but a symbol of a colonial and capitalist system, of which we call for the complete destruction.
We encourage our comrades to extend the struggle towards the destruction of all oppressions, and to continue escalating towards revolution.
We’d also like to underscore the categoric refusal of mcgill – and their disdain in the face of student activists’ demands on this subject – to divest from genocide and the military-industrial complex. In a board of governors meeting at the end of the fall 2024 semester, the zionist cronies who sit on said board openly stated that they’d waited until the end of the semester to present the findings from their ‘investigation’ of divestment, when nobody would notice (wishful thinking, deep). In the face of their condecension and their attachment to continuing the genocide, we say: Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable! Our actions last night are in keeping with this line of thought.
Viva Palestina, long live the tree of peace, death to capital and empire, down with colonialism and transphobia, fuck McKill!